/ / "Mirror Stream", Kharkov - the symbol of the first capital of Ukraine

"Mirror Stream", Kharkov - the symbol of the first capital of Ukraine

The Rotunda "Mirror Stream" (Kharkov) is one of thethe main symbols of the first capital of Ukraine, built in 1947 in honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. It is located in a picturesque park on the central street of the city of Sumy, directly opposite the Kharkov Theater of Opera and Ballet.

mirror jet of Kharkiv

What was before

Several centuries ago, this place was locateda city cemetery, in which in 1701 a wooden church was built by Myronios. Later, in its place, built a stone church. As the city grew, its borders moved ever further from this place, and eventually the cemetery was demolished.

The Myrrh-Bearing Church since then many timeswas rebuilt, expanded, the bell tower was built, which was considered the second largest after the Assumption Cathedral in Kharkov. However, after the revolution, when they began to destroy the church, it suffered the same fate: in 1930 it was blown up.

In those years Kharkov was the capital of Ukraine, and on thisplace decided to create a Theater of Music, consisting of a theater, circus and a cinema located in the same building. However, later the capital moved to Kiev, and the plans were not fulfilled, and therefore a trolleybus park was created here.

mirror jet of Kharkiv

"Mirror Stream", Kharkov: history and legends

The beginning of the construction of the "Mirror Stream" is connectedwith 2 legends, each of which is interesting in its own way. One of the legends told by the former employees of the Party Committee of the Party, during the visit of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, N. Khrushchev, in the late 1940s, he had a conversation with the head of the Obkom V. Churaev in a building next to the park. Looking out the window at the congestion of trolleybuses, Khrushchev was surprised by such an unsightly look, which Churayev said.

According to another legend, the reason for constructionwas the love story of the secretary of the Regional Committee V. Churaev and a teacher named Valentina, who lived in Kislovodsk and loved to walk near "Altanka" ("Glass Jet"). The people even used the name "Bakhchichuraevsky Fountain" as a confirmation of this legend.

As a result, it was decided to place inThis place is a square and an arbor-fountain "Mirror Stream" (Kharkov). In the design for the sample was taken "Altanka", located in Kislovodsk. Architect V. Korzh even went to this city to get acquainted with the plan and the object itself (see the photo below).

mirror jet of kharkov photo

AT. Korzh studied the device of the Kislovodsk "Glass Jet" and introduced some changes into the draft. So, "Glass", or "Mirror Stream" (Kharkov) was decorated with a turret in the style of a chapel. And in 1947 the fountain was built by the method of people building (and according to some reports by the forces of German prisoners).

In the 1950s, a swimming pool was located nearby,originally surrounded by a common fence of brick, and later it was made of granite. In 1958 a square was built here, later named Victory Park, in which the alley of the Komsomol heroes who were killed during the war years was opened (now it is moved to another place).

Reconstruction and improvement of the "Mirror Jet"

In order to decorate and maintain in goodthe state of the main symbol of the city and the square, and the gazebo-fountain itself was reconstructed several times. This place was always surrounded by the people's love of ordinary citizens and the attention of the "fathers" of the city.

One of the reconstructions was done in 2007., when the fountain was improved in the park: new nozzles (137 pieces) and floodlights for night lights were installed, as well as installations for the creation of artificial fog. The bowl was lined with tiles and marble, the capacity of the Mirror Jet fountain (Kharkov), a photo of which can be seen below, now amounts to 350 tons of water.

mirror jet history of harkov

Was also improved and the "jet" itself, which with an effective mirror cloth pours into the lower pool, located under the gazebo, and under it are beautiful flower beds with flowers.

The last reconstruction of the park took place in 2015 after the completion of the construction of the new Myrrhonositsa church, which is erected behind the fountain and gazebo.

Interesting Facts

"Mirror Stream" (Kharkov) for many yearsis considered the main symbol of the city. Its image is even used to create a package of candies with the same name, which are produced by the Kharkov biscuit factory since the 1980s.

The symbol of Kharkov is very fond of the newlyweds, whothe day of the wedding must come here for the photo session. Also lovers consider it a good sign to come here at night to make wishes, while standing above the stream under the dome of the rotunda.

fountain mirror jet Kharkov

"Mirror Stream" (Kharkov) is still, likemany years in a row, serves as a resting place for Kharkiv citizens who come here with children, friends and loved ones to admire the game of water in colorful illumination. Especially spectacularly the complex looks in the evening, illuminated from several sides by floodlights, constantly changing color.

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