/ / The amazing Bulgaria. Tsarevo and its ancient traditions

Awesome Bulgaria. Tsarevo and its ancient traditions

One of the most mysterious and incredibly beautifulcountries of Europe by right is considered Bulgaria. Tsarevo, which will be discussed in the article, is in the territory of this country. It is a small town located on the Black Sea coast. He has been attracting tourists and tourists from all over the world for many years now. What is so unusual and exciting in it, we now try to figure it out. Perhaps you will discover a new paradise for yourself, where you want to spend more than one summer.

bulgaria tsarevo

If you are a fan of exotics, all unusualand mysterious, then the ideal country for you is Bulgaria. Tzarevo is a paradise town where the high temperatures of both air and water are kept for a long time, where ancient pagan rituals are constantly held, where there are many mineral springs that can cure any ailment. Local clean air is literally saturated with sea salts and esters of mountain plants. But let's talk about everything in order, and start with the sea and the sun, which is so lacking for all of us.

tsarevo bulgaria reviews

Beaches in Tsarevo are wide and very long. Shrouded with sand, they can stretch for whole kilometers in length. The waters of the Black Sea are calm here, the temperature keeps within 25 degrees throughout the summer. This is one of the few so warm regions that Bulgaria can boast of. Tsarevo is also a port city, but the sea terminal is located away from rest areas, therefore ships in no way will be able to disturb your rest.

Bulgaria has a very rich history. Tzarevo is a village that was founded in the pre-Christian times, but has since changed its name many times. However, the traditions themselves, which were inherent in the pagan peoples, are preserved here even today, although mixed with various Christian rites and beliefs. For example, it is in this town that dances are held on the hot coal that are devoted to the holy martyrs Konstantin and Elena. Many tourists note that this tradition is inherent only in this region.

bulgaria tsarevo map

Great cultural and historical center of the countryis Tsarevo (Bulgaria). Reviews of historians and archaeologists about this mysterious place are unanimous - many people have come through this port, bringing their beliefs and traditions here. The main attraction of the city is the destroyed ship "Goryanin", which was partially restored and located on the central square. Also there are museums and galleries, where numerous artifacts are found, which scientists discovered Bulgaria.

Tsarevo is considered a paradise resort, a city of summer andwarm, cozy cafes and beautiful embankments. Here you will not find noisy discos and giant markets, numerous beauty salons and expensive restaurants. It is a place of solitude not only with nature and ancient traditions, but also with yourself. Believe me, such a place can only be found on the territory of the state of Bulgaria.

Tzarevo, whose map shows its proximity tomegacities of the country, is a quiet corner where you can get better, enjoy silence and bring your soul in order. Well, if you want to go to a noisy event, go to the nearest resorts, where life rages both nightly and daytime.

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