/ / "Partisan Glade" in Bryansk

"Partisan Glade" in Bryansk

The pain of the Great Patriotic Wara family. Universal grief touched every person. Nevertheless, the people managed to go through terrible trials and achieve a great victory. Significant contribution was made by clandestine movement. Today near the city of Bryansk there is "Partisan Glade" - a memorial complex, whose purpose is to perpetuate the memory of brave warriors.

From Russian scouts to Soviet saboteurs

The theory of conspiracy war is familiar to the army since1600 year. Intelligence tactics were used in Russia. In the army of the prince was a group, called "ertaul." In the ranks of this formation, only the bravest and most dexterous soldiers were accepted. The main task of the regiment is to advance ahead of the troops, stop enemy reconnaissance and inform their brethren about a sudden attack. In fact, they acted as guards.

partisan clearing
Many researchers believe that the invincibleThe methods used by the people's avengers during the Great Patriotic War come from those times. The partisan meadow in the Bryansk forests became famous throughout the world. Hundreds of scientists noted: if it were not for the courage of the people who organized in this territory, the Second World War could have other consequences.

Great mission of a little man

Already in the 1700s, such an army was characterized asseparate independent formation. The French called this part of the army partie, that is, the detachment. In the period of Napoleon's battles, ordinary people also joined the struggle against the aggressor.

The peasants became the decisive force in World War IIwar. Their detachments were present in all the occupied lands. Especially a lot for the victory over the invader was made by Soviet people. "Partisan Glade" in Bryansk is a memorial complex erected in honor of representatives of the common people, those who did not want to put up with the lawlessness of the new regime. Participants of the groups were old men, women and boys, who, due to age and other reasons, were not allowed to engage in hostilities.

In such assistance, the state was also interested. The order for the formation of partisans was issued in the early days of the Great Patriotic War. Defined and the main tasks of this department.

partisan meadow in Bryansk

Capturing the city

On the fourth day of the war, the outskirts of Bryanskbegan bombing enemy aircraft. The city bravely kept the defense. The leadership gave a clear order not to surrender. For a long three months the point did not allow the invader to enter his land. But October 6, 1941 Bryansk occupied.

On the eve of thousands of men and women who were not accepted into the ranks of the army, went to the forest. It was these daredevils who were part of the partisan detachment.

On July 3, Stalin on the radio urged the people to beginclandestine war. Residents of the Bryansk region responded to the request. Two days later the first detachment was formed. Since October 1941, the movement of the partisans has intensified.

complex of partisan glades

Creating clandestine units

The Avengers occupied the territory of several districts. In addition to the Bryansk forest, they belonged to neighboring Dyatkovo, Kletnyansky, Sofievsky lands. In the spring of 1942, there were about a hundred detachments and more than 200 battalions and espionage groups. Partisan glade consisted of 60,000 people, it is worth noting that 8,000 of them were women.

Their work was priceless for the people. These brave souls liberated towns and villages, established old orders there, rebuilt cultural institutions and even published their own newspaper.

Subsequently, a peculiar Bryanskpartisan republic, which included Ukrainians, Byelorussians and Russians. This was facilitated by the favorable geographic position of the region. Another task that faced the avengers was to save the harvest for the front soldiers from the enemy.

Also with their help September 17, 1943 Bryansk and adjacent territories were liberated. About this and many other things can tell in detail, interesting and fascinating the museum "Partisan Glade".

partisan meadow photo

Alien and your architect

For many years there was a legend about this regionabout brave soldiers of the forest. That is why, in order to perpetuate the heroes who liberated their native land from the invaders, it was decided to open a memorial complex. The date was tried to bring closer to the anniversary of the liberation of the city from the fascists. The solemn event took place on September 17, 1969. The place where the monument is located today was chosen for a reason. It was here in 1941 that the first meetings of future defenders of the fatherland took place.

complex partisan meadow bryansk

The project was commissioned by the best masters of that time. The architect appointed Vasily Gorodkov. It was according to his plan that the "Partisan Glade" complex was created. Bryansk has become his hometown since 1948. Then the man was sent here after school. His task was to restore the broken point. He immediately fell in love with amazingly picturesque nature and good-natured people. Here he remained, dedicating this entire future life to this region.

Hospitable atmosphere

It is worth noting that since the beginning of the foundation the complex has been repeatedly supplemented. It is still developing.

The memorial is filled with dozens of unique objects,each of which tells a tragic and sad history of liberation. "Partisan Glade" in Bryansk is one of the main points of pilgrimage of tourists. And indeed, it is worth the attention that is given to it.

The guests meet the exclusive cafe with reasonable prices and delicious coffee. At the entrance there is a plan of the territory. There visitors can find out all the information about the memorial. The booth shows the purpose of the structure.

The highlight of a historic institution

Very impressive visitors sculpture "Partisan"in ambush". Its author is Alexei Kobilinets. The master portrayed a man who was about to throw a grenade. Despite the fact that his deed requires a lot of courage, the figure's face remains impassive. The movement is surprisingly accurately reflected. When guests look at the sculpture, the empathy effect arises. People feel the same tension as the hero.

museum of the partisan glade
Another advantagecomplex "Partisan Glade", is a museum. Its opening took place in 1977, on the memorable September anniversary of the liberation of the city from the fascists. The exhibits tell how the resistance movement originated and developed. The personal belongings of soldiers, orders and medals for their services, and even real weapons are presented. Entering the museum, a person finds himself in 1941-43.

The Heart of the Glade

The central figure of the monument is "The Wallsorrow. " It causes a special pain in the hearts of the guests. On it are carved the names of the heroes who died for the freedom of the motherland. Behind every surname lies someone's fate, a war-torn life. In general, 8000 soldiers were immortalized there, who did not wait for victory. The author of sculptures, from the harsh images of which intercepts the spirit, - Alexei Kobilinets. An eternal flame, stylized beneath a wooden log, is burning near.

Many tourists are attracted by the exhibition of militarytechnique, which can boast "Partisan Glade". The photos taken from such specimens are especially bright. Here are collected both samples of the technique of the Great Patriotic War, as well as more modern specimens.

partisan meadow in Bryansk how to reach
A particularly popular place among tourists is alwaysthere was a dugout. Entering it, you can feel how the partisans were living. A unique monument is also a stand dedicated to military correspondents. Attention of visitors is a copy of the front-line Bryansk newspaper. Lay flowers can be and to a symbolic monument, established in honor of journalists who died on the battlefields. They tried to clarify the events of the war.

Useful and very interesting

There is a complex 12 km east of the cityfeatures of the city, on the bank of the river Snezhet. The distance to Moscow is about 350 km. It is worth noting that the road leading to the memorial has excellent coverage. In front of the entrance there is a free car parking. You do not need to buy a ticket. Pay adult visitors only for the entrance to the museum.

Guests are offered a snack on goodwooden tables under the mighty pines in the fresh air. Their services are offered by the guides who know the history of their city. From April to October, the "Partisan Glade" in Bryansk is working. How to get there, you will be prompted by the locals. But, however, you can do it yourself, because the road literally is full of relevant signs. This complex has long been the main decoration of the region. The place, framed by tall pines, has an unusual atmosphere. After spending a day here, you will enrich yourself spiritually and in a new way appreciate the heroic deed of brave people who were not afraid to fight for a free life - not only their own, but also our children. This monument is an excellent opportunity to study history and educate yourself in patriotism.

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