/ / Lake Elanchik - the best place for rest and fishing

Lake Elanchik - the best place for rest and fishing

15 km from Miass and 10 km from Chebarkulthe lake Elanchik is located. The Chelyabinsk region on its territory has sheltered many reservoirs, but this one is characterized simultaneously by a picturesque mountain landscape and warm waters.

Description of a mountain lake

The unusual name "hanger" is usually translated assnake or snake lake. Perhaps it was called so, since it looks a little like a wriggling snake. The depth of the water does not exceed 8 meters, but an average of 4 meters. The lake reaches a little more than 6 km2.

lake elanczyk

Lake Elanchik is a very picturesque place. Its blue waters are harmoniously combined with birches and pine trees, which are located near the coast. In some places, this picture is supplemented by willows bending over the lake. The lake itself is surrounded by neat mountain hills, which are overgrown with pine trees. A little further there are wetlands, rich in useful berries. Walking through the forest plots, you can pick up podborozovikov and other mushrooms.

Especially decorate these places towering overbogs of the cliff. Mysteries are given to them by moss, which densely occupied the rocky surface. Here you can admire the many wild geese and ducks that have settled the swampy areas.

Benefits of Lake

Lake Elanchik is not far fromski resort "Sunny Valley". Also nearby is the Ilmen Reserve. In these places, the construction of boarding houses is planned, which will allow guests to become healthier. But even now, walking around the neighborhood, you can breathe coniferous clean air, which positively affects the airways. If a person has asthma attacks or cough, it is good for him to spend time in these places. People who do not suffer from these ailments, breathing in healthy air, begin to feel a surge of strength and vivacity.

big lake

Also, Lake Elanchik is characterized by water quality. It is mineralized here, therefore, when taking water procedures, the body is saturated with useful components. The skin becomes smooth, and this allows you to get a beautiful tan. But water can also strengthen the body itself.

Where to stay on the lake

On the shore of the pond stretched their holdings of the baserecreation. There is also a health center for children and a cottage settlement for guests. On Elanchik there is a private sector in which it is possible to rent a room or a house. If you want, you can rent a room in the mini-hotel. Here you can relax at any time of the year, since renting a house is very easy.

Not far from the coast there is a holiday village, inwhich can rent a house on a turn-key basis. If you are used to apartment conditions or want to save money, you can settle in the apartment of a multi-storey building. Immediately under the house there are equipped parking lots, children's playgrounds and a beach with a dock. The whole complex is illuminated by flashlights, so you can walk after sunset.

Lake Elanchik Chelyabinsk Region

Children's camp

Lake Bolshoy Elanchik sheltered on its shorechildren's camp, which is called - "Elanchik". Some call it the Urals Artek and it's not strange, as the conditions for young guests are really ideal. Children can come to the camp only in the summer, and at other times the staff prepares for the next summer race. The duration of each arrival is 21 days. This time is enough for the child to rest and gain new strength. Children are fed five times a day, and the menu is made by an experienced nutritionist, so that the baby will eat balanced.

Parents can not worry, sending children tocamp. There is a doctor and a dentist here. Patrolling is also conducted in the dark during the dark. The children are supervised, especially when the detachment goes swimming on the lake. Children do not want to leave the camp, as they are very exciting to spend their time. There is an entertainment program, carousels, mugs, fun contests, walks through the forest and much more. After visiting these places, Yelanchik Lake becomes a favorite place for children.

Fishing on the lake

Many anglers love these places, because theyrich in fish. The thing is that the marine inhabitants have where to hide, because the bottom of Elanchik is uneven and muddy. You can catch here ruff, carp, perch, pike. Also found roach, whitefish and tench, and sometimes ripus. You can fish all the year round, because after the surface freezes, it's not dangerous to travel by sleigh.

lake еланчик reviews

Reviews of holidaymakers

Those who were in these places, forever fell in loveLake Elanchik. The reviews of these people are very enthusiastic, because the surrounding beauty can not remain indifferent. Also everyone likes that in this pond the water is much warmer than in the neighboring lakes. Some say that it is very good here on weekdays, fewer people, as so many tourists come only for the weekend.

Of course, those who go to the lake to go fishing, are not always lucky. There are days when only small brushes and percussions the size of a little finger are attacked. But in the winter, many fishermen remain satisfied with the catch.

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