/ / Camp in Anapa "The Pearl of Russia". Description, reviews

Camp in Anapa "The Pearl of Russia". Description, reviews

In this article, we will talk about a wonderful children's sanatorium. It is located in the picturesque town of the Krasnodar Territory and is rightfully considered to be one of the largest in Russia.

Camp in Anapa "Pearl of Russia" all year roundaccepts for the treatment of children between the ages of seven and fourteen. This is a huge complex located on the territory of more than 400 square meters and consists of the following buildings: "Kosmos", "Primorsky", "Sunny", "Falcon", designed to receive up to seven hundred people. On the territory there are three modern cottages: "Luchik", "Moryachok" and "Pepelats" with a capacity of up to one hundred and fifty people each. In the camp, more than two thousand children can rest at the same time.

On the territory there is a sports complexAntey, the school works. A library is open for children, a newspaper is being produced, and children's television and radio studios are being broadcast. On the basis of the sanatorium there is a college that trains specialists in the sphere of resort business.

Conditions of stay

Children arriving at rest are accommodated in four orsix-bedded rooms with loggias. According to the age principle, groups of thirty children are formed each. They are supervised by caregivers. Near each building there are sports and campfire sites.

camp in anapa pearl of russia


Camp in Anapa "Pearl of Russia" providessmall guests five meals a day. The menu includes dishes from vegetables, meat. The diet also includes fruit and homemade cakes. Children eat in the spacious dining rooms that are available in each building.


Separately, we should focus on the organizationfree time for children. For them an extensive program has been developed, which provides for various forms of recreation. Much attention is paid to developing the children's leadership skills. For this, the system of children's self-government functions, the president, the parliament is elected. On the territory of the complex there is its own monetary unit - levassik.

Great opportunities are available for sports. Every morning we charge, and then during the day children frolic in football, beach games, have the opportunity to practice table tennis. Every shift is held Spartakiada and "Small Olympic Games".

children's camp pearl of russia anapa

In addition to sports, children are organizedall kinds of fairs, music festivals, competitions. The tradition of the sanatorium is to hold evening meetings. Sitting by candlelight, the children discuss the past day and make plans for the next, and also share their thoughts with each other.

children's camp pearl russia anapa reviews


Camp in Anapa "Pearl of Russia" hasown gorgeous beach. It is only fifty meters from the buildings. The beach area is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay. Bathing of children is carried out under the control of doctors, rescuers and educators. The coastal area is also used for sporting events.

Recreational base

Camp in Anapa "The Pearl of Russia"specializes in the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, skin diseases, as well as respiratory organs. Treatment is carried out according to the individual program in strict accordance with the doctor's prescriptions. In addition, a dentist's office is available for younger guests. To enhance the health effect, inhalation courses are conducted, mud therapy is provided.

Required Documents

In order to send the baby to the treatment insanatorium - you must buy a ticket. A child's birth certificate or passport will be required if he has reached the age of fourteen. These documents must be in the original and a copy. In addition, a copy of the health insurance policy, a certificate of the vaccinations made to the child and a sanatorium card are required.

Reviews of children and parents

Reviews about the children's camp "Pearl of Russia"(Anapa) testify to the high quality of the treatment and rest provided. Summarizing them, you can note the availability of comfortable rooms, equipped with everything you need. The rooms in which the children live are daily cleaned. Parents and children celebrate a well-organized five-time meal and a variety of entertainment programs, including discos, sightseeing tours of the city of Anapa.

Many children remember bathing in the pool andstay on the beach. Teenagers who have visited the sanatorium, note the excellent training of counselors. Thanks to their skilled work, children are not bored during the whole period of the shift, but are constantly engaged in all sorts of affairs. The counselors and educators are friendly to the small guests and are always ready to provide them with the necessary assistance. Children like modern interiors of buildings and decoration of the territory of the sanatorium. Many children, especially those who arrived from remote areas of the country, were struck by the size of the complex. Photo of the camp "Pearl of Russia" (Anapa) indicates that the sanatorium is simply huge.

camp pearl of russia anapa photo

This is an excellent place for children's recreation. Here you can not only improve your health, but also fully rest.

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