/ / Wroclaw Cathedral (Wroclaw, Poland): photos and reviews of tourists

Wroclaw Cathedral (Wroclaw, Poland): photos and reviews of tourists

The Wroclaw Cathedral is a landmark of Poland,which is difficult to ignore. Firstly, it is the oldest church in the country, built in the style of Gothic. Secondly, this is the first Polish cathedral made of bricks. And thirdly, this is the fourth temple standing on the same place, on Tumsky Island, on the Odre River in Wrocław. In short, this cathedral is worth a visit, at least virtual. In the eyes of the Poles and especially the inhabitants of the city this holy place. And not only because now there is the throne of Bishop Wroclaw. It holds a statue of the Virgin Mary with the Child-Christ, which, as the legend says, miraculously saved the temple from complete destruction. And it was not in ancient times, but at the end of World War II. When Soviet troops mercilessly bombed Wroclaw, the statue fell and blocked the way to a fire that destroyed up to seventy percent of the building. But the flames did no harm to either the sculpture or the three chapels behind it.

Wroclaw Cathedral

Where is the Wroclaw Cathedral

Wroclaw, now the capital of Silesia, in the old dayssecurity was built on the islands in the middle of the Odra. Of course, now it stretches along both banks of the river. But the historical center of the city is the islands of Slodovy, Piaseczny, Mlynarskiy, Belyarsky. The largest is Tumsky. It was here that the ancient Wroclaw was located in the tenth century. But the reviews of tourists assure that in order to find the cathedral of the city, it does not need to know its address. It's enough to go to the Odra quay - and you will see beautiful, sharp, like sword blades, high spiers crowning two brick towers. The temple is especially beautiful in the evening, when the lights are turned on. But Tumsky from the beginning of the nineteenth century ceased to be an island in the geographical sense of the word, because it was connected with the shore in bulk. Although it continues to be the most popular tourist area of ​​the city - with wonderful water scenery, river trams and a lot of souvenir shops.

How to get to the temple

Wroclaw Cathedral is located in the heart of the city. To get to the island of Tumsky, it is better to come from the northern shore of the Odra. Reviews say that the best guide for finding a church - especially if you get on public transport - there will be a stop "Bridge of Peace". Near the cathedral (between it and the river) is a botanical garden.

Wroclaw Cathedral Wroclaw

The first three churches

Archaeologists say with certainty thatmodern Wroclaw Cathedral - is the fourth sacral construction, standing at this place. The first temple dates from the middle of the tenth century. It was stone, with one nave, a transept and an apse. In all likelihood, it was built by one of the Czech rulers of the dynasty of Przemyslid. But this church in 1039 completely destroyed the troops of the Duke of Brittislaus. The second temple was built on the money of King Boleslaw the Brave, as he decided to establish a bishopric in Wrocław. This church was completed in 1158. It was a typically Romanesque basilica with three naves and towers in the eastern part. Kazimir the Restorer (Prince, cruelly pursuing the remnants of paganism in Silesia), expanded the temple and decorated it with carvings. But to this day, none of this, except minor details found by archaeologists, has not reached. The construction of the third temple was begun by the Bishop of Wroclaw Walter from Malonne, and his successor, Zhiroslav the Second, consecrated the cathedral. There is evidence that this building copied the cathedral in Plock. He left numerous fragments in the crypt of the present church.

Wroclaw Cathedral Description

Construction of a modern cathedral

The absence of stone in clay Silesia held backerection of majestic structures. But when in the beginning of the thirteenth century people mastered the firing of bricks, everything changed. From 1244 to 1272 the bishop of Silesia, Thomas the First, carried out extensive works on the reorganization of the throne. It was then that the Wroclaw Cathedral, whose photo became the visiting card of the city, acquired its modern brick look. At that time Gothic was in vogue, and the whole building was strictly sustained in one style. His case was continued by the bishops Heinrich and Pheslav (in 1315 and 1349). In the second half of the fourteenth century another reconstruction of the cathedral followed. The main nave was covered with chapels. The work was attracted to the master Pawn. At the end of the fourteenth century, the most characteristic spiers appeared that make the Wroclaw Cathedral today so recognizable. But subsequent bishops contributed to the decoration of the temple, according to the fashion of his time. So, Ian Turjo in 1517, added a portal of the vestry in the style of the northern Renaissance.

Wroclaw Cathedral Photo

Wroclaw Cathedral: description of the exterior

Tourists believe that this temple is definitely worth itvisit and devote to him at least an hour. Do not rush inside. First go around the church perimeter. It is a majestic basilica with three naves and the same number of entrances. As well as it is necessary to Christian temples, the altar in it is located in the east. The main entrance, respectively, is in the west, and the other two - in the south and north. You should take a leisurely look at the portals. They are sustained in the style of Gothic, with elements of the northern Renaissance. Look closely at the two belfries. Their height is ninety-seven meters. Thanks to them, the Wroclaw Cathedral is the highest sacred building in the city. You should also admire gothic drains, decorated with figures and a medieval rose.

Wroclaw Cathedral

Description of interiors

At the main entrance to the cathedral isGothic portico with Romanesque columns. On one of the capitals you can see the image of a lion. If you want to marry your chosen one, be here on the first Monday after Easter and rub the stone animal. The girl will certainly agree to marry you. In contrast to Orthodox churches, Roman Catholic can go for choirs. Be sure to do this to see the three wonderful chapels: St. Elizabeth, built at the end of the seventeenth century, Mary, made in the Gothic style in the middle of the fourteenth century, and the baroque chapel of the Body of Christ. In all of them there are tombs of Wroclaw bishops. This is the work of students Bernini - Ferrat and Domenico Guidi. In the Marian Chapel, the same wonder-working statue of the Virgin with the Child rises. Reviews recommend paying attention to the body. It, certainly, not ancient, and has been ordered in the beginning of the XX-th century in the German city of Ludwigsburg. For some time it was the largest in Europe, and is now considered the largest body in Poland. Walk through the other chapels of the cathedral: the Gothic John the Baptist, the Baroque Holy Communion, the Resurrection of the Lord, Casimir.

Wroclaw Cathedral reviews of tourists

Survey site

Do not hurry to leave Wroclaw Cathedral. You have a unique chance to look around the city from a bird's eye view. In the left tower of the temple there is an elevator that will take you to the observation deck. The entrance fee is 5 zł. But the beauty, the tourists say, is worth the money. You can make breathtaking photos. There is no time limit for staying on the site. But inside the cathedral, the photos are unlikely to work. Almost all the reviews complain about the meager lighting of the temple.

Other temples of Tumsky Island

Wroclaw Cathedral reviews of tourists are calledthe only attraction of the old city. Around him there are many churches. Some of them are no less ancient. You should walk around this area of ​​the city and admire the churches of St. Giles (Egidio), Saint Martin and the two-story Holy Cross and Bartholomew.

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