/ / The most southerly in the world - the capital of New Zealand (Wellington)

The southernmost in the world - the capital of New Zealand (Wellington)

Wellington (New Zealand) - the capital of the islandstate. The city is conveniently located in the sea bay of Port Nicholson on the North Island of the country and is reliably protected from the Pacific waves. Its history begins in 1839, when the European colonialists began to actively capture the local lands of the Maori tribes. The founder of the city is an employee of the New Zealand company William Wakefield. But the current name he received in honor of the English Duke and Field Marshal Arthur Wellington. In his time, the commander was rendered invaluable assistance to the first settlers. From 1865 to this day, Wellington represents the capital of New Zealand.

new zealand capital

Wellington's modern buildings are smoothdescend from the mountainous area to the sea harbor. A narrow strip of coast is not enough for new buildings, so the construction of new structures is carried out on artificially washed territory. In this territorial area are located part of the city and the international airport.

the capital of new Zealand

Now the capital of New Zealandis considered the industrial large center of the country. It implements large-scale social programs, develops a modern infrastructure, and conducts environmental protection measures. The level of development of the city is not inferior to major European capitals.

The capital of New Zealand is multifaceted and unique. The city has built countless beautiful bridges, exquisite viaducts, mysterious tunnels, cozy parks and squares. From the main street of Wellington, the funicular runs to the top of the local mountain. On its slope is the Botanical Garden, which represents the flora of the New Zealand Islands: eucalyptus, ferns, palm trees, New Zealand kauri trees and Pahutukawa.

To the east of the central part of the city is locatedMount Victoria. From its high viewing platform you can see the whole capital. New Zealand opens to tourists from this place a picturesque picture of the sea bay, the Strait of Cook, Cologne Park. There is also a memorial in memory of Richard Baird, the American polar explorer pilot who flew through Antarctica for the first time.

the capital of new zealand

Among the architectural buildings in the citythere are eclectic wooden and stone buildings of the beginning of the last century. The capital of New Zealand is proud of its main attraction - two ancient buildings. One of them - a huge building of light stone with a colonnade on the central facade, built in the ancient Greek style. Here is the Parliament of Wellington. The second four-story building, erected in 1876, is the largest wooden building in the world. It houses about two hundred rooms and halls. Currently, it houses one of the state institutions.

The capital of New Zealand is the center of education andscience of the country. The city is the most famous and ancient university "Victoria". The date of its foundation is far 1897. In addition, Wellington hosts the residence of scientific associations and societies, the National Library, as well as several higher educational institutions, institutes, and academies.

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