/ / Organization of tourism: recreation, carried out for different purposes

Organization of tourism: recreation, carried out for different purposes

Modern tourist infrastructure hasthe opportunity to offer guests from around the world an incredibly wide range of services aimed at providing the best, diversified and memorable stay. The organization of international tourism throughout the country is the task of leading tour operators, which they must perform quickly and efficiently.

Economic component of tourism

The organization of tourism is a seriousan economic factor that brings stable and regular income to the country's budget. Guests from other countries (and their solvency) contribute to the replenishment of state revenue, thanks to which international tourism is called active tourism. Or, on the contrary, the departure of a large number of tourists from the country of residence, guarantees an outflow of finance, which is called passive tourism.

Classification of rest

International tourism is usually classified byThe goals set by its participants. The main direction is the organization of travel for the purpose of rest and (or) entertainment. Such trips are the main part of international tourism, combining health, sports, cognitive or amateur trips. As research shows, the main directions of such trips are trips to the sun and the sea. Very often entertaining tourism involves visiting some of the sights, getting to know the culture and historical development of the country visited by tourists.

The second major type of tourist infrastructureis the organization of tourism with business purposes. In general, such trips are carried out for official needs - it is participation in congresses, conferences, meetings and congresses. In addition, the participants of business tourism are truck drivers, commercial agents, tour agency guides and flight attendants, who usually perform their professional duties outside their country of residence.

Among other things, the organization of tourism candivided into individual and group recreation. International individual tourism means simultaneous travel outside the country of residence from one to five travelers. Group trips include the organization of leisure for six or more people. The latter are usually organized in the event that a trip is planned to be archaeological, historical or art history, that is, those that unite the interests of many people, or trips to actively rest - ski or safari.

International tourism can also be conditionalsubdivided into commercial and social. The organization of tourism of the commercial takes place in order to attract profits to the country, while social rest guarantees the opportunity to travel for people who are not too well-off. These are schoolchildren, students, disabled people and pensioners.

Formalities can not be avoided

International tourism refers to such trips,which with tourist purposes are carried out outside the country of residence of travelers. The organization of tourist services in this case requires certain conditions, in particular, the execution of exit documents, the collection of certain taxes, duties and taxes from tourists during departure and entry, the introduction of certain restrictions on currency exchange and medical examination.

These formalities are necessary, sinceinternational tourism differs significantly from the domestic one, primarily by the need to cross borders, changing the monetary system, overcoming language barriers and other details.

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