/ / Attractions Dmitrov, which are recommended to see

Attractions of Dmitrov, which are recommended to see

65 kilometers from Moscow on the river bankYakhroma spread out the beautiful city of Dmitrov. The sights of this locality attract not only foreign tourists, but also Russian residents. This is an ancient city with a rich history and a large number of interesting architectural structures. The date of its foundation is 1154, although thanks to archaeological excavations it was proved that people lived here before. Its name was given to the city in honor of the holy GreatMartyr Dmitry Solunsky.

sights of Dmitrov

What are the attractions of Dmitrovrecommended to see the tourists? Start your journey best from the historical center of the city - from the Kremlin. It was once possible to pass to its territory only on the lift bridges, since on the north side there was a swampy terrain, from the southern side - the old riverbed of the Yakhroma River, and the other two sides protected a moat with a width of 12 to 30 meters with water and a shaft 15 meters high meters. Currently, tourists can see the rampart and a small section of the moat, located south of the Kremlin. The most valuable landmark on the inner territory is the Assumption Cathedral, the construction of which was completed in 1533. To date, the temple has lost its original appearance after numerous changes, but, as before, remained an interesting place. It is attractive not only the architecture of the cathedral, but also the interior interior, which is famous for the five-tier iconostasis of the late 17th century. Near the temple towers a three-tiered bell tower with a spire.

Continuing to explore the sightsDmitrov, it is recommended to inspect the Elizabethan Church, located nearby. Next to the Assumption Cathedral is the administrative building. And near the land fortifications you can see a number of attractive amateur buildings, the construction of which belongs to the 19th and 20th centuries. Another interesting construction of Dmitrov is the Borisoglebsky Monastery, the fence of which has four round corner towers. Interest in tourists here are the most ancient buildings - the Cathedral of Boris and Gleb, the Holy Gates with the St. Nicholas Church, the body of the abbot and brotherly cells.

dmytrov attractions

Attractions in Dmitrov include many moreother religious buildings, among which the Kazan Church, built in 1735. An interesting building is the Vvedenskaya church, dating from the 18th century, towering on the street Staro-Rogachevskaya. And on Pushkinskaya there is the Trinity-Tikhvin Church, the construction of which dates back to the beginning of the 19th century.

To complement Dmitrov's sights you can andcivilian unique buildings. In this city, many mansions built in the 19th century have survived. These are the houses of Novoselov, Voznichikhin, Klyatov. There are also older buildings, for example the Tugarin House, built in 1788. Initially, it was the private property of the merchant Tolchenov, and then sold to Tugarinov, thanks to which this name was preserved.

City of Dmitrov

However, not only architectural structuresfamous Dmitrov. The sights of this city include in its list a lot of interesting monuments, among which the monument to the founder of the city Yury Dolgoruky, installed at the entrance to the Kremlin. Near the Assumption Cathedral there is a monument to Cyril and Methodius. Among other interesting places is Kropotkinskaya Street, paved with stone and cobblestone. It is a kind of historical museum under the open sky, a walk through which will bring great pleasure. There are many interesting sculptures.

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