/ / Rest in Abkhazia in October. Reviews and photos of tourists

Rest in Abkhazia in October. Reviews and photos of tourists

In the gentle embrace of the Black Sea, under reliableprotection of ancient giants - the Caucasian mountains - the tiny magical country of Abkhazia hid. Her Majesty nature foresaw everything here for a perfect rest: dizzying gorges, mountain peaks clouded with snowy colors, looking out from the clouds, motley flowering carpets in the meadows, emerald greens of citrus, palm trees and eucalyptus, turbulent rivers, bottomless lakes and majestic waterfalls, mysterious caves with crystal treasures of stalactites and stalagmites and affectionate embraces of the honey sun and turquoise sea waves. Fairy-tale, is not it? And all this is at your service!

holidays in Abkhazia in October

When to go?

The times of the USSR have long since passed, but most of the population of our homeland still believes that it is necessary to go to the seas in the summer and nothing else. It's time to debunk this myth!

No, of course, summer in Abkhazia is a resortseason, but what do we get from this rest? The influx of tourists, crowded beaches, crowds of people on all popular sightseeing routes, slightly inflated prices and exhausting heat. And what if to skip ahead all this frantic crowd of holidaymakers and plan a vacation in Abkhazia in September-October? What is it, autumn in Abkhazia? "Dull time" or "eye charm"?

Rest in Abkhazia in October: reviews and recommendations

In October, the weather ceases to please us with warmth andthe sun, begins to torment the nostalgia for happy summer days. It's time to take a vacation and go through the gigantic mountains to the sunny paradise of Abkhazia. Rest in Abkhazia in early October refers to the velvety season - the water in the sea is still pleasantly warm, the air temperature is also quite comfortable, a little cooler only by evening - take a light jacket or windbreaker with you.

holiday in Abkhazia in October reviews

But the second half of the month for a beach holidayalready completely not at all. In the daytime, the air warms up to 15-18 degrees, and at night - up to 10. There are frequent storms on the sea (by the way, a very majestic sight), in the cities - long autumn showers, and in the mountains - and snow. Rest in Abkhazia in October is not an aimless lying on the beach, but a rich excursion program, including mountain hikes, walks to the ancient temples, arboretums and botanical gardens. The highlight of the autumn holiday is amazing nature. Snow-covered mountains, dressed in gold and scarlet woods, and green cypress groves connect all the seasons in one picture.

Where to go?

Here everything depends on your preferences. One of the most popular resorts of the times of the USSR, Mecca beach holiday - Gagra, Abkhazia. Rest in October here is simply beautiful - picturesque rocks, densely overgrown with evergreen shrub, dendropark "Amra", painted in gold and purple, the fortress of Abaat, the castle of Prince Oldenburg, and for those hungry for water entertainment there is a water park with extreme slides and other attractions.

Rest in the autumn Pitsunda - relaxation in the full sense of the word. There is no noise and fuss, only unity with nature and philosophical reflections in long walks.

And for lovers of history and cultural attractions, the ancient Sukhumi hospitably opens its arms.

Rest in Abkhazia in September-October: reviews and entertainment

Rest in October is peace and quiet, brightcolors of nature, many leisurely walks, and also a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition, going on vacation in Abkhazia in early October, take a swimsuit with you - the beach season here is still open. But closer to the end of the month, plan a busy excursion program. However, keep in mind that you can have unexpected difficulties with the transport issue, it is better to have a personal car. By the way, there is no such thing as renting cars in Abkhazia - you can only hire a taxi for a day. At the end of the holiday season, public transport leaves much to be desired.

holidays in Abkhazia in September-October

If the rest in Abkhazia in October is for youmountain hikes and campfire around the campfire, pay attention to the numerous offers of local tourist companies about mountain walks on horseback. So you will enjoy stunning views and get a unique experience of communicating with these cute animals, by the way, also very useful for your health.

Gastronomic delights of Abkhazia

holiday in Abkhazia in early October

Rest in Abkhazia in October, reviews about which canbe not always positive, does not spoil us with perfect weather, as in the summer months. But the abundance of fruits and vegetables more than compensates you for this shortcoming. Rest in Abkhazia in October is a wonderful occasion to eat mandarins, persimmons, oranges, feijoa, kiwi and lots of other delicacies. By the way, separately it is necessary to allocate local wine - in October festivals devoted to the harvesting holiday are held here. This is an unforgettable event - a large number of people gather on Lykhna Square, here you can enjoy treats from local cuisine, fairs, competitions and games.

What to visit in Abkhazia

Gagry Abkhazia holidays in October

Rest in Abkhazia in October is, first of all, rest not beach, but excursion. And there are enough facilities for excursions here!

  • Famous for the whole world New Athos caveamazing with its huge size. You will find 11 rooms with the most beautiful wrought formations, on which you will pass on a unique underground railway. A somewhat gloomy blood-red highlight gives an amazing mysticism to the journey.
  • New Athos Simono-Kananitsky monastery isthe oldest center of spirituality in the whole Caucasus. Today it is a working man's monastery. The atmosphere and beautiful paintings on the walls are fascinating and leave an indelible impression.
  • Anakopiyskaya fortress is not only an ancient architectural landmark, but also one of the best viewing platforms in the vicinity of New Athos. An inexhaustible well is especially interesting here.
  • Besletskaya HPP is a real time machine. The hydroelectric power plant remained a ghost from the past, and the remaining caretakers will welcome guests and even show the ancient machinery hall, where the mechanisms of 1905 still exist.
  • Ritsinsky relict national park not only acquaints you with bizarre specimens of local flora and fauna, but also reveals the secrets of the mansions of prominent politicians of the times of the USSR.
  • Lake Ritsa is a visiting card of Abkhazia. Rest in Abkhazia in early October, the reviews of which you will undoubtedly learn before the trip, necessarily includes a visit to the lake. You will see a mirror of the watery surface of a bright blue and, perhaps, some even supernatural shade surrounded by snow-capped Caucasian peaks and emerald green forests. By the way, the waters of the lake remain pleasantly refreshing even in the summer sweltering heat.

holidays in Abkhazia in early October reviews

A package tour to Abkhazia or an independent trip?

Of course, the package tour will be more convenient andmore comfortable, because you do not have to worry about anything. The tour operator will do everything for you - book a hotel, book a transfer and even an excursion program will develop and offer, taking into account all your wishes.

But on the other hand, a full package of servicestour operator will cost you at least 2 times more expensive than an independent trip. In addition, having set out on your own, you will not depend on the standard program of the tour operator and will be able to plan your vacation at will.

Nuances of independent rest

How to plan and implement an independenttravel so that the vacation will be unforgettable? First, decide on the time of travel and the place of rest. Then select the hotel. Make it easy with the help of numerous Internet sites. By the way, Abkhazian hotels often do not require an advance payment. You can not find hotels of large international chains here, of course, but all the charm of rest in Abkhazia lies in its "savagery" and sincerity, and for 5-star comfort, go to Europe. In addition to boarding houses, a segment of private mini-hotels is widely represented here. This is a great option if you want to completely immerse yourself in the local flavor. Booked the hotel? Then go!

Councils for tourists in Abkhazia

  • It's quite common to turn off electricity and hot water - be prepared for these little things so that they do not spoil your rest.
  • It is better to refrain from drinking tap water - drink bottled (or spring).
  • Do not miss the opportunity to taste local khachapuri - it's really a masterpiece of cooking.
  • Going for walks in the forest, use repellents and carefully look under your feet, so as not to step on the snake.

holidays in Abkhazia in September October reviews

Despite the very modest size, youIt will take more than a week, maybe even more than a month, to study and know Abkhazia. But you will fall in love with its natural beauty, ancient history and hospitable hosts almost at first sight!

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