/ / Polezhaevskaya metro station. The most unusual station of the Moscow Metro

The metro station "Polezhaevskaya". The most unusual station of the Moscow Metro

The Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line is the seventhaccount branch of the Moscow Metro. On the maps of the metropolitan subway it is denoted by the lucky number 7 and is graphically represented in purple. This line is able to surprise. In addition to being one of the busiest branches of the Moscow metro, and despite the fact that almost all of its stations are unique and do not have other underground analogues, this is the only line of the Moscow metro that is completely located on one side of the Moscow River and neither once it does not cross (without taking into account the short Kakhov line consisting of only three stations). About each of the stops on it you can tell a lot of interesting stories to the inquisitive traveler. And one of them is Polezhaevskaya metro station.

metro polezhayevskaya


The Moscow subway was built in stages, in parts. The same goes for the purple branch (Zhdanov-Krasnopresnenskaya at the time). On December 30, 1972, when Polezhaevskaya metro station was opened for the first time, this line did not yet exist, but there were only two separate radii: Taganskaya-Zhdanovskaya (formerly Vykhino station) and Barrikadnaya-Oktyabrskoe Pole, which also entered a new stopping point. The name of the station was given in honor of Vasilii Dementevich Polezhaev, Hero of Socialist Labor, brigadier sinkers and later chief of the Moscow metro construction. This is evidenced by a commemorative plaque in one of the station's vestibules.

polezhaevskaya metro station

Station Name

Without exaggeration, we can say that"Polezhaevskaya" - the metro station is unique and unique in its kind in the Moscow subway. It has two platforms and three railway tracks for the supply of passenger trains. The entrance hall of the station is one of the widest in the Moscow metro and is inferior in cross-section only to the station "Partizanskaya" of the Arbat-Pokrovskaya line. The station was put into operation at a time when the city was actively developing, sleeping areas grew like mushrooms after the rain, Moscow grew and expanded.

moscow metro polezhayevskaya

Metro "Polezhaevskaya" is one of those stations,which was called not by its urban or geographical location. There are few such stations in Moscow, but they are there. For example, the station "Kropotkinskaya" or the same "Partizanskaya". Although the design names of the station "Khoroshevskaya" and "Kuusinen street" could have been, and in 1992 the metro station "Polezhaevskaya" has almost been renamed "Khoroshevskaya" (even the schemes where it is so marked are preserved), it managed to preserve its original historical name.

Transplant station

Vestibule stations lead to the same streetKuusinen and Khoroshevskoe highway. Hence, there were proposals for its linkage to the city plan. Moreover, the convenient territorial location of the station was noticed by the leaders even during the Union republics. According to the project of the architects of that time, the station was to become a transfer junction, and a special third way was intended for a prospective branch that was to go to Serebryany Bor. And although the plans of the leaders of the proletariat were not destined to come true, since the project was rejected by the highest authority, the metro station "Polezhaevskaya" will nevertheless become a transfer junction, and the third way will be reopened for passengers, putting it into operation for the intended purpose and design of the designers. Since 2017, through Polezhaevskaya, they are planning to launch a branch of the third transfer circuit, linking it with the already designed station Khoroshevskaya.

metro pole on the map of Moscow


Currently, the third way the stationis not used for its intended purpose. Almost all the filming of movies and serials, the moments of which take place in the underground, occur here. This fully applies, including commercials. The non-working platform and railway track are used by directors and directors of great fame. After all, for the filming in the Moscow subway it is necessary to always coordinate a huge number of documents and receive mountains of permits. In the case of "Polezhaevskaya" everything is much simpler. The third way is rented for temporary use to filmmakers according to a specially developed standard contract.

Decoration and architecture

Polezhaevskaya metro station on Moscow mapis located between the stops "Begovaya" and "Oktyabrskoe pole". It is shallow laying with a depth of only 10 meters from the surface. The station is a column, three-span with an increased pitch between the supporting columns, 25 pieces in a row. The convention on the famous third way is from the second way by the turnout, and its length is 340 meters. The third way is deadlock. The modern appearance of the station was developed by the architects LN Popov, AF Fokina, and also by the design engineer NM Silina.

Columns in the form of a regular octagon inThe cross-section is finished with white and yellow marble of different shades and is located in the center of each platform. The walls of the paths are lined with glazed ceramic tiles of white color, and the floor is made of non-mark gray granite. Pass halls and ticket sales halls are decorated with gray granite. "Polezhaevskaya" is a metro station, which was mentioned in D. Glukhovsky's world-famous novel "Metro 2033".

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