/ Where is the river Kia? Description and photo

Where is the river Kia? Description and photo

Kiya - the river of Western Siberia, the tributary of the river. Chulym. It flows through the territory of the Kemerovo and Tomsk regions. The length of the river is almost 550 km, the catchment area is 32.2 thousand square meters. km.

cue river

Short description

The beginning of the river Kiya (Kemerovo region) takeson the northern slope of Medvezhye (Kuznetsk Alatau), at an altitude of about 1300 m. In the upper reaches it is a typical mountain stream, flowing along deep gorges. The lower course of the river differs from the upper, it is more quiet and flat, meandering. Flows in the northern direction and flows into the river. Chulym. The mouth is near the village. Zyryansky. Kiya refers to the Upper Bobskiy basin district. The name of the water flow is associated with the Turkic origin. In the translation, the word "cue" means "stony precipice", which is quite suitable for the area where the river bed passes. In the valley in the last century, large deposits of gold were discovered.


Throughout the course of the river, the Kia River is veryis picturesque. Its banks are dotted with cliffs, whose height reaches 20 meters. From these peaks streams of river water fall captivating waterfalls. After the confluence of the left tributary of Kundat, the shore is represented by a deep gorge, after which the White-stone reaches begins. This area consists of stone rocks of white, light gray and brown color, the height in some places reaches about 100 m. Probit a stream of numerous caves and grottoes. Behind it is a nature reserve. It was created to preserve and increase the population of animals living in this region: reindeer, beaver, otter, sable and moose.

Kiya Kemerovo River


On the reserved site, the Kiya River has a high current velocity, a slight slope, and there are rifts. The depth of the channel in the valleys varies from 4 to 7 m. The valley of the river in the upper reaches is not inhabited.

On the site from the village. Scare down to Mariinsky water artery changes character. It becomes more calm, as it flows through the flat terrain. Its channel expands. This section of the river is the most populated. After the town of Mariinsk, the lower stream begins. This area is a deaf damp taiga.

To this water flow adjoins about 40tributaries. The largest are: Chet, Kundat, Kozhukh, Tyazhin, Antibes, Kiya Shaltyr. Also in the lower reaches of the river several old people were formed: Novaya, Eldashkina, Tyryshkina, and others.

Type of food - mixed. In the main, the river Kiya is replenished by melting water. In winter, the watercourse freezes. This happens at the end of November. Kiya opens in April.

fishing on the river cue


Kiya flows through the territory of Chebulinskoye andTisulsky districts. To start your journey to the river, you need to get to the city of Mariinsk - this is the largest settlement in this area. Also on the banks of the Kiya are settlements: Cherdaty, Cherniy Yar, Teguldet, Ust-Chebula, Ust-Serta, Dmitrievka, Shestakovo, Kurakovo, Chumai.


The Kia River is a popular place for rafting. You can meet groups on inflatable boats, kayaks and even catamarans. Rest in these places is popular, since there is very clean air and beautiful nature. By the way, it is worth noting that Kiya is one of the few rivers in Siberia on the banks of which there is not a single industrial enterprise. This fact has a beneficial effect on the ecological situation not only of the waterway, but also of the region in general. The air here is clean, and the water is rich in fish. Often on the shore you can meet people with fishing rods. On boats fishing on the river Kiya is also possible. In an advantage of catch will make such kinds as grayling, taimen, perch, pike, roach, loach and gudgeon. In the lower course spawns nelma and sturgeon.

fishermen on a boat the river cue

Those who are going to come to these placesrest or fish, it is necessary to know that the approach to the river, especially in the upper reaches, is very difficult. Roads are only country roads. After rains, they are often blurred, and therefore you can get on them only on an off-road vehicle.

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