/ / Perm - Kazan: distance and transport connection

Perm - Kazan: distance and transport links

Russia is huge, foreigners are shocked by its scaleand vast expanses. The distance between Perm and Kazan is slightly less than 500 kilometers (497 km). For our person this is an average distance, which can be overcome for some ten hours by train. Can this be compared with a week-long move from the western regions of Russia to Primorye or even a two-day trip from St. Petersburg to the warm shores of the Black Sea?

Transport selection criteria: travel time, comfort and cost

But even accustomed to long trips and Russianrealities, people are unlikely to set out on a journey without prior preparation. He will plan a trip, choose the most favorable transport for him, calculate the distance between Perm and Kazan, the time spent on the way, the date and time of departure. But these are the details, the main criteria for choosing between which you have to find a balance, usually cost, time in transit and comfort of travel. From Perm to Kazan you can get by plane, train, bus or car. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages.

Plane Perm - Kazan

Distance between cities the plane flies by allin an hour. If you take into account the convenient location of airports, you can get from Perm to Kazan in about four hours. This time includes the flight itself, registration, waiting, the way to the airport of Perm and from the airport in Kazan. But the speed must be paid: the cost of the flight is much higher than the cost of other modes of transport. In addition, some people heavily suffer the tightness of the cabin of the aircraft or are unbearably afraid to fly, preferring other options.

Perm airport is located about 20 kilometers from the city, in the village of Sokol, it can be reached from the center or the station by bus, bus or taxi.

perm distance distance

The airport of Kazan is located 26 kilometers fromcenter of the city, for an hour from the airport you can get to any part of the capital of Tatarstan by bus, minibus, taxi, in addition, to the central station runs the train "Swallow".

Perm distance distance by car

A train

Given the 500 km distance between theKazan and Perm, we can say that the train seems almost an ideal solution. It is cheaper than an airplane, it is more convenient than a bus and a car, it is possible to fully sleep, rest, eat. A clear disadvantage can be considered a fair amount of time on the road - just over 14 hours.

The central Perm station is called "Perm-2" and is located not far from the city center at: Lenin street, 89.

distance between Kazan and Perm

Kazan Central Station is located in walking distance from the center at the address: Privokzalnaya square, 1A.

distance between cities Perm

Bus Perm - Kazan

The distance by car and bus is the same, butThe travel time is different, because the bus travels slower and makes a lot of stops. Hence two obvious drawbacks: 12 hours on the way and lack of comfort. Although modern buses have a soft turn and are equipped with comfortable seats, but to sit for 12 hours under the hum of motors - the exercise is exhausting even for young, seasoned people, and what to say about pensioners or fat people for whom such a journey becomes torture.

But there is an unconditional plus for buses - cheaptickets regarding a train or plane. Although if more than 45 days before departure to buy a ticket in a reserved car, the fare on the bus and train will be almost the same.

The central Perm bus station is in the center of the city at: ul. Revolution, 68.

perm distance distance

The central Kazan bus station is located two kilometers from the railway station "Kazan-1" and three kilometers from the city center at the address: st. Devyataev, d. 15.

 distance between Kazan and Perm

From Perm to Kazan by car

A special option is a trip with a car. He has several advantages. First, a relatively short time in the path, which can easily be calculated. The distance between the cities of Perm - Kazan on the roads is 600 kilometers, the average speed of the car is 80 km / h, you can add half an hour to one or two refuellings. As a result, you can cover the distance from Kazan to Perm in about eight hours. Of course, a lot depends on the time of the day, the weather, traffic on the road, but all the same the trip by car takes usually less time than by train or bus.

The second obvious advantage of the machine is the possibilityto choose fellow travelers, departure time, route, places and frequency of stops, you do not need to communicate with taxi drivers or public transport in Kazan. This option is quite feasible even if the traveler does not have his own car. Today, services are actively developing, which find fellow travelers. Popular services such as "Prokati", "BlaBlaKar", "BipKar" and others.

On the Internet, you can easily find severaloffers to become a fellow traveler on the road Perm - Kazan. Distance by car with an experienced driver, familiar with the road, is often overcome faster and safer than independently. The price of the issue is 900 rubles, which is even cheaper than a bus ticket. But there are several disadvantages:

  • you can find a car only for the next few days;
  • Sometimes the place and time of departure are uncomfortable;
  • some people are suspicious of strangers, they experience emotional discomfort next to an unfamiliar driver.
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