/ / Season in Turkey: when to go to rest?

Season in Turkey: when to go to rest?

Turkey for many years remains one of the mostpopular holiday destinations for Russians. Where for relatively little money you can get a fairly high-quality relaxation after difficult working months. But, unfortunately, this country is not the place where the warm sea is all year round and the sun is shining. Therefore, it is very important to know when the season begins in Turkey and when it ends so that only positive impressions are left from rest.

season in turkey
This eastern country has a fairly largeThe territory, which is located several resort areas. In turn, the coast is washed by the waters of three seas - Black, Aegean and Mediterranean. In the average version, the swimming season in Turkey lasts from April to mid-October.

Coast of the Mediterranean Sea

The most comfortable conditions for recreation are created onthe southern coast of the country is Mediterranean. The climate here is subtropical, and already in April, almost every year, the water warms up so much that you can safely bathe in it. In this region, the season in Turkey lasts a maximum period, sometimes until the end of October. The peak is in July-August, when the air temperature reaches 40 degrees, and the water - 28. During this period, there are the highest prices for hotels and air tickets. Cities-resorts on the Mediterranean coast: Antalya, Kemer, Side, Belek.

Rest on the Aegean Sea

holiday season in Turkey
Season of rest in Turkey on the Aegean coastalmost the same as in the south of the country, but still it's cool in April and October. In summer, the heat can also reach 40 degrees, but in the period from October to April, life stops here, and many hotels because of lack of demand simply close. Bodrum and Marmaris are the main recreation centers in this region.

Resorts of the Black Sea

The northern part of the country's coast is the leastpopular with holidaymakers. If we talk about such a concept as the season in Turkey, then it lasts only three months: June, July and August. In principle, the same period of time that the Black Sea coast of Ukraine and Russia. The rest of the time keeps wet and cool weather. Plus there is only one. Rest on this coast is much cheaper than on others, due to less demand. So if you well guess with the time of vacation, then you can significantly save your money.

Turkey - the central part

swimming season in Turkey
The most famous city in the country isIstanbul, which is located in the north-west of the peninsula, on the shores of the Marmara Sea, in the continental climate zone. The main characteristics of this area are arid, hot summer and cold winter. Season in Turkey starts here later than in other regions. You can swim in the sea from the middle of June until the end of summer. But Istanbul has an undeniable advantage over all other regions - the city has many different sights, you can come to see it from March.

Despite the fact that in recent years, Russiansbecame a little less to travel to rest on the resorts of this peninsula and moved to more exotic places, much of it remains true to well-trodden roads. The main thing is do not make mistakes with the time of rest and get the maximum of pleasure for your money!

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