/ / The Temple of Truth in Pattaya is the main attraction of Thailand

The Temple of Truth in Pattaya is the main attraction of Thailand

The Temple of Truth in Pattaya is a grandiosewooden structure, reaching a height of 105 m (20-storey house) and built without a single nail. This structure has different names: the Sanctuary of Truth, Prasat May, Vang Boran. Some people consider the temple a holy place, others refer to it as an interesting sight, embodying the culture and faith of Thailand, but some locals say that the building is cursed, and nobody advises to go to him. Be that as it may, Pattaya can be proud of such an unusual and magnificent structure.

the temple of truth in pattaya
The Temple of Truth (how to get to tell the localtaxi drivers) is a relatively young building, its construction began in 1981. The founder is the local billionaire Khun Lek, also known as Lek Viryafant. There is a legend that a man received a prophecy, according to which he will die on the day when the construction of the temple is over. True or not, it is not known, but the work does not stop for more than a decade. The finishing of the building has not yet been fully accomplished and is permanently postponed indefinitely. Himself Khun Lek plans to complete the construction by 2025.

The Temple of Truth in Pattaya is an example of a uniquework of the most talented woodcarvers. Over two hundred people work on its creation. The founder does not spare money for his decoration and decoration. The building was created from very valuable species - red and yew tree, while not a single nail was used. The thread is decorated with window openings, various figures, ladders, arches, so there is no doubt that this is not manual work.

Pattaya Temple of Truth
The Temple of Truth in Pattaya is surrounded on all sides byartfully carved figures of sacred animals, Buddha, ornaments. Visitors will be able to learn more about the eastern philosophy and attitude of the Thais to the creation of the world. Sculptures tell about the four principles of the universe, which are the basis of being. Their embodiment is the four Virgins, located on the spiers of the structure. The first of them holds a lotus and is considered a symbol of philosophy. The second is depicted with a book, therefore stands for the progress of science. The third Virgo leads the elderly and holds the child in her arms, that is, she embodies the life path of a person: he is born, grows up, grows old and dies, and this process is uninterrupted. The fourth of the Dev calls to end the war, in her hands is a pigeon - a symbol of peace.

temple of truth Pattaya on the map
The Temple of Truth in Pattaya to every personopens from different sides. Someone considers it a luxurious palace, worthy of respect and admiration. Some people treat him like an ordinary temple, like hundreds of thousands on earth. Many connoisseurs of art see in the construction of an ideal sample of Thai architecture. In recent years, tourists always visit the Temple of Truth. Pattaya on the map is located very well, so to visit all the interesting sights and not get lost in this beautiful town will not be a problem. To the Sanctuary of Truth it is recommended to go to all admirers of the philosophy of the East, which originated on this earth many millennia ago.

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