/ / Life in the city of Edmonton (Canada): infrastructure and climate

Life in the city of Edmonton (Canada): infrastructure and climate

The city of Edmonton is the administrative centerthe Canadian province of Alberta. The official date of its foundation is 1795. Initially, the settlement had the status of an outpost, and later turned into a center of cultural and economic life in the north-western part of the country. Two years ago it was included in the list of the most interesting megacities, visits are recommended in the summer.

However, Edmonton (Canada) can not be calleda tourist Mecca of the country. But on its territory is a huge number of museums and art galleries, some of them are known far beyond the region. Unlimited opportunities for profitable and pleasant shopping offer shopping malls and the Mall of West Edmonton.

edmonton canada

Local air terminal accepts passengerAircraft coming from Europe and North America. Its runways are ten kilometers from the city. The airport does not serve public transport. Instead, a special transfer operates, the route of which ends in the heart of the city. The cost of the trip to Edmonton (Canada) is 15 CAD. Taxi services will cost four times more.

You can get there by bus. The local bus station accepts flights from Calgary, McMurray, Red-Dire and other localities of the province.

Travel to Alberta by train farFollowing is not a cheap pleasure. However, the high-class service, traditional for the local railway, more than compensates for all additional costs.


Edmonton (Canada) occupies the territory thatis dominated by the continental climate. Winter and summer in these places are as pronounced as in other parts of the country, but are softer. The first warm spring days come to the region in May. However, until the middle of June, meteorologists do not rule out a sharp cooling. Hot summer comes to naught in the second half of September.

The weather in Edmonton (Canada) pampers the townspeoplehot July nights. During this period, the daytime air temperature readings sometimes exceed 30 ° C. As in the north of the continent, the humidity level in Alberta is relatively low. In October, the thermometer bars drop below 10 ° C. January and February are the most windy months, but not as chilly as in other provinces.

Museums and attractions

Immerse yourself in the history of the region and find out howEdmonton (Canada) developed, it is possible to visit the local museum. It is called Fort Edmonton Park. In addition to traditional expositions, guests can view costumes and theatrical performances. A hike in the Royal Alberta Museum will take several hours. In addition, it is worth to attend exhibitions dedicated to oil extraction and telephone sets.

weather in edmonton canada

A glimpse into the world of the flora and fauna of the Arctic latitudesinvites the National Park Elk Island. Only an hour away by car - and you're there. Visitors can not only admire the bears, wolves and deer, but also with a breeze to ski, play a round of golf or swim in a canoe.


The city of Edmonton (Canada) has become the home of manymusic festivals. During the year, Alberta hosts about thirty different contests. Fringe is the largest of them. Every year it attracts about 500 thousand music lovers to the region.

Become a member of the open-air tastingorganizers of the Days of Culture and Taste of Edmonton. Own culinary masterpieces to the court of spectators are taken by the owners of forty eateries and restaurants of the administrative center.

Symphony Under Symphony Festivalthe Sky is held at the height of the summer season. It is followed by another musical event Edmonton Folk Music. It is dedicated to the work of folk song performers.

City's legends

The business card of Alberta's capital is a building inwhich today houses the Legislative Assembly of the province. It occupies a place on which up to the beginning of the 20th century the fort was located. Open and free, traditional and at the same time modern - this is the current Edmonton (Canada). Photos serve as the best proof of that.

Edmonton canada

The ancient Saskatchewan River divides the city into two parts,which connects the multi-level bridge. Water in its bed never heats up, so it does not bathe even in the hottest summer hours. It originates high in the mountains and has a glacial origin.

Another tourist attraction and an occasion forthe pride of the local - an old tram that was brought to Edmonton from faraway Australia. His age has long passed the fifty-year mark. Composition follows along Jasper Avenue, winds through the streets of Down Town. Throughout his journey, now and then, there are informational signs that tell the history of the city.

edmonton canada pictures


In Edmonton there is also its own Chinatown. It is a few minutes' walk from the main road. Its main attraction is the Harbin Gate. The structures of the structure are guarded by giant stone lions. With them is connected one curious belief: if you stroke a ball that is in the mouth of an animal, then the most cherished desire will come true.

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