/ / Places in Rubtsovsk: description and addresses

Sights of Rubtsovsk: description and addresses

Rubtsovsk is one of the cities of the Altai Territory. For travelers, the city will be interesting with its charm and leisurely movement and, of course, places of interest. How to spend a weekend in Rubtsovsk interesting? Where to go, what to see?

General information about the city

Rubtsovsk got its name due to itsthe founder - a peasant who moved to these places, Mikhail Rubtsov. In 1886, under his leadership began to build a settlement, and in 1927 Rubtsovsk began to have the status of a city, which later became one of the industrial centers of the Altai Territory.

For a relatively short history of Rubtsovsk Altai Krai there are not too many attractions, but all are under careful supervision and control.

The distance to the regional capital is 290 km. The city itself is the administrative center of the Rubtsovsk district. Only 40 km is the border with the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The population is about 147 thousand people, this is the third indicator for the subject, second only to Barnaul and Biysk.

In 1955, Rubtsovsk was visited by an Indian delegation represented by Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi to get acquainted with the experience of urban economy.

Places of interest in Rubtsovsk: museums and galleries

sights of rubce

In order to plunge into the history of the city, the regionor some kind of sphere, you have to visit local museums that will reveal secrets, interesting facts and simply help you to plunge into the magical atmosphere of history. In Rubtsovsk there are several, for example, the museum of local lore at Lenin Avenue, 137a.

The first exhibits appeared in 1967. Since then, until today, more than 24,000 museum samples have been collected, each of which has a personal description.

Themes of the main exhibitions:

  • industrial development of the city after the war;
  • history of cultural institutions;
  • development of the Komsomol organization;
  • The review of the Chernobyl accident, the role of cicatrists in its liquidation and much more.

Picture Gallery. V.V. Tikhonov is another attraction of Rubtsovsk. Address: st. Kalinina, 15. Opening year: 1989. The gallery was named after the founder - Vladislav Vladimirovich Tikhonov. The main exhibitions of paintings are built on the compositions of Altai artists. In total, the gallery holds more than 1000 exhibits.

Central Collections:

  1. Works of Rubtsovsk artists.
  2. Works of Altai artists.
  3. Domestic art works of the mid-20th - early 21st century.

Museum of the History of Medicine of Altai (photo with descriptionRubtsovsk attractions can be found on all tourist sites, telling about the city) is located at: Per. Communist, 35. The institution opened its doors to visitors in December 1993. All interested persons will be able to look into the microscope from the last century, to see firsthand what the operating or mobile chambers looked like before. More than 10 thousand exhibits are in the museum, the main exhibitions are related to:

  • medicine during the war;
  • history of medical development in the Altai;
  • medicine of the last century;
  • agitation in the 21st century for a life without drugs.

Architectural monuments and sculptures

sights rubce photos

One of the magnificent buildings of the city isthe Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, located on Sovetskaya Street, 9. The building was built in 1906, when still Rubtsovsk did not bear the status of the city. At the moment the temple is a protected monument of architecture. The building is built in the shape of a ship with a high "mast" - a bell tower.

There is a landmark in Rubtsovsk, photowhich is located on souvenir cards, magnets and calendars, it has become an unspoken symbol of the city - it's a house "under the spire". At the time when it was erected (and this is 1949), Rubtsovsk was a low-rise wooden settlement, and the house "under the spire" became the first stone and so high (3 floors + spire). It was with him began a massive stone building, but now in this house are elite apartments. Address: st. Komsomolskaya, 124.

Sculpture "Horse in a coat" on the street. Dzerzhinsky, 13 amuses both townspeople and tourists. It is dedicated to the famous Russian expression. The figure is made of metal. The horse himself is dressed in an elegant coat and sits on a bench, which makes it possible to be photographed with him in an embrace.

Where can I take a walk?

sights of the Krai of the Altai Territory

City Park of Culture and Rest. CM. Kirov is a favorite place for children and their parents. In green spaces there are various attractions, there are numerous shops with ice cream and drinks - what else is needed for active days off by the whole family? Address: пер. Grazhdansky, 17

Walk alongside the river can be along the embankment of the name of NF. Petrova. In a single complex with a green zone, the embankment became a favorite place for photo shoots of the newlyweds. Located at: Lenin Ave., 1.

At the station square there are severalsights of Rubtsovsk, next to which you want to sit, take a walk or ponder. Firstly, the fountain, cooling in the summer days, and secondly, a memorial complex dedicated to the fallen soldiers during the Patriotic War. Address: пл. them. 21st Guards Infantry Regiment.

Cinemas and theaters of the city

sights rubceska photo with description

Another attraction of Rubtsovsk isdrama Theater. He began his work in 1937 at the request of the rubce residents themselves. Since then, he annually gives the audience brilliant performances. Under the roof of the theater worked and honored artists of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Mari El, honored workers of culture. In recent years, the theater has been included in the list of especially significant social facilities. Address: st. Karl Marx, 141.

You can watch a movie in the cinema"Rainbow", it is located at ul. Tractor, 17 - is 4 modern equipped hall, designed for 500 seats. The demonstration of films takes place both in the usual format, and in 3D.

Cinema "Zhemchuzhina" in the cultural and entertainmentcenter "Russia" at Lenin Ave 56, has only one room, but no less popular, because is located in the center of the city, and next to it there is a cafe in the building, you can take food with you.

Thus, tourists and crooks can spend an interesting vacation or a weekend in the city by visiting the main places of interest.

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