/ / Places of Interest in the UAE: Beauty and Luxury

Attractions in the UAE: Beauty and Luxury

For many, the United Arab Emirates (UAE)always associated with luxury, the best hotels, yachts, beaches, shopping, etc. But it turns out that, in addition to fashionable resorts, there are many different architectural and other man-made attractions in this country. Almost in every village, you can meet an ancient palace belonging to a sheikh, an ancient fortress or other sights of the UAE.

Attractions in the UAE

There are a lot of modern architectural monuments in the UAE. One of them is the Jumeirah mosque - it is an incredibly beautiful and grandiose structure.

The main attractions of the UAE, which certainly need to see the tourist:

- Al Husn Palace in Abu Dhabi - an ancient fort,Built in the 14th century to protect the fresh water found here. Outside it has a modern look, and inside is an ancient square fort. In addition to it, an ethnographic village resembles an antiquity, where you can see what the life of this century was like.

- Bastakia is the old part of Dubai. It consists of traditional Arab houses with their cozy patios.

- Dubai Historical Museum. Formerly, here was the fort of Al-Fahidi, built in the late 18th century. At different times here were located the palace of the sheikh, the garrison and even the prison. In the museum you can see a collection of applied art, as well as various household items of Bedouins and residents of the city.

- Meredzha is a museum treasure of the Emirates. It is located in the city of Sharjah and is the largest mosque of Sheik Faisal. There can be up to 3000 people at the same time.

- Museum of the Emir Ajman. It is located in the fort, which was built in the 18th century and until the 70s of the last century was the active residence of the emir. The museum contains an exposition of ancient manuscripts, archaeological finds, ancient weapons.

- Umm al-Quwain is well known for its large date garden Falaj Al Muala.

- Diving enthusiasts will be interested in coral reefsin Cor Fakana. Transparent water here merges with the golden sand of beaches, and the fauna and flora of the underwater world can conquer any, even the most sophisticated tourist.

Best Hotels in United Arab Emirates

It is also worth mentioning about such athe attractions of the UAE as a warm sun, which in these places shines 360 days a year, as well as the warm waters of the Persian Gulf. The average air temperature in winter here is +24 degrees, and in summer +41. And, despite this, thousands of tourists come here every year in the summer to relax.

The number of hotels is growing at a record pace here. The best hotels in the UAE impress with their elegance, originality of forms and content. And in each of them the service is at the highest level.

Shopping in the UAE

A large number of different shopping centers,shops and famous Arab markets will not leave indifferent any lover of shopping. Shopping in the UAE is another common reason for the arrival of tourists from all over the world. Sports fans of the UAE are ready to offer luxurious conditions for scuba diving, tennis, windsurfing, horse riding, golf and archery. For gourmets throughout the country, many restaurants with a wide choice of dishes of all world cuisines are open.

Attractions of the UAE can causea genuine admiration even for the sophisticated tourists. And you will certainly want to return here more than once in order to again and again plunge into the atmosphere of old luxury and beauty.

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