/ / Trip to Minsk in October: tips for tourists

Trip to Minsk in October: tips for tourists

Autumn, and especially October, is a great time fororder to go on a trip. If you want to have a good time in a cozy autumn atmosphere, a good decision will be to go to Minsk in October. So, what to see in the capital of Belarus in the autumn? We will discuss this further.

Weather in Belarus in October

In the midst of autumn, the nature of Belarusattractive, and the local weather will give you the opportunity to enjoy the views, although there may be temperature drops and rains. On average, the weather in the daytime at the beginning of the month is +12 degrees, while near the end it drops to +6.

October is a month of changeable, as people say, "he is crying and laughing", referring to the sharp transitions between sunny and warm weather, ideal for a walk, and rainy rainy weather.

In the latter case, the best choice forpastime will be a visit to various events in Minsk this month. If the weather does not have to walk around the city and get acquainted with architectural monuments, we advise you to take a closer look at the concert programs, since you came to Minsk in October.

in Minsk in October

Concerts in Minsk

Concerts in Minsk in October are diverse - fromclassical music to more modern and youthful genres. Muscovites will be surprised first of all by the relatively low prices for tickets, so it's worthwhile to go to Minsk in October, at least for that reason.

In the Belarusian State Philharmonic SocietyThe open days under the name "Favorite Classics" regularly take place. The State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus with People's Artist of Belarus Alexander Anisimov as conductor performs works of such famous composers of world level as Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Khachaturian and Sviridov.

In the Palace of Sports usually held largeconcerts of world-class stars, from Depeche Mode to the most famous performers of the national stage. In small clubs and concert halls you can go to the performances of local bands and groups, which are so rich in the country.

Special attention can be attracted by performances of ethno-groups, as well as unique musical cocktails from modern styles and folk Belarusian music. Get an unforgettable experience from uncommonlybut at the same time such a close culture, you can for a pittance, in contrast to travel to Egypt or Turkey.

concerts in Minsk in October

Cinemas in Minsk

If you managed to visit the main eventsmusical character in the city, do not forget about the cinemas. In the capital there are many such halls, among which the main place is occupied by the cinema "October". Minsk much associated with the architectural appearance of this building, known throughout the territory of the former Union. Today in this cinema you can watch premieres of novelties of the world cinema, paying at the same time for tickets much less than in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

cinema October minsk

If you decide to go on a weekend in Minsk in October, even if the weather does not allow you to take a walk through the streets of this wonderful city, you can visit cultural events in the capital.

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