/ / African attractions: Tanzania and its main sites

African attractions: Tanzania and its main sites

Tanzania, whose attractions weconsider in our article, is one of the most interesting regions located in East Africa. Here is the highest African peak, described by many authors - Kilimanjaro, here, among the picturesque landscapes, is the largest lake of the continent - Victoria. Tanzania is an incredible beauty exotic islands, nature, almost untouched by the human hand, wild animals that make blood stop in the veins. This is one of those states, once visited, you want to return again and again.

Tanzania attractions

The best park in the world

Tanzania, whose attractions are knownall over the world, is famous for its national park - the Serengeti. It is located in the northern part of the country and is considered one of the best reserves on Earth. The name of the park comes from a certain Masai word, which in translation sounds like an "extended platform". In 1951, for the foundation of the Serengeti, a territory of 14,763 km2.

Many Englishmen actively participated in theextermination of African fauna, because hunting for a large wild animal was quite a popular activity. The first people who paid attention to the ecology of Africa were the British colonial authorities of the United Republic of Tanzania. Trying to solve this problem, they created a national park and its sights. Tanzania today is known primarily as a territory on which there is a magnificent park. On its expanse is grazed several million heads of large animals, not counting the countless number of birds and small animals.

 Tanzania Attractions

Three-headed mountain

Tanzania, whose attractions wewe describe, does not appear without its business card - Mount Kilimanjaro. It is not only the highest mountain of the continent, but also one of the largest world volcanoes. The mountain range covers an area of ​​approximately 388,500 hectares. Always, when we speak about this landmark, we are talking mainly about its two main peaks - Mavenzi and Kibo. But in fact Kilimanjaro is a three-headed mountain. The third peak is known as the ridge under the name Shira, and it is the smallest peak of the mountain. It is a mountain ridge that was destroyed during the eruption.

Between the western slopes of Kilimanjaro and the ridgeShira extends plateau Shira. It is the most intriguing feature of the whole sight. The area of ​​the plateau reaches 6,200 hectares. Scientists suggest that the plateau is a collapsed crater of the first volcano, filled with lava from eruptions of a later period.

Also on Mount Kilimanjaro there is Lake Chala, the existence of which is known to a few tourists. Kilimanjaro is the attraction for which it is worth visiting Tanzania.

tanzania what to see

Lake with a romantic female name

Many objects can boast ofTanzania. Attractions near Lake Victoria and the pond itself is another place worth visiting. Victoria is the second largest freshwater lake in the world. Its northern coast crosses the Equator. Discovered the tourist attraction in 1858 by traveler John Henning Speke.

On the lake are scattered a lot of different islands,which have become a haven for birds. And around the lake there are many famous reserves and national parks of the continent. The most interesting among them is the national park on the island of Rubondo. Here live almost four hundred different kinds of birds.

Visiting Lake Victoria is best from June to September.

Park with wild animals

Tanzania (sights, photos of whichcan be considered in our article, numerous) is famous for another beautiful park - Arusha. This is a real Eden for animals and birds that have settled there. The reserve is conventionally divided into three zones that are not similar to one another. This is the Ngurdoto crater, covered with lush vegetation; Lakes of Momel, giving different shades; Mount Meru, representing ice and cold rocks.

Only in the park Arusha you can observe the flying zebra pastures and the leopards hiding near waterfalls.

Tanzania Attractions Photo

Homeland of the chimpanzee

Many wonderful places are rich in Tanzania. What to see here is in the first place, you can not immediately tell. But here's what you should not miss, so it's visiting the park Gombe Stream. This is the smallest national park in the country, which is the birthplace of chimpanzees. It is located in the mountains, near Lake Tanganyika. In the afternoon, monkey water is slowly drunk from it, and at night the pond is lit by hundreds of lights.

Here you can meet the world-famous chimpanzee communities found by British pioneers.

Observations of these animals confirmed thatthe fact that they are much like people: their characters, behavior in different situations, the distribution of responsibilities within the community - all this is reminiscent of the human way of life and way of life.

In Gombe Stream you can meet the most famous varieties of chimpanzees, from red-tailed to blue.

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