Where can I get fingerprints for a Schengen visa? New rules for obtaining a Schengen visa: fingerprints
Since September 14, 2015, citizens of Russiabe sure to hand over fingerprints for a Schengen visa. The delivery of biometric data is mandatory for everyone. The procedure for fingerprinting is carried out in consulates authorized by the visa centers of European countries.
The Schengen action extends to 26 countries Schengen agreement. The contract, signed 20 years ago, gives an opportunitycitizens are free to move between states and without obstacles to pass passport and border control. Initially, the Schengen community consisted of 7 countries. Now it has grown to 26 members. The states that are one of the last to join the union are Liechtenstein and Switzerland.
Why do I need a Schengen visa?
Schengen visa has the form of a sticker thatpaste in the passport. The common visa policy of European countries promotes the development of tourism in the region. You can stay in the countries of the agreement for a limited period - from three to six months, by issuing a short or long-term visa. Any country in the Schengen agreement can issue them. They are valid for entry and travel on the territory of all states that have signed the agreement. That is, you do not need to issue a visa for a trip to each individual country.
Who can not hand over fingerprints for a Schengen visa?
To pass fingerprints, everyone wishing to becomeholders of a Schengen visa must visit the consulate or visa center. The exception is made only by citizens of Russia who have not reached the age of 12, disabled persons without fingers or hands, and also some statesmen who use visas for working visits.
According to the Association of Tour OperatorsRussia (ATOR), the launch of the Visa Information System (VIS) in the country resulted in a change in the procedure for applying for a visa to the centers of the Schengen states. So, you can file a package of documents only by appointment. Individual authorized centers changed their work schedule after new rules for obtaining a Schengen visa began to operate. Fingerprints meanwhile are designed to improve the situation of Russian tourists.
Now we will answer the most common questions that arise for tourists wishing to travel abroad. We also find out where to put fingerprints for a Schengen visa.
Where should I go?
Where can I get fingerprints for a Schengen visa? The official EU representative office in Russia notes that after September 14, 2015, a person's personal presence is required to provide biometric data when applying for a visa. It's about fingerprints and digital photography.
Application specialists advisechoose a consulate or visa center of the state in which the citizen intends to spend most of his foreign trip. It can also be a consulate of the country whose border will need to be crossed first during the entry into the territory defined as the Schengen zone. In some cases, an advance record is required to apply. It should be emphasized that travel companies do not have the right to collect biometric data.
Is the visa valid before?
Is it still valid up to 15September this year, the Schengen visa for Russians? Fingerprints tourists who have received permission to travel abroad before, do not have to provide. This will need to be done only after the expiry of the document.
Has the package of documents changed?
The package of documents for visa processing remainedthe former. Only biometric data was added to it. Russian tourists, as a rule, must submit an application, accommodation reservation, airline tickets, income statement, insurance policy, photocopy of the passport.
How are the biometric data handed over?
Photos and fingerprints for the Schengen visaare done in the same place where the application is filed. The scanning procedure takes several minutes. The EU office notes that those citizens who are temporarily unable to provide data will have to undergo the procedure at the next application to the consulate.
Update biometric data according to newrules, it will be necessary once in five years. You should also know that border service employees on the external border of the country may require the tourist to provide fingerprints for the Schengen visa. This allows them to verify the identity by comparing the data with those stored in the database. If the information does not match, then, before passing the traveler across the border, it will be checked additionally.
In what time is the Schengen visa issued?
In accordance with the requirements of the package of documentsshould be submitted at least a few weeks before the planned trip, but not earlier than three months before leaving Russia. In most centers, a travel permit is issued within ten working days.
How much does the design of the "Schengen" cost?
According to the European Office, the sizevisa fee does not depend on the validity of the "Schengen". Its size is determined by a specific consulate and is about 35 euros. In some cases, for example, if the application is submitted by the tourist three days before the trip, the fee can be doubled.
Demand for a Schengen visa in Russia
ATOR representatives note that the introductionbiometrics in the consulates of the Schengen countries coincided with a sharp decline in the tourist flow from Russia to Europe. The complex foreign policy environment prevents the opening of new visa centers in Russia. Meanwhile, this can greatly facilitate the implementation of the innovation. It is noteworthy that some European countries, on the contrary, closed their centers.
According to statistical data, against the backgrounddepreciation of the Russian currency has significantly reduced the number of applications for the design of the "Schengen". However, despite this, Russians continue to occupy the first place among citizens of other countries of the world who request permission to travel to the Schengen area. So, according to the results of the last year, 5,8 million visas were issued in the Russian Federation.
To avoid further reductiontourist flow from Russia to Europe, ATOR sent a letter to the EU Delegation in Russia. It proposes to open new centers on the territory of the country, which will take fingerprints from Russians to obtain a Schengen visa.