Summary of Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin" - a novel in verse
The summary of Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin", "of course, can not fully convey the ideological and artistic originality of the novel in verse. However, in the absence of time for a complete reading of the work, one can get an idea of his story, about what era, in what circumstances events take place.
"Young Rake" hurries to the village to getinheritance of his uncle. Then the author briefly outlines the biography of the protagonist. Until a certain age, nannies followed him, the tutors taught. When Eugene grew up, they were driven out of the yard. By this time he was already fluent in French, he danced well, was fashionably cut and dressed, he was able to support any conversation in society, to charm a lady, to hypocrite. That is, he led the same way of life as all the young people of his circle. After changing clothes, he immediately goes to the ball. The author makes it clear that Eugene was fed up with such a rhythm of life, he is already really not interested in anything. During this period, the author himself is acquainted with the melancholy with him. They are going to go on a trip together. But suddenly Yevgeny first dies his father, leaving a lot of debts, and then comes the news that his uncle is dying. The nephew hurries to the village, but no longer finds him alive.
Summary of Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin": 2-3 chapters
The protagonist soon settled in the village. From boredom, he started some transformations there: instead of corvée he introduced an easy obrok. Soon Vladimir Lensky arrived in the village. He made friends with Onegin and told him that he had long been in love with Olga Larina, a modest, simple, always affable, cheerful girl. She has an older sister, Tatyana. She - the complete opposite of Olga - is always silent and sad. Lensky introduces Onegin into the Larins' family.
Summary of Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin": 4-5 chapters
After reading the confession of the girl, the city's rake wasvery touched. He decides not to deceive her and in a return letter confesses that marriage is not for him, that he will soon fall out of love with him, that life with him will turn into a real torture for her. Meanwhile, the relationship between Lensky and Olga is developing happily, the wedding day has already been appointed. In winter, during the days of Christmas, Tatiana dreams a nightmare, in which Onegin kills Lensky with a knife. She is very concerned, but in her dream book there is no interpretation. On the name day to Tatyana guests come. Profits and Lensky with Onegin. Eugene can not tolerate provincial festivities. He is angry with Lensky for persuading him to come. In retaliation, Eugene constantly dances with Olga, whispers banal compliments to her. She can not make a pair of Lensky, since almost all the dancing has already promised Onegin. Vladimir leaves before the end of the ball, deciding to call a friend to a duel.
Summary of Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin": 6-7 chapters
A. Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin": the contents of the last chapter
The main character is 26 years old. After traveling a little, he returns home. At one of the balls he sees a woman. He thought he knew her. It turned out that this is the same Tatyana Larina. During this time she became the prince's wife and changed a lot. Now Onegin follows her closely, writing a letter with a confession. But Tatiana remains impregnable. She tells Eugene that she loves him, but will remain true to her husband. Tatiana leaves, and on the stage appears her husband. The author says goodbye to the main characters of his novel and to his reader.