/ / What is a Cooking Out? Cumming out: value

What is a Cumming Out? Cumming out: value

Sexual revolution gave men andwomen's freedom to choose their sexual partners. This was the impetus for creating same-sex couples. Along with this, new concepts emerged, concerning certain aspects of life and the behavior of people with non-traditional sexual orientation. As a rule, these words of foreign origin are not completely understood by citizens who are far from the "blue" and "pink" themes.

what is the camping out
For example, not everyone knows what iscamping out. What is its difference from the similar notion of "outing". But meanwhile in certain circles this is a frequently used expression, which even has its own holiday in the year. But first things first.

What is a Cumming Out?

This word is borrowed from English andtranslation means "disclosure", "exit from the closet." A man or a woman, openly and, most importantly, voluntarily confessing in their unconventional sexual orientation or in their attitude towards a gender minority, commit an act called a cumming-out. As a rule, this definition is applied to lesbians, gays, bisexual and transsexual persons (abbreviated as LGBT), who openly admit their sexual preferences or that their body does not correspond to their mental state.

Outreach is also an exposure to the universala review of the fact of unconventional private life, but by other persons in violent form, against the will of the homosexual himself. Usually it is done to compromise a person, to spoil his reputation, career, to change the attitude of people, because in any country there are homophobic moods. Even in modern society, not all people are ready to open their doors to their bedroom, but there are some who specifically hold a public cum-out to attract attention and gain superfluous popularity, while being heterosexual. This phenomenon is very common in show business.

Few historical facts

The first time about the basic idea of ​​a camping outthought about in 1869. Did this German lawyer and journalist, defending the rights and interests of minorities, Karl Heinrich Ulrichs. He was of the opinion that if you want to become visible, you need to loudly declare yourself through the cum-out. The significance of this act, according to the German, is great, the newly opened homosexual can exert greater influence on people and enjoy authority.

camping out
The first public important person who does notwas afraid to tell about himself the truth, became the American poet Robert Danken. He made a kaiming out, and soon he was cut from the army. After that, in one of the magazines, he said that in the country and throughout the world, minorities are oppressed.

In the middle of the 20th century, the concept of "cum-out"thanks to the psychologist Evelyn Hooker, who devoted a lot of his work to the study of gay communities, ceased to be a jargon, moving into the section of scientific terminology.

Importance of Cumming Out

Moral satisfaction from life occursOnly in the event that a person lives in complete harmony, not only with himself, but also with society. To achieve this result, you need to be brave and openly declare your sexual preferences. If a man or a woman is really homosexual, they accepted this fact and are confident in their choice, then do not hide it, camouflage with heterosexual relationships, even marry against your will to please society. This negatively affects the mental state of the individual. It can only be helped by a cunning out. The significance of the deed will positively affect the state, mood, there will come a long-awaited relief.

kaiming out value

This is in case of understanding from the audience. But, as practice shows, this is not always the case. That's why there is a lot of literature on "what is a kuming out", how and when is it better to do it. One of the most famous is the manual written by the American organization "Parents, Families and Friends of Gay and Lesbian".

Recognition process

Cumming-outs are complex multistageprocesses. Psychologists advise gradually to open for all their sexual orientation, starting with a friend or family member, with whom the most warm, strong, trusting relationship. Quite often it happens that all his colleagues and friends know about the unconventionality of a person, but close relatives do not know. Sometimes it's easier to tell a stranger than for someone else.

made a camping out
Some research papers oncunning-out and general openness of a person to society, showed that the less a person hides from others, the less he has to lie, get nervous, worry.

Recognition to parents

One of the most difficult stages of a cum-out is considered to beconfession to parents. They are not able to take the information correctly, with understanding. Parents are shocked to learn that their child is not like everyone else. They need time and help from a psychologist. Most parents refuse to accept this fact, they can punish children, ignore, expel from home, refuse them. Some some time try to avoid any conversations about the sexual topic, believing that all this is a whim, the costs of age, and if you do not focus on this, then everything will go by itself.

Other parents seriously consider homosexualityillness, begin to treat their children with reparative therapy. By all these actions, mothers and fathers inflict serious harm on the child's psyche, only glowing the situation.

2013 is the year of the camping out

October 11, is considered the official day when allremember what a kamping-out, as well as watching the public recognition of not only friends, relatives, but also important prominent people from the scene. From year to year, the number of LGBT politicians, musicians, athletes and actors is growing, which means that people are less and less afraid of popular condemnation, and non-traditional choice becomes the norm. It can be safely said that in 2013 they did not confine themselves to one day of confession, extending it to all 365.

camping outs this
It is impossible to tell about all the confessions, their huge number, but here are the most expected and loud statements:

  1. Jodie Foster made her cum-out during her award ceremony at the Golden Globes ceremony.
  2. American actor Wentworth Miller reported his homosexuality in a letter of refusal to come to Russia, as there are many homophobes here.
  3. The British jumper in the water Tom Daley shot a video with his confession and posted it on the Internet.
  4. Canadian actor and singer Victor Garber admitted that he is gay and has been in a relationship with a man for 14 years.
  5. NBA basketball player Jason Collins, who decided that you need to be honest with everyone.
  6. Philippine singer Charris.
  7. Robbie Rogers said that he was gay, and left the football.
  8. Irish actor Andrew Scott, who stopped studying Russian on Putin's speeches after V.V. V. had issued a homophobic law.
  9. Professor of psychiatry Dinesh Bugra.
  10. Figure skater Brian Boytano.
  11. </ ol </ p>
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