/ / Universities of Volgograd. Volgograd High Schools - List

Universities of Volgograd. Volgograd High Schools - List

In this article we will talk about higher educationinstitutions of Volgograd. Its main goal is to help future students in choosing an institution that will determine its future life. What can Volgograd prospective students offer? Universities (specialties will be examined below) are prepared by highly qualified specialists who are able to work in various sectors of the national economy. Annually in the higher educational institutions of this city I receive thousands of young people - future doctors, teachers, technicians, economists, art historians, etc.

high schools of Volgograd

"Swan, cancer and pike"

Graduated from school and received a certificate of secondaryevery young man faces a choice: what to do next - continue and continue to chew on the granite of science or go to work your own blood? If the scale tends to the first decision, it remains only to choose the right educational institution and specialty, which I would like to master. And that's where most young people have a "stupor". After all, their life experience is not great, preferences in choosing a profession have not yet formed for all, and time starts to clamp down. And here parents, relatives, friends and others come to "help". And, like in Krylov's fable "Swan, Cancer and Pike", begin to pull the entrant in different directions. Someone will insist on the family tradition, they say, the ancestors of the young man studied here, right up to the seventh tribe; someone will give advice in view of the current economic feasibility of the labor market; someone will pay attention to the prestige of the institution and specialty; and someone will focus on the scarce resources of the family of the future student ... And how do we act in this situation, so that in the future it would not be painfully painful because of the wrong choice?

state universities of Volgograd

The principle of "sanity"

In this situation, you can recommend a younga person to use the so-called principle of sanity. What does this mean? First of all, it is necessary to collect maximum information about the educational institutions themselves and about the specialties that are taught there. To study it and select those options that you are impressed to some extent. Next, tell about your preferences to parents, grandparents, etc., and listen to their opinion about this, because their life experience is many times greater than yours. And only after this, independently, taking into account your own desires, the council of elders and collected from various sources of information (official prospectuses, feedback from students, teachers, etc.) make a choice. Now we will examine directly Volgograd's universities and the specialties offered by them. In this article we will only get acquainted with the full-time form of education.

 colleges Volgograd list

Universities of Volgograd: list of educational institutions

This city-hero on the Volga River is rich inwide-ranging institutions, and highly specialized, for example, technical, economic or medical. So, any higher education institution of Volgograd (state) can take to itself any entrant.

1. State Agricultural Academy.

2. Institute of Economics, Sociology of Law.

3. State University.

4. The Law Institute.

5. State Social Pedagogical University.

6. The Institute of Arts. Serebryakova PA

7. The State Institute of Arts and Culture.

8. Technical University.

9. State Architecture and Civil Engineering University.

10. The Institute of Business.

11. State Academy of Physical Culture.

medical high schools of Volgograd

Volgograd universities: branches

In addition to the institutions listed in the aboveabove the list, the city has a number of branches of higher educational institutions of our country, such as the International Slavic Institute, the Russian Academy of National Economy and State. Service under the President of the Russian Federation, Modern Humanitarian Academy, Institute of Management, Russian University of Cooperation, Moscow Humanitarian and Economic Institute, Russian State University of Trade and Economics. As you can see, the choice facing the Volgograd entrant is simply enormous. On the one hand, it's good, because there are plenty to choose from, and on the other hand, when you see such a large number of establishments you can get lost. But no one promised that it would be easy, this is only the beginning, and then there will be entrance exams, studies, term papers, sessions ...

Medical schools

Medical universities deserve special attentionVolgograd, or rather the State Medical University, located in this city. This federal budget institution of higher professional education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (FSBEI HPE VolgGMU) was founded in 1935 (at that time it was called the Stalingrad Medical Institute). Today, this state-of-the-art university is on the World Health Organization's list of medical higher education institutions. There are eight faculties in its structure, besides, on its base a medical college is created, in which highly skilled specialists of the average medical level are trained. And in Pyatigorsk a branch - Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute was opened.

Volgograd high schools of specialty

Choose a specialty

Well, now it's time to move on to the second one (althoughhe is closely associated with the first), but no less important choice - the profession. Universities of Volgograd offer applicants a very wide list of specialties. The main lines of the agricultural educational program include the following training lines: agrotechnology, zootechnics, agricultural mechanization, electrification, processing technologies, commodity science, economics, environmental and land reclamation, social and humanitarian. Higher educational institutions of Volgograd architecture and construction offer the following specialties to entrants: heat engineering and heat power engineering, transport processes, machinery and technological equipment, information systems and technologies, architecture, construction, design, and technospheric security. Institutes of culture and art teach students such professions: directing, general and applied arts, acting skills, etc. Medical educational institutions train specialists in medical and preventive activities, biotechnology technologies, biology, pediatrics, medicine, medical biochemistry, dentistry, clinical psychology.

These lists can be continued for a very long time, howeverthe essence of this article is to show the entrant the whole gamut of opportunities open before him. Correctly chosen specialty will give him a way in life and determine the fate. Good luck!

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