/ / Russian language: orthograms. All orphograms of the Russian language

Russian language: orthograms. All orphograms of the Russian language

The Russian language is rich in orthograms, it knowsevery child. Since childhood, in the lessons of the Russian language, we teach numerous rules that can not be counted, but all in order to know the correct spelling of words. All the orphograms of the Russian language can not be counted, there are so many of them that even philologists sometimes confuse and forget them. This article will help you understand the basic rules of spelling.

Russian spelling

Vigilant verified vowels in the root and the orthogram "cha, schA"

This rule children begin to study, as a rule, infirst grade or in kindergarten. The rule helps to know which letter is written in the root of the word. For example, in the word "OCP" you can write both the letter "o" and the letter "a". To find out what letter is written in the word, it is necessary to choose a root word. A suitable word is "charm", because here the stress falls on the letter "a". This means that "charm" is written with the letter "a" at the root.

It should be noted that the orthograms in Russiancan intersect. For example, another, no less important rule is the spelling "cha, schA". The words "cha, schA" are always written with the letter "a". For example, thicket, charm, charm, cup, etc.

All orphograms of the Russian language

Unverifiable vowels in the root of the word

Unverifiable vowels in the root of the word - this is somethingthe most unloved rule of schoolchildren in primary school. After all, when writing words with such a spelling, no rules will help. Orthograms of the Russian language with an unverifiable vowel are not verified at the root, the writing of such words must be remembered. Vowels can not be verified in words such as: birch, raspberry, vinaigrette, alley, plant, people, banana, chocolate, diamond, etc. Writing such words must be remembered once and for all, so as not to make mistakes.

Rules of the spelling of the Russian language

Unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word

It is very important to study the rule of unpronounceableconsonants in the root of the word, because the given orthogram is often found on the letter. Most often unpronounceable consonants in the root are checked. For example: dangerous - dangerous, heart - heart, sun - sun, giant - giant, happy - happiness, silence - rumor, etc.

Spelling of consoles ending in z-, s-

In fact, people often make mistakes inprefixes, ending in z- and s-, even if they know Russian well. Orphograms of consoles are often found, so you just need to remember what the writing of the prefix depends on. The prefixes for s- and c- are: an-, up-, down-, up-, down-, up-, down-, out-, ra-, ra-, without- / and roses- / ros-.

In order to understand which letter is written,you need to look at the next one. If the consonant's letter after the prefix is ​​blank (k, n, t, w, uh, f, x, h, s, c), then the prefix is ​​written with the letter "c", this rule provides for the Russian language. Orphograms indicate that if the subsequent sound is sonorous, then the prefix with the ending "z" is written. Examples with "c": flashing, painting, desaturate, infinite, etc. Examples with "z": excessive, joyless, article, look, etc.

Alternating vowels in the root

Alternating vowels in roots is an importantrule, which will accompany the student from the 5th to the 11th grade. Orthogram for the alternation of vowels in the roots is practically in all examinations, such as the OGE (GIA) and the USE.

Orthograms on the Russian language provide for the existence of four groups of alternation, each need to be considered in detail:

  • The roots in which the vowel writing depends on the following suffix:

-Ber- / byr-, -ter- / - tyr-, -per - / - pyr-, -styl- / -style-, -blast- / -blast-, -der - / - dir-.

At the root of the word, the letter "and" is written in the case if the suffix -a- follows: fade (but freeze), burn (but burn), shine (but shine), etc.

At the root of the word "a" is written, if the suffix on -a- follows: touch (but touch), offer (but suggest), etc.

  • The roots in which writing a vowel depends on the stress in the word:

-gar - / - gor-, -tvar - / - creat-, -clan - / - clone-, - p - / - zor-.

If the word stress falls on the letter "a" in the word, then the root is also written "a": sunburn, bow, glow, dawn,

If the word stress does not fall on the root, then "o" is written: creation, bow, sunbath, dawn, etc.

  • The writing of a vowel at the root of a word depends on the letter behind this vowel:

-rest - / - spread - / - groschen-, -skak - / - scoop.

The letter "a" is written before "st" and "ni": plant, grown, etc. The letter "o" is written in all other cases. Exceptions: sprout, adolescent, growth, usurer, Rostov, etc.

"A" is written before "to", and "o" is written before "h": jumping, jumping, etc. Exceptions: jump, jump,

  • Writing a vowel at the root depends on the meaning:

-mac - / - mok-, -equal - / - level.

In the first case, "a" is written, if the meaning of the word has the meaning of immersion in water: dunk, dipped, etc. It is written "o" with the value of the liquid: wet, wet, wet, etc.

In the second case, "a" is written when the value is synonymous with the word "same": equal, equal, etc. The "o" is written when the value is synonymous with the word "direct": smooth, align,

Orthograms on the Russian language

Letters "and", "s" after "c"

The Russian language is rich in various rules. Orthograms are found here and there. And so, with the letters "and", "s" after the consonant "c", schoolchildren very often get confused in their spelling. In fact, in order to correctly write words with such a spelling, it is necessary to remember in which cases the "and" are written, and in which "s":

  • "and" they write in the root words: a figure, a quote, a circus, a cylinder, etc.
  • "and" they write in words to "tion": a nation, a lecture, a conference, information, privatization, etc.
  • "s" write in the endings and suffixes of the words: (no) queen, (scarf) fox, (no) stepdaughter, etc.
  • "s" write in words-exceptions: gypsies, chicken, chick-chick, snort, on tiptoe, etc.

Spelling of prefixes pre- and

The spelling of the prefixes makes the Russian language more complicated. Orthograms for this part of the word are kept very often and in large numbers. However, the rule for prefixes and prefixes is fairly easy to remember.

Prefix is ​​used when:

  • It has the meaning of prefixes: stop, block, successor, etc.
  • Gives the word the highest degree of quality: premium, pre-brave, extol, exceed, exceed, etc.

The prefix is ​​used when:

  • It has the meaning of proximity: seaside, homestead, court, station, etc.
  • It is important to add and approximate: fasten, bring, etc.
  • Indicates the incompleteness of the action: close, lie down, proceed, subside, etc.
  • Indicates the completeness of the action: cut, mute, etc.

Orthograms in Russian

As you know, all the spelling of the Russian languagehave been studied for many years. In order to be literate and educated, it is necessary to memorize these rules of spelling and to do practical tasks. Each school spell carefully follows each spelling rule.

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