/ / Let's answer the question, who invented the phone?

Let's answer the question, who invented the phone?

Progress is constantly gaining momentum and every yearnew inventions and discoveries appear all the faster and faster. In our life includes many new devices, which yesterday seemed fantastic, and the usual household appliances are being replaced with newer and better ones. Literally ten years ago in each apartment there was a usual color TV with a remote control, considered as a limit of dreams, but now we see the appearance of flat plasma panels supporting 3D technology. Laptops, tablet computers and, of course, the phones are so firmly integrated into our lives that presenting it without them will be very problematic.

The level of our life allows us to acquirenumerous household appliances that are now filling our home, but keeping up with the change of generations is increasingly difficult, primarily because the average person does not know anything about the news.

In the furious rhythm of life it is sometimes useful to stopand look back, fix your eyes on history, and remember who stood at the sources. Let's answer the question, who invented the phone? Without a doubt, this is one of the most popular devices among those around us. A person without him now feels literally helpless. But not everyone knows who invented the phone, who first passed a few words at a distance.

Origins of the invention

It's about transmitting sounds at a distance. Under this definition, many vehicles fall. For the first time, something similar appeared in China in 968. Of course, then the "phones" were not similar to what we see now, they were bulky mechanical devices consisting of a multitude of pipes. Such a principle of sound transmission is used now, for example, on large ships.

Another species, known, probably,all, is a "rope phone." It can now be made of two diaphragms and a cord stretched between them. Despite the fact that these mechanisms do not have anything in common with modern technologies, they served as a prototype, in which principles that are relevant today are used. But who invented the phone in the form that is used now?

Electrical appliance

In 1860 the Italian Antonio Meuccidemonstrated a device capable of transmitting various sounds and speech over wires. He even received a patent for his invention. About a year later a German named Johann Reis presented something similar, but equipped with a microphone and a speaker. And in 1876, Alexander Bell showed the world a device called the "speaking telegraph", combining the ideas of previous designs. He is considered an inventor who contributed, but he is not the one who invented the first phone.

The Russian scientist and electrical engineer in 1878 createdapparatus of original design, different from Bell's invention. His device is considered the first Russian phone. In the following years, many scientists worked on its improvement, including Thomas Edison.

But to answer the question, who invented the mobilephone, a little more complicated, because it became a natural extension of radios and other similar devices. The idea of ​​creating something like this appeared in 1947, and the first in the world model, which can be considered a mobile phone, was assembled by the Russian scientist Golubitsky in 1957, although this device weighed almost 3 kilograms.

We can say that the question of who invented the telephone,does not have such an unambiguous answer. Many scientists from different countries at one time worked on this, and now we can enjoy the results of their work on a completely different level. And it's so natural that you even stop thinking about it.

Both mobile devices and conventional stationary systems have nothing to do with what was almost a century ago.

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