/ The inventors are well known. Great inventions of mankind

Inventors are famous. Great inventions of mankind

Famous inventors of the world have created manyuseful for humanity. Their use for society is difficult to overestimate. Many brilliant discoveries saved not one life. Who are they - inventors, known for their unique developments?


This man was not only a great mathematician. Thanks to him, the whole world learned what a mirror and siege weapon was. One of the most famous developments is Archimedean screw (screw), with which you can efficiently scoop out water. It is noteworthy that this technology is used to this day.

Leonardo da Vinci

The inventors, known for their ingeniousideas, did not always have the opportunity to translate ideas into reality. For example, drawings of the parachute, airplane, robot, tank and bicycle, which appeared as a result of the painstaking work of Leonardo da Vinci, remained for a long time unclaimed. At that time, there simply were no engineers and no opportunities to implement such grandiose plans.

inventors famous

Thomas Edison

The inventor of a phonograph, a kinescope and a telephonemicrophone was the most famous American scientist. In January 1880, he issued a patent for an incandescent lamp, which later glorified Edison on the whole planet. However, some do not consider him a genius, noting that the inventors, known for their developments, worked alone. As for Edison, he was helped by a whole group of people.

inventor of a light bulb

Nikola Tesla

The great inventions of this genius were embodied inlife only after his death. Everything is explained simply: Tesla was so self-contained that no one knew about his work. Thanks to the efforts of the scientist, a multi-phase electric current system was opened, which led to the emergence of commercial electricity. In addition, he formed the foundations of robotics, nuclear physics, computer science and ballistics.

the great inventions of mankind

Alexander Graham Bell

Many inventors, known for their discoveries,helped to make our life even better. The same can be said about Alexander Bell. Thanks to his painstaking work, people were able to communicate freely, being thousands of kilometers apart, and all thanks to the phone. Bell also invented an audiometer - a special device that determines deafness; a device for searching a treasure - a prototype of a modern metal detector; the world's first airplane; The model of the submarine, which Alexander himself called the hydrofoil boat.

famous inventors of the world

Karl Benz

This scientist successfully implemented the main ideahis life: a vehicle with a motor. It is thanks to him that we now have the opportunity to drive cars. Another valuable invention Benz - internal combustion engine. Later, a car manufacturing company was organized, which is known in the world today. This is Mercedes Benz.

Edwin Land

This famous French inventor dedicatedyour life photos. In 1926, he managed to open a new kind of polarizer, later called Polaroid. Land founded the firm Polaroid and issued patents for another 535 inventions.

Charles Babbage

This English scientist back in the nineteenth centuryworked on the creation of the first computer. It was he who called the unique device a computer. Since at that time mankind did not have the necessary knowledge and experience, Babbage's efforts were unsuccessful. Nevertheless, the brilliant ideas did not go into oblivion: Howard Aiken and Konrad Zuse were able to realize them in the middle of the twentieth century.

Benjamin Franklin

This most famous politician, writer, diplomat,A satirist and statesman was also a scientist. The great inventions of mankind, who saw the light thanks to Franklin, are bifocals, a flexible urinary catheter, and a lightning rod. An interesting fact: Benjamin basically did not patent any of his discoveries, because he believed that they are all the property of mankind.

great inventions

Jerome Hal Lemelson

Such great inventions of mankind asa fax machine, a cordless telephone, an automated warehouse and a magnetic tape cassette were presented to the general public by Jerome Lemelson. In addition, these scientists have developed the technology of diamond coating and some medical devices that help in the treatment of cancer.

Popov invented the radio

Mikhail Lomonosov

This recognized genius of the most different sciencesorganized the first university in Russia. The most famous personal invention of Mikhail Vasilyevich is an aerodynamic machine. It was intended to raise special meteorological instruments. According to many experts, it is Lomonosov who is the author of the prototype of modern aircraft.

Ivan Kulibin

This person is not without reason called the brightestthe representative of the eighteenth century. Ivan Petrovich Kulibin from early childhood was interested in the principles of mechanics. Thanks to his work, we now use navigation devices, clock with an alarm clock, water-powered engines. For those times, these inventions were something of a science fiction. The name of the genius has even become a household name. Kulibin is now called a person who has the ability to make amazing discoveries.

Sergey Korolev

In the sphere of his interests was mannedcosmonautics, aircraft engineering, the design of rocket and space systems and missile armament. Sergei Pavlovich contributed greatly to the development of outer space. He created spacecraft "Vostok" and "Voskhod", anti-aircraft missile "217" and long-range "212", as well as a rocketplot equipped with a rocket engine.

Alexander Popov

It was this Russian scientist who invented the radio and radio. A unique discovery was preceded by years of research into the nature and propagation of radio waves.

A brilliant physicist and electrical engineer was born in the familypriest. Alexander had six brothers and sisters. Already in his childhood, he was jokingly called a professor, since Popov was a shy, thin, awkward boy who could not stand the fighting and noisy games. In the Permological theological seminary, Alexander Stepanovich began to study physics from the book of Gano. His favorite occupation was the assembly of simple technical devices. Obtained skills in the subsequent very useful to Popov when creating physical instruments for his own important research.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

The discoveries of this great Russian inventorallowed to bring aerodynamics and astronautics to a new level. In 1897, Konstantin Eduardovich finished working on a wind tunnel. Thanks to the allocated subsidies, he calculated the resistance of the ball, cylinder and other bodies. Obtained data was subsequently widely used in his works by Nikolai Zhukovsky.

In 1894, Tsiolkovsky designed an airplane with a frame of metal, but the opportunity to build such a device appeared only after twenty years.

inventor of a phonograph

A controversial issue. The inventor of a light bulb - who is he?

Over the creation of a device that gave light, there were moreancient times. The prototype of modern lamps were clay vessels with wicks of cotton threads. The ancient Egyptians poured olive oil into such containers and set it on fire. The inhabitants of the Caspian coast used similar fuel material - oil. The first candles made in the Middle Ages consisted of beeswax. The notorious Leonardo da Vinci worked hard to create a kerosene lamp, but the world's first safe lighting device was invented in the nineteenth century.

Until now, disputes about whoto assign the honorary title "Inventor of a light bulb". The first is often called Pavel Nikolaevich Yablochkov, who worked all his life as an electrical engineer. He created not only a lamp, but an electric candle. The last device was widely used in street lighting. A miracle-candle burned for an hour and a half, after which the janitor had to change it to a new one.

In the years 1872-1873. Russian engineer-inventor Lodygin created an electric lamp in its modern sense. At first it emitted light thirty minutes, and after pumping air out of the device this time increased significantly. In addition, Thomas Edison and Joseph Swann claimed to be the leader in the invention of incandescent lamps.


The inventors of the whole world gave us a lotThe devices that make life more comfortable and diverse. Progress does not stand still, and if several centuries ago there was simply not enough technical capacity to implement all the ideas, today it is much easier to implement ideas.

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