/ / Noun phrases with a noun in Russian: examples

Noun phrases with a noun in Russian: examples

The Russian language has a particularly difficult to understandgrammar. Syntax, as one of the sections of grammar, includes such a voluminous material, which can not be picked up by all Russian speakers and students of the Russian language. Types of subordination, phrases, sentence members, schemes of sentences and phrases - this is by no means the entire list of topics that need to be studied for the full mastery of syntax.

Noun phrases with a noun
So the word-combinations of a noun with a noun, which will be discussed in this article, is only a small part of such a large section of syntax as "Phrase".

Syntactic Concepts

The syntax deals with the sentence, the phrase,members of the sentence, actual division, complex syntactic whole. The phrase and sentence are the leading syntactic units. This is the basis of the communicative function, since it is in them that the phonetic, derivational, lexical, and morphological units of the language are built logically and grammatically. The question of what such a phrase is in Russian requires clarification.

what is a phrase in Russian


A word-combination is used to call the subordination of several words, more often two, where one word is the main thing (the question is asked of him), and the other is dependent (a question is asked to him). For example, valley which one? solar Is a noun phrase with an adjective (valley - the main thing, solar - dependent); jump as? high, verb with adverb (jump - the main thing, high - dependent); feeder Of what? from a tree, noun phrase with noun (feeder - the main thing, made of wood - dependent).

The main word in the phrase

Depending on the part of the speech of the main worddistinguish nominal, verb and adverb phrases. Nominal, in turn, are substantive (in them the noun acts as the main word), adjective (the main word is an adjective), with a pronoun or numeral. In verbal phrases the main word is represented by a verb, in adverbs - by an adverb.

The case of the noun in the phrase

In nominal word combinations, dependent words canbe expressed in nouns, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, participles, verbs in the initial form, adverbs. For example, noun phrases with a noun: house with a porch, a day without rain, a girl in a hat, a book on a table, a birch near a pond. Or a phrase of a noun with a numeral: second number, third street, first case.

Syntactic link in the phrase

If the answer to the question what is the phrasein Russian, there will be an assertion that this is a subordinate connection of several words, then it is necessary to know the types of syntactic connection in the phrase. They are given in the table below.

Syntactic link in the phrase
Type of connectionExplanationExample
HarmonizationThe signs of the main word and the dependent match.Singing starling (masculine gender, singular number, named case), for reading students (masculine gender, plural number, genitive case).
ControlThe dependent word is expressed by a noun,a pronoun, a numeral or other words that have passed into nouns and are worth the oblique case. Most often these are noun phrases with a noun or a verb with a noun.Play with the toy, tell her, multiply by eight, turn to the presenter.
AdjunctionThe dependent word is immutable.Sing loudly, looking sighing, very close, offer to sit down.

Phrases with nouns

Often there is an exercise in Russian,in which the task sounds - make word combinations with nouns. Performing this task requires knowledge of morphology (parts of speech, case) and syntax (ways of connecting words). In the phrase, the noun can be either the main word (bright tulip, wound on the flight, desire to learn), and dependent (walk in the woods, make friends with families, fly with a parachute). In any case, the noun must be in any case. Determine the case of a noun in a phrase can be on the question that is assigned to it. For example, house (where? where?) by the sea - genitive, sit (on what, where?) on the chair - prepositional.

Phrases with nouns

The main means of expressing syntax relationsin phrases with nouns is an excuse. He clarifies the meaning of the case, with the help of which the words are grammatically correct in the word combination. So the nouns castle, stone, sea - this is just a list of words. But it's worth picking up the necessary prepositions, and it turns out a phrase or sentence: The castle is made of stone by the sea. The very form of a noun is also a powerful means of expressing grammatical relations. In the example given above, the addition of prepositions has also changed the form of the words.

Another means is the traditionally fixed order of words in the phrase. For example, in the word-combinations, the noun, being the main word, is put after the adjective (tasty fruit, juicy fruit); being dependent, is put after the verb (watch the program, put points) or before the main noun (loyalty to the word, house on the island).

Noun phrases with a noun

In the texts of exercises on the Russian language, you canmeet the task of determining the type of subordinate connection in the phrase. It must be remembered that there are three of them in Russian. The coordination (in most cases) is the phrase "noun + adjective", control - "verb + noun", "noun + noun", adjacency - "verb + adverb".

Compose phrases with nouns

Interest in the noun phrases of a noun with a noun is special, since changing the entire phrase by case will change only the main word. For example, park in the city, near the park in the city, to the park in the city, with the park in the city, the park in the city. Most often the type of communication in phrases"noun + noun" will be control. However, there is a special group of immutable nouns that do not change in word combinations, and the kind of subordination to them is considered to be an adjunction: a bank with coffee, monuments of Sochi, a kangaroo cub, potatoes in a stew.

Thus, word-combinations with nouns are interesting and special from the point of view of grammar.

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