/ / Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy: faculties and passing grade

St. Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy: faculties and passing grade

The St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy is a federal state institution established by the Russian Ministry of Health.

St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy

Address of the educational institution

Before analyzing the features of thiseducational institution, find out its location. Where is the St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy? Address of the institution: St. Petersburg, Aptekarsky Island, Professor Popov, building 14. In addition to the main, the Academy has a building for laboratory work. St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy received a separate department of biotechnology and microbiology, located on the street. Kazan, 14. A nursery with medicinal plants is in the village of Lembolovo.

Pages of History

This educational institution has appeared in order to prepare full-fledged pharmacists with higher education for the domestic pharmaceutical industry.

In 1925 the faculty of pharmacists passed to the I Leningrad University. In 1937 he became the Leningrad Pharmaceutical Institute.

In the LFI in 1945 there is a technological faculty. And since 1949 the institute receives the name of the Leningrad Pharmaceutical Institute. Its task is to train technologists and microbiologists to work in pharmaceutical and chemical industries, as well as in factories specializing in the manufacture of antibiotics.

In the middle of the last century St. PetersburgThe State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy acquires a BID, on the basis of which a variety of self-supporting variants of scientific research are carried out. A little later, a research laboratory appears, within which the preparation of pharmacists at the pharmaceutical faculty is carried out. Then there is a faculty of advanced training of workers in the medical and engineering industry.

Since 1990, LHTI was known as the St. Petersburg Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute, and since 1996 it is the St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy (SPFA).

St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy sphf


What training is presented here inpresent time? Who is taught by the St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy? The faculties represented by this institution are associated with medicine and medicine.

Pharmaceutical Faculty

It was created to prepare pharmacists forspecialty "pharmacy". The St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy specializes in preparing students for work in pharmacies, analytical laboratories, hygiene centers, pharmaceutical companies, forensic laboratories.

Training at the faculty is offered only in full-time (full-time) form. You can be trained on a commercial or budgetary basis.

St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy

Engineers for the manufacture of industrial quantities of drugs

Which St. Petersburg stateThe chemistry and pharmacy specialty academy offers at this faculty? You can choose the biotechnology of medicines, which involves the production of a microbial analysis of active substances. Graduates who received this specialty, are engaged in the production of chemical reactions with biologically active additives. You can apply for a specialty "Technology of ready-made phytopreparations and medicinal substances".

In 2012, the department of protein technology, which develops on the basis of monoclonal antibodies, appeared.

St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy reviews

Faculty of additional professional education

Its main task is to conduct certification training cycles for pharmacists in the following areas:

  • economics and management of pharmacy;
  • pharmacognosy and pharmaceutical chemistry;
  • training qualification cycles, which allow to improve the qualification of doctors, pharmacists.

Reviews and useful information

What kind of education does the St. PetersburgState Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy? Reviews of graduates of this institution are mostly positive. Newly-minted specialists are convinced that they have received excellent knowledge, easily adapted in the workplace. Satisfied with SPFA alumni and employers: they willingly employ pharmacists and specialists who have a diploma from this state-run higher education institution.

Has SPFA his own nursery in the villageLembolovo, in which medicinal plants belonging to different climatic zones are grown. More than 400 useful plants are grown on a special collection site. This kennel has long been an excellent base for the training of students of the pharmaceutical academy.

There is also its own structural unit: a center for expertise of tools and databases, its own publishing house.

In addition to training specialists for domesticpharmaceutical industry, the Academy is engaged in training specialists from foreign countries in two specialties: biotechnology, pharmacy. Foreign citizens can, on the basis of the pharmaceutical academy, pass a scientific internship, study in graduate school.

St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy faculties

Features of admission

How accessible is it for applicants?St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy? The points to be scored when passing the USE for core subjects should be at least 70 for budgetary training.

When teaching at the academy for a fee, theysomewhat lower. At present, the State Academy of Pharmaceuticals is considered the leading institution in the country by a higher educational institution specializing in training specialists for microbiological and chemical industries.

St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy specialty

Only within the walls of this institution there isa special faculty engaged in the training of engineers for the pharmaceutical and chemical industries for the production of medicinal substances.

Among the innovations that are used in the academy,Of particular interest are evening preparatory courses for high school students (grades 10-11). There is also a preparatory department, designed for the year of study, for foreign citizens.

Graduates of the Pharmaceutical Academy receivethe possibility of obtaining postgraduate education. In this institution take the candidate examinations, including foreign languages, philosophy, you can study in graduate school, doctorate. Dissertational work some listeners protect remotely (remotely).

St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy address


Currently, the Pharmaceutical Academyhas an excellent technical base, a highly qualified staff of teachers. Students have the opportunity not only to gain serious fundamental knowledge, but also to equip themselves after high-paying and prestigious work. During the entire existence of this higher educational institution, a lot of graduates were trained. Many of them have already received scientific degrees and titles, government awards. The management of the pharmaceutical academy is trying to give students the results of all the studies that appear in this segment of domestic and foreign science.

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