/ / Results of the Northern War - the proclamation of Russia by the empire

The results of the Northern War - the proclamation of Russia by the empire

The proclamation of Russia by the empire occurred in the secondNovember 1721 as a result of the end of the Northern War, which was unleashed between a coalition consisting of Northern European states on the one hand, and the Swedish Empire on the other. For more than twenty years, the Northern War (from 1700 to 1721) lasted for domination over the Baltic lands. Sweden lost in this war, Russia won. The victory in the Northern War led to the proclamation of Russia as an empire.

proclamation of Russia as an empire

Fateful period

In 1721 there was a proclamation of Russiaempire with its capital in St. Petersburg. After Mongolian and British, the empire created by Peter I became the third state by the area known at that time. The victorious year 1721, when Russia became an empire, provided an opportunity to enter the Baltic Sea. To its coast the country has already come out with a strong fleet and an army.

And the proclamation of Russia by the empire, and the receipt by Peter the Great of the title of Emperor of All Russia took place in a fateful year for the state.

North War. Causes

By the beginning of the XVIII century, the Swedish Empire hadcomplete dominance in the Baltic Sea and was one of the advanced states in Europe. Its power and large territory attracted the countries of the Northern Union (it included Russia, the Danish-Norwegian Kingdom and Saxony). In 1697 the Swedish monarch Charles XII turned fifteen. This fact could not be ignored as a very important country of the Northern Union in calculating the easy victory in the Northern War.

Russia was experiencing an acute economicthe need for access to the Baltic Sea, since she had only one port in the White Sea at that time - Arkhangelsk, with a very heavy and irregular navigation system.

the year when Russia became an empire

When in 1697 Peter the Great traveled through Europe and the Swedes received him coldly, he took it as a personal insult, which later became one of the reasons for declaring war.

The Northern War of the period 1718-1721.

The first peace congress of the period of the Northern War waswas carried out in the spring of 1718. It was at the Åland Congress that it was necessary to determine the conditions for signing a peace treaty between Sweden and Russia. However, Sweden delayed negotiations. This position was caused by the attitude of other powers in this matter. For example, Denmark was afraid of signing a separate peace between Russia and Sweden.

In the autumn of 1718, November 30, Charles XII was killed. It happened at the siege of Fredrikshald. The sister of the king - Ulrika Eleonora - ascended the throne. The positions of England at the Swedish court increased.

July of the year 1719. Under the command of Apraksin, the Russian fleet landed a landing near Stockholm. Then there are raids on the suburban areas of the capital of Sweden.

In the autumn of 1719 (November 9), Sweden signed a union treaty with England and Hanover. Ferden and Bremen left for the latter.

when Russia became an empire

During 1720, Stockholm signed theone after another peace treaties between Sweden and its former adversaries. On January 7, peace with the Commonwealth and Saxony is concluded, on February 1 - with Prussia (the latter concedes Pomerania).

On the Fourteenth of July another peacefulcontract. According to his conditions, Denmark withdrew part of the territories in Schleswig-Holstein, and also received a monetary contribution. Now all the Swedish ships, passing through the Sound of the Sound, were obliged to pay the duty.

Finally, on August 30, 1721, the main peace treaty was signed in Nystadt.

Signing of the Nystadt Peace Treaty

The document completed the Northern War,lasted from 1700 to 1721 year. To Ingermanlandia, Livonia, part of Karelia and the whole territory of Estland were annexed to Russia. In addition, she undertook to return Finland. Russia's responsibility, as a result of the agreement, was to pay a monetary compensation to Sweden.

Ratification of the treaty took place on September 9. In Moscow, grand celebrations were held on the signing of the Nystadt Peace Treaty.

Peter I - the first Russian emperor

In 1721, when Russia became an empire, PeterThe first, by decision of the Senate and the Synod, was the title of Emperor of All Russia. The first among the recognized new tsarist title of the Russian tsar were Prussia and Holland. The last is the Commonwealth. It happened only in 1764.

the first Russian emperor

The Emperor of Russia is a title that was worn by absolutely all the rulers of the Russian Empire from 1721 to 1917.

Reforms conducted by Peter the Great

The first Russian emperor remained in history notonly as a genius commander, but also as a progressive reformer. As a result of the Northern War, Russia was provided with access to the sea. The construction of a modern fleet in the Baltic began. This process entailed significant changes in trade and industry. Under Peter the First, the reforms touched everything, beginning with a change in the chronology, ending with transformations in the field of education, religion and autocracy.

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