/ What happens if the moon disappears? What effect does the Moon have on the Earth?

What happens if the moon disappears? What effect does the Moon have on the Earth?

Almost every person at least once for hislife was thinking about what would happen if the moon disappeared and how it acts on earthly life. Scientists have not yet proved half of what is considered true in the people. But in some moments all agree unanimously. Most of all, the Earth's satellite affects its inhabitants at the time of the full moon.

Full moon

Many have heard that most children are bornit is during the period when the moon is full. In addition, according to some sources, it is at this time that most crimes are committed than usual. But serious studies and statistics were not carried out on this account. Although to calculate the influence of the satellite on these factors still tried. For example, from 1985 to 1990 in France, the statistics of the appearance of infants in the light. According to the results it turns out that during the full moon period, the increase in children is only 0.14 percent, and this is very little to prove any theories.

what will happen if the moon disappears?

Also, the question of fertility, when the moon is full in the sky, the Americans also asked. Counting was conducted in North Carolina from 1997 to 2001. But the results were about the same as in France.

Ebb and flow

It was only possible to confirm the scientific influence of the satellite onlyin relation to tides, as well as water ebbs on Earth. The level of the ocean and other bodies of water directly depends on the location of the Sun and the Moon. This is due to the fact that gravity of celestial bodies acts on moisture, lifting it. But if in the ocean this is noticeable to the naked eye, then in small lakes the ebb and flow are not so noticeable.

Owls and Full Moon

Scientists were able to record that, depending on thephases of the moon, some animals begin to behave in a special way. For example, owls are more actively hunted during the full moon period. There is a hypothesis that this is due to the level of light.

The moon as such does not shine itself, it is onlyreflects the light of the Sun, and on Earth appears a faint light. It is quite enough for night birds to better see the terrain. Therefore, scientists believe that the light of the moon gives owls an advantage in hunting.

Earth Stabilization

There is also a hypothesis about the impacthas a moon on Earth. It says that thanks to our satellite, the planet is more stable. Given the size of the planet, this satellite is large enough. The Earth's diameter is 12742 kilometers, and the Moon is 3474 kilometers. Scientists believe that this is a cosmic rarity, because such a satellite, except the Earth, is only in Pluto. And, in their opinion, it is thanks to the Moon at our planet such an axis of inclination and there are seasons.

what influence does the moon have on the earth

Some scientists, responding to the question thatIf the Moon disappears, they say that in a couple of million years the rotation of the planet will change. Because of this, the climate can change, it will become less favorable for the development of life. It is believed that the Moon also affected the number of hours in the earth's day. For example, 400 million years ago the Earth made a turn in 22 hours.

Would life be without the moon?

Scientists do not say anything definiteon the topic of whether our Earth would exist as it is now, if it had not been a satellite. They adhere to the theory that our planet is unique. That is, many circumstances led to the emergence of life on Earth. It is not enough water or the atmosphere to create it.

the full moon is on the sky
On our planet, all this happened simultaneously,including a stable climate and stabilization of the slope of the axis with the help of a satellite. That is, scientists can not determine whether there would be life without the moon or not. And it is not known whether we overestimate the ebb and flow or, conversely, do not understand their large-scale impact on the well-being of the Earth.

The Appearance of the Moon

According to scientists, as soon as a person has visitedMoon, the mystery of its origin should have been immediately decided. But in fact it turned out quite the opposite. Scientists' minds still can not give an exact answer to the question of exactly how our satellite appeared. Moreover, now there are five theories of its origin.

when the moon appeared

The most plausible of them is a collision. About 4.4 billion years ago, the Earth experienced a collision with another cosmic body. He was called Teia. And when this planet, which was theoretically close to the Earth, gained enough weight, they collided. This led to the virtual turning of the Earth inside out, and then a piece of plasma separated and gradually turned into the Moon. And it was thanks to the satellite that the water appeared on the Earth slowly spreading across the planet. Therefore, in this case, the question of what will happen if the moon disappears, the answer is quite negative. This theory suggests that there would be a drought on Earth and it would not become as fertile and viable as it is now.

Russian and American theories

Modern Russian science is more inclined toAnother theory is that the moon is a piece of a dust cloud that the young Earth did not attract. As the composition of the satellite is very similar to the terrestrial, this theory has not yet been able to refute.

But according to the son of Darwin George, the moon isa torn piece of the Earth because of its rapid rotation in the olden days. He broke away from the equator, where now is the Pacific Ocean basin. But the fact is that when the Moon appeared, the pool was not yet formed, and the Earth's rotation was slower than necessary for the detachment of matter. Therefore this hypothesis was refuted.

There are two more theories about the appearance of the moon. The first assumes that it was a separate planet, but eventually the Earth pulled her to him. But this does not explain the similarity of the composition of the Moon with the mantle of the Earth. But the second theory explains this, but it is also unlikely. It appeared in the 1970s in America. Scientists suggested that the Earth evaporated due to strong heating, and out of the substances thrown into space, the Moon was formed. But there is no evidence that our planet ever warmed to such high temperatures.


None of the scientists can accurately say thatIt will be if the moon disappears. Of course, it can explode, it can move away from the planet and anything can happen at all. The only thing that is known for certain - the climate on the planet will change, and the conditions of existence can become worse. But before this happens, it should take a very long time. Therefore, we are unlikely to find out the answer to this question. So there is nothing to worry about, except that the military will decide to test the bomb on our satellite.

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