/ / What is the sea in Baku? The Caspian Sea is the pride of Azerbaijan and the whole planet

What is the sea in Baku? The Caspian Sea is the pride of Azerbaijan and the whole planet

Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan - one of theits largest industrial, political and scientific centers. It is also the largest settlement in the entire Caucasus. Baku is also a port city. The capital of Azerbaijan is located on the territory of the Baku bay.

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Main characteristics of the Baku port

What kind of sea in Baku and what role does it play forcities? The answer is the Caspian Sea. The port, located in the capital of Azerbaijan, is the only one in the whole territory of the republic. It was founded in 1902. Through the Baku port, trade is carried out with all countries, the coasts of which are washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. And also through this port the country has access to the world markets - through the Volga-Don and Volga-Baltic channels. There are a large number of terminals in the Baku port: oil, ferry, container and others. In the future, the government of the republic plans to transfer the country's main port to the city of Alyat. Its construction began in 2010.

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Caspian Sea: general information

Many people ask themselves: "What kind of sea in Baku?". The largest reservoir, thanks to which Baku has so many advantages, is, of course, the Caspian Sea. It is the largest drainage pond on the whole Earth. From north to south, the sea stretches for 1,200 km. The width of the Caspian varies in different places from 200 to 435 km, and the total area is 390 thousand square meters. km. The depth of the Caspian Sea is also impressive - it is 1,025 m.

Is the Caspian Sea?

But many Baku residents may be skeptical: "What kind of sea in Baku?" After all, the Caspian is not theirs. " And they will be right to some extent. In fact, any sea is part of the World Ocean. For this reason the Caspian can not be classified as a sea. After all, the Caspian is completely separated from its waters. The closest point from here, which belongs to the waters of the World Ocean, is the Black Sea. And even before it, the shortest distance from the Caspian will be about 500 km. This is why the Caspian is often called a lake or a lake-sea. Although once, perhaps, the question "What sea in Baku?" Could sound to some extent fair. After all, in the distant past, it really was part of the Black and Azov Seas.

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Caspian Sea-Sea is the only one on the whole planet

The Caspian is a completely uniqueits kind is a natural phenomenon. For example, in winter its northern part is completely covered with ice. On it you can often see seals. The northern banks turn into a real winter desert. Meanwhile, many species of animals - porcupines, wild boars and tigers - are finding shelter in the south of the lake-sea. Water on the Caspian Sea does not freeze here.

The fact that the sea in Baku has a greatinfluence on the industry of the whole Republic of Azerbaijan. After all, in its waters there are large reserves of sulphates - the necessary substances for the chemical and leather industries. And on the shores and bottom of the Caspian Sea there are large deposits of "black gold" - oil.

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But do people like to bathe in Baku?

In fact, with regard to bathing, there are their preferences among the residents of Baku. What sea is their hometown clean or dirty? And does it exist, in general, the opportunity to swim in it?

The answers to these questions will be as follows. The people of Baku prefer only walks on the city embankments. The waters of the Caspian Sea in the city are dirty for bathing. But here you can breathe fresh air and admire the scenery. And in order to swim, the residents of the capital of Azerbaijan prefer other places of Absheron peninsula. These are settlements called Shikhovo, Shuvelyan, Amburan and many others. Arriving there, you can always find crystal clear water and neat beaches. Water can be slightly clouded because of the sand just off the coast of the Caspian Sea.

The climate of the city and the Caspian Sea

Features of urban climate in many waysare determined by what kind of sea in Baku. Azerbaijan is known for its diversity in relation to climatic conditions. In the country there are territories with a moderate climate, and with a subtropical one. But in Baku weather conditions are called ideal. In the cold season, the temperature seldom drops below + 5 ° C. In summer, the average value of the thermometer column is of the order of + 30-35 ° C. But the proximity of the Caspian Sea makes it very easy to tolerate heat. In Baku there is a large number of parks and gardens, which adds to the city's image of coziness and hospitality.

On the territory of the Caspian Sea there are about 50islands. Their total area is about 400 square meters. km. The main ones are Tyuleny, Chechnya, Jambay, Ogurchinsky and other islands. Many rivers flow into the Caspian - about 130. The most famous of them are the Volga, the Urals, the Terek, the Kura. The salinity of the waters of the sea varies depending on the territory. In its northern parts, it is 0.1 ppm. In the delta of the Volga this number is already 10-12 per mil. And in the middle of the sea-lake and in its south salinity is 12.5-13.5 ppm.

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The Caspian Sea is rich in various species of fish. The industry here is mainly associated with catching bulls, carp, salmon and sturgeon. In the waters of the Caspian Sea, there are also migrant fish brought here from the Mediterranean and even the Arctic. The Caspian Sea is an amazingly rich place: every year the lake can yield up to 550 thousand tons of fish. And about 6 million waterfowl migrate through the sea every year. Therefore, the economy of the capital of Azerbaijan is largely determined by what kind of sea in Baku. Its name as the sea will also be fair because it corresponds to this definition by its level of salinity. But here are found freshwater fish: carp, pike perch, vobla.

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