/ / Vesuvius - volcano active or extinct? History, photo

Vesuvius - volcano active or extinct? History, photo

Vesuvius - volcano active or extinct? This question interests many. But at the same time this volcano has a very curious history. Its eruptions are known all over the world.

Vesuvius volcano

On the shore of the beautiful Gulf of Naples, infifteen kilometers from the Greek city of Naples is located one of the most famous volcanoes in history. His fame he won thanks to eruptions, accompanied by colossal destruction and a huge number of victims. In those days, no one had a question: Is Vesuvius a volcano active or extinct? Everything was obvious. His eruptions were immortalized in the pictures of brilliant artists, novels and films ...

Description of Vesuvius

Vesuvius is a volcano active. Or extinct, judging by the fact that it has not erupted since the 44th century. Its height is 1.3 kilometers, and the perimeter of the base reaches 75 kilometers. This volcano has a polygenic origin. Its structures were formed as a result of a number of eruptions, accompanied by periods of relative rest.

Vesuvius volcano asleep or acting
So far it is possible from a great distanceMonte Somma. This is the northern wall of Vesuvius, which is the remnant of an ancient cone, later destroyed by an explosive eruption of the end of the 1st century AD. The modern cone is located somewhat to the south.

Vesuvius in history

Vesuvius volcano (active or extinct, weconsidered above) continues to be considered very dangerous and at the same time mysterious. He left an indelible mark in history. This is due not only to numerous eruptions, but also to unusual incidents, as well as events related to the name of the leader of the rebellious slaves of Spartacus.

So, for example, the inhabitants of Naples in 1669 AD. they witnessed an extremely unusual, shocking incident - a rain of crosses. Small double black crystals of pyroxene as a result of the eruption fell directly on the heads of the inhabitants of the city, causing astonishment and fear.

The events of 72 AD are connected with Vesuvius., when supporters of the famous political figure-revolutionary Spartacus were hiding from the pursuing Roman troops in the crater of the volcano. Fortunately, the rebels managed to wait out the most unfavorable time, and then break out of the encirclement.

Chronology of eruptions

In historical chronicles about eighty volcanic eruptions are described, thirty of which occurred already in our era. The most famous events are 79, 1631, 1794, 1822, 1872, 1906 AD.

The very last of the eruptions occurred in the middle of the twentieth century. Despite the constant controversy that the volcano Vesuvius - active or extinct, the photo of the eruption of those times do not leave any questions.

Vesuvius volcano active or extinct
A huge lava flow escaped during the eruption onalmost a kilometer in height. Two Italian cities were seriously destroyed. 37 inhabitants and many domestic animals killed the volcano Vesuvius. Acting or extinct, he earned his bloody glory.

But none of these eruptions can be compared in terms of the magnitude of the devastating consequences to the events of 79 AD. e.

Harbinger of trouble

Pompeii already in the middle of the 1st century AD. e. represented a very rich, prosperous city. At the resorts of Pompeii, the fortified Romans liked to come. In addition, soils fertilized with volcanic ash, were particularly fertile, allowing you to obtain unprecedented harvests of grapes. Vesuvius volcano (active or extinct, then it did not matter) did not attract attention.

active or extinct volcano

He at that time was a one-headedcone with a height of about 2.5 km. Currently, the height of Vesuvius slightly exceeds the mark of 1.3 km. Since the volcano had not erupted for more than a century, its slope was completely covered with forests, including real plantations of wild grapes.

It seemed that the volcano Vesuvius - asleep, oracts, but extremely rarely. All this led to the fact that the inhabitants of the surrounding area were happy to settle in the immediate vicinity of the sleeping fire mountain and even on its slopes. However, in the sixties n. e. The volcano began to show clear signs of activity. So in 62 there was a major earthquake, which caused significant damage to the five cities that were in the vicinity of Vesuvius. This catastrophe is described in Seneca and Suetonius. Less powerful thrusts continued even further, until the very eruption.

The last two days of Pompeii

August 24, Above the crater of the volcano rose huge clouds of smoke. The flow of white-brown color rose to a tremendous height. All this was accompanied by strong tremors. In 10-11 hours the smoke-dust stream reached a height of 20 km. Then small pebbles with a diameter of up to 3 cm began to fall into the adjoining territories.

Vesuvius asleep or not

For Pompeii there was an extremely unfavorablemeteorological situation: the northern winds brought down the bulk of the volcanic ash in the direction of the city. Therefore, for two days Pompeii were literally buried under a layer of up to 3 meters thick. However, the gradual process of covering the city with volcanic materials enabled a large number of residents to evacuate in time, avoiding death.

Repeated eruptions of Vesuvius led to the fact that clouds of hot ash fell on Pompeii, Stabia and other cities, which led to the suffocation of all who had not managed to escape.

volcano of vesuvius active or extinct photo

Heraklanum suffered another fate. Powerful downpours that accompanied the eruption, led to the formation of a powerful red-hot mudflow (lahara), which almost washed away the city in the sea, completely destroying it. The activity of Vesuvius lasted 24 and 25, on August 26.

Vesuvius today

Is Vesuvius asleep now or not? Since 1944, there is no evidence in the annals of its subsequent eruptions, but it continues to be considered operational. Periodic activity is expressed in glowing gases coming to the surface. Thus, observations can provide an answer to the question, the volcano Vesuvius is active or extinct.

The coordinates of the mountain are 40 degrees north latitude and14 degrees east longitude. Currently, the volcanology laboratory is operating in the vicinity of the city. Scientists carefully monitor the signs of activation of Vesuvius. Fortunately for Italians, volcanology has advanced far from the ancient times and allows for a complex of features to accurately predict the signs of the impending eruption.

Vesuvius volcano active or extinct coordinates

Around the mountain there will be a national park, whichattracts a huge number of tourists. Those who wish can climb to the top of Vesuvius, looking into its crater (from the top there is a magnificent view). It is also possible to contemplate the ruins of the cities destroyed by the volcano and excavated by archaeologists - Pompeii, Herculaneum. Particularly oppressive impression is made by plaster casts that illustrate the poses of the deceased residents of the city (the re-enactors poured gypsum between the layers of ash). Pompeii are listed in the list of UNESCO's cultural heritage sites.

Vesuvius - volcano active or extinct? Whatever it is, it still attracts travelers.

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