/ / House of the Noble Assembly - the center of the life of a high society

The House of the Noble Assembly is the center of the life of a high society

The foundation, the state-forming basisprerevolutionary Russia was the nobility - the highest, privileged class. The body of self-government of this estate, which appeared in 1766, acquired legislative force in 1785 from the moment of entry into force of the "Granted certificate to the nobility".

Beautiful and durable

The nobility meeting was called still "noble", by the very name letting know that this is an organ of self-government of people with blue blood.

house of a noble assembly
Naturally, to hold meetings thatwere committed once for three years, the appropriate situation was needed. The decoration of society required a decent frame. Houses of the Nobility meeting in the capitals and major cities of the provinces were erected in the centers; for their construction the best masters from all countries were invited.

In demand and after the revolution

the house of a noble assembly by which time it belongs
Constructed buildings for centuries, so many of themhave survived to this day and are the main sights of the central provincial cities. The houses of the Noble Assembly in such cities as Smolensk, Vologda, Vladimir, Ufa, Kostroma, Tver and others are adornments of these settlements and monuments of history and architecture of these regions. In them, and now there are cultural objects - where the Philharmonic (St. Petersburg, Smolensk), where the Academy of Arts (Ufa). For many years the House of Unions has been in the building of the Noble Assembly in Moscow (it was known precisely under this name).

Center for cultural and social life

It is not necessary to talk about the role thatHouse of the Noble Assembly in the cultural and social life of both capitals. The most famous celebrities performed on the stage of these houses, the most refined and brilliant balls were also given here. The Moscow building was built by the most famous and popular at that time domestic architect Matvey Fedorovich Kazakov, who rebuilt the entire central part of Moscow. New buildings, including the House of the Noble Assembly (in Moscow it was officially called the House of Noble Assembly), were erected in the style of early classicism known as "palladianism" (after the Italian architect Andrea Palladio).

The Moscow House

One of the most beautiful buildings in Moscow, located in the Okhotny Ryad, was built by him no later than 1755.

when the house of a noble assembly appeared
This is one of the answers to the question thatis the House of the Nobility Assembly, by what time does it belong. According to some documents, the first owner of the building, Prince VM Dolgorukov-Crimean, who died in 1754, built a building for himself. But after leaving the world, the Moscow Nobility Assembly buys a huge mansion for its own needs, namely, for holding secular parties in it. All the nobility of Russia flocked here during the great holidays. It was here that the famous "fair of brides", which my aunts brought Tatiana Larin.

Famous at All Times

The column hall of this building, built next to theThe Kremlin, and in Soviet times was known throughout the country, but in the brilliant century of Catherine, as in the days of Pushkin, it literally beat the heart of Russia. This was the Moscow House of Nobility Assembly. By what time does this building belong, it is difficult to say, because in its original appearance it existed until 1917, but then, as noted above, life did not abate here for a moment. In this building several meetings of the world chess championship were held. The New Year tree in the column hall of the House of Unions, held since 1935, without exaggeration, was known throughout the vast country. It can be said that despite the radical change of power, since the time when the House of the Noble Assembly appeared, and to this day the most significant and important events take place. One of the last is a mourning event associated with the funeral of Yevgeny Primakov.

House of the Noble Assembly of the Northern Capital

Maybe because these houses were built forsome important and joyful events, they did not suffer the sad fate of destruction and oblivion. This applies to the famous building in St. Petersburg, which now houses the world-famous Concert Hall of the Shostakovich Conservatory - one of the cultural centers of Russia.

house of noble assembly year
When the House of Nobility meeting appeared inthe northern capital and by whom it was built? The building, which is part of the ensemble of the Arts Square, was erected according to the design of KI Rossi. The building was built by the architect Paul Jacquot in 1834-1839. One of the main advantages of this building is the hall with amazing acoustics. It's no wonder that there is a philharmonic in it. Three floors originally numbered the St. Petersburg House of the Noble Assembly.

Year 1901 entered the history of the building superstructurethe fourth attic floor, located above the crowning cornice. This reconstruction, which affected both the front staircase and the exterior of the building, was carried out by the architect A. P. Maksimov in the design of V. A. Schreter. In 1948-49 (after the war), the architect IG Kanciug, who supervised the restoration work, restored the building to the drawings of KI Rossi.

The years of Soviet power

When the House of the Noble Assembly was established inSt. Petersburg, intended for secular parties, no one thought that the building would become famous throughout the world. The St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic, which opened on June 12, 1921, thundered not only the disgraceful trial of Metropolitan Veniamin and 86 Orthodox priests, but also the great performance of the Shostakovich Seventh Symphony, which was heard here on August 9, 1942.

when the house of the nobility meeting was established
This performance became a symbol of the invincibility of the besieged Leningrad. Yuri Temirkanov has been in charge of the orchestra for many years. Vladimir Putin called the St. Petersburg Philharmonic a "namolennym place."

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