/ / We develop speech: we make sentences with the word "inattention"

We develop speech: we make sentences with the word "inattention"

It would seem that it can be simpler than making sentences with the word "inattention"? But after all, proposals must be beautiful, original, literate.

Value, grammatical characteristics of a word

The lexical meaning of the word "no-w-ma-ni-e" lies on the surface:

Suggestion with the word inattention

  1. Absence, lack of attention, absent-mindedness. For example: "Inattention at lectures cost him an increased scholarship."
  2. Lack of care. For example: "I fell ill not from cold, but from your inattention".

The subject of our research is an inanimate noun of the neuter gender.

It should be noted that in the first unstressed syllable the letter "e" is written, in the second - "and", the ending - "Ie".

Synonyms and antonyms

To enrich the vocabulary, synonyms and antonyms should be studied for a given word.


  • Neglect. "Once, Lev Albertovich faithfully looked into the eyes of Madame Yolande, but now insulted his inattention."
  • Oblivion. "The annoying letters, endless telephone conversations were replaced by inattention."
  • Negligence. "The appearance of Nikita's notebooks, his handwriting, blots, scribbles in the fields said, no, they shouted about his inattention."
  • Negligence. "The contractor's inattention to detail led to a breakdown in timing and an unpleasant conversation with the customer."
  • Dissipation. "The dislocation of the legs and the fracture of the wrist - this is what caused his inattention in the territory of the object under construction."


  • Attention. "The writer paid a lot of attention to character tracing."
  • Mindfulness. "Your daughter lacks assiduity and attentiveness."
  • Honoring. "The veneration of parents is in their blood."
  • Concentration. "In the posture, Arkady's gestures, concentration was visible: he was preparing for an important test, on which the fate of his unfortunate family depended."

Suggestions with the word "inattention"

Now, when the basic characteristics of the word are studied, you can proceed to fixing the material.

Write a sentence with the word inattention

We will compose sentences with the word "inattention":

  1. Mr. Veniamin Talger, with obvious inattention, wandered through the deserted streets of Novosibirsk, not noticing the way, nor the sights, nor the beautiful weather.
  2. Inattention to others and to oneself has become the cause of his absolute, hopeless loneliness.
  3. Miss Ophelia Peterson brutally suffered from Lord Wilde's lack of attention, a little more and she would have gone mad.
  4. You can write a lot of different sentences with the word "inattention", but you will not become more attentive to this.
  5. The inattention with which my niece Maroussia was making lessons was striking, parents suspected something was amiss.
  6. </ ol </ p>
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