Assertive - this is what? Synonyms for "persistent" and subtleties of use
The question "Assertive is what?"arises from the fact that this word expresses the two poles of meanings - positive and negative, and it is sometimes difficult to understand what's what, so consider the meaning of the definition" boring "and synonyms for it.
Imagine the situation. The child learns to walk. He gets up from the fours, goes a few steps and falls. Then he tries again. Let's say that the same kid goes to get candy before dinner and, despite all the persuasions of his mother, leaves no effort. In the first case, people would praise a small person for their perseverance and determination, and in the second they would be accused of excessive irrepressibility and even bad manners. After all, his mother said that you can eat sweets only after dinner.
What links both cases? Yes, the two meanings of the word "boring" are absolutely correct answer.
- So they say about the resolute person who is going to his goal, not noticing the obstacles.
- And quite the same characterize the ill-mannered, bothersome, intrusive ham.
According to the dictionary, the word refers to vernacular.
Find the replacement, after it became known, is not difficult. If it is a question of a positive quality of a person, the following options are suggested:
- Resolute.
- Purposeful.
- Persistent.
- Assertive.
- Willed.
- With character (in the positive sense).
If we are talking about persistence, bordering on arrogance, then the options are as follows:
- Bothersome.
- Hamovaty.
- Unceremonious.
- Shameless
- Intrusive.
- Busy.
- With character (in the negative sense).
There is another subtlety about which it is worth saying: not always persistent - it is a stiffened qualitative characteristic of a person. That is, today a stubborn employee who is building a career is called determined and purposeful, and tomorrow he is intrusive and intrusive. What to do, human society is unfair to its individual representatives. Or the fluctuation of the meaning may depend on the sex of the employee: if a man shows initiative, he is encouraged, and if a woman - she gets only oblique glances. More on this below. Here the main thing is that we have split the word "hard", a synonym even for him was picked up, and not one, but several, for every taste.
Gender subtlety of the use of the word
You can talk about emancipation as much as you like, butour language, and hence the public consciousness, which through it is transparent, extremely slow. Therefore, when it comes to a man, he can be called purposeful and persistent, and yet they will be told about him: "Assertive!" This will be a compliment.
If you imagine a woman in the role of a man,for example, making a career in a firm, then, in addition to real difficulties, it will also face rigidity (ossification, reinforced concrete) of people's beliefs and attitudes. Many will think that it has a character (in a bad sense) that it takes a burden not by itself. In general, the girl is annoying, intrusive, in other words, she is persistent. Of course, now this trend is changing, because women also prove their purposefulness and efficiency, so not everything is so bad.