/ / Plains - this is what? The definition, description and difference of the plains from the mountains

Plains - what is this? The definition, description and difference of the plains from the mountains

The surface of the Earth is characterized mainly by a flat landscape, which prevails over the mountain not only on land, but also under water.

What are the plains?

Plains are relatively flat extensivethe territory of the earth's surface, where the heights of neighboring sites fluctuate within 200 m, they have a weak slope (not more than 5 m). The most illustrative example of the classical plain is the West Siberian Lowland: it has an exceptionally flat surface, the difference in elevation is almost imperceptible.

the plains are

Features of the relief

As we have already understood from the above definition,Plains are a terrain with a flat and almost flat relief, without appreciable ups and downs, or hilly, with a smooth alternation of elevations and depressions of the surface.

Plain plains are mostly insignificant in terms ofdimensions. They are located near the seas and large rivers. More common hilly plains with uneven terrain. For example, the relief of the East European (Russian) plain is characterized by the presence of both hills more than 300 meters high, and hollows, whose height is below sea level (the Caspian lowland). Other famous plains of the world are the Amazon, Mississippi. They have a similar relief.

plains and mountains

Plains Features

A distinctive feature of all plains is a clearly delineated, clearly visible horizon line, which can be straight or wavy, which is determined by the relief of a certain terrain.

People from ancient times preferred to createsettlements on the plains. Since these places are rich in forests and fertile soil. Therefore, to date, the territory of the plains is still the most densely populated. Most of the minerals are mined in the plains.

Considering that the plains are the locality witha huge area and a long extension, they are characterized by a variety of natural areas. Thus, on the East European Plain, there are areas with mixed and broad-leaved forests, tundra and taiga, steppe and semi-desert. The plains of Australia are represented by savannas, and the Amazonian lowlands are selvens.

Climatic features

The climate of the plain is a fairly broad concept,since it is determined by a variety of factors. This geographical location, climatic belt, area of ​​the area, length, relative proximity to the ocean. In general, the flat terrain is characterized by a clear change of seasons, due to the movement of cyclones. Often on their territory there is an abundance of rivers and lakes, also influencing climatic conditions. Some plains have an arid climate, their vast area consists of a continuous desert (Turan Lowland, Western Plateau of Australia).

the largest plains

Plains and mountains: what is their difference

In contrast to the plains, the mountains arePlots of land that rise sharply above the adjacent surface. They are characterized by significant variations in heights and large slopes of the relief. But small areas of flat terrain are also found in the mountains, between the mountain ranges. They are called intermountain hollows.

Plains and mountains are forms of relief, differenceswhich are based on their origin. Most of the mountains were formed under the influence of tectonic processes, the movement of strata that occurs deep in the earth's crust. In turn, the plains lie mainly on platforms - stable sections of the earth's crust, they were influenced by the external forces of the Earth.

Among the differences between mountains and plains, in addition to appearance and origin, it is possible to distinguish:

  • The maximum height (in the plains it reaches 500 m, at the mountains - over 8 km);
  • area (the area of ​​the mountains on the whole surface of the Earth is considerably inferior to the area of ​​the plains);
  • the probability of earthquakes (on the plains it is practically zero);
  • degree of development;
  • ways of using a person.

plains of the world

The largest plains

The Amazonian lowland, located in the SouthAmerica, is the largest in the world, its area is about 5.2 million square meters. km. It has a low population density. Characterized by a hot and humid climate, dense tropical forests, occupying vast areas and infested animals, birds, insects and amphibians. Many species of wildlife of the Amazonian lowland are not found anywhere else.

The East European (Russian) plain is locatedin the eastern part of Europe, its area is 3.9 million square meters. km. Most of the plain is in Russia. Has a flat-flat relief. Here is the main mass of large cities, as well as a significant share of the country's natural resources.

The mid-Siberian plateau is located inEastern Siberia. Its area is about 3.5 million square meters. km. The peculiarity of the plateau is the alternation of mountain ranges and wide plateaus, and also often encountered perennial permafrost, the depth of which reaches 1.5 km. The climate is sharply continental, deciduous forests predominate from the vegetation. The plain is rich in minerals and has an extensive river basin.

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