/ / State machine

State machine

The state apparatus is a system of organs,organizations and institutions that exercise state power in order to achieve their goals and fulfill their tasks. Its activities are aimed at the development of generally binding rules of conduct, their consolidation in legal norms, use in legal relations, ensuring the effectiveness of sanctions and provided guarantees.

State machine and its signs

  • is formed in order to realize the goals and tasks facing the state;
  • creates legal norms that are generally binding for execution;
  • has a monopoly on state enforcement;
  • in the basis of formation and functioningof the state apparatus is the professional principle, that is, its employees carry out the powers given to them on a professional basis, without engaging in other socially useful activities;
  • to ensure the implementation of its functions includes state agencies and "material appendages," that is, the police, the army, military units, customs services, etc.


The functions of the state are enshrined in the constitution andother legislative acts, which in their activities are guided by the bodies and their officials who are part of the state apparatus. The structure of the latter depends on the tasks facing the state. It includes state bodies that carry out regulatory functions for managing affairs in the country; Law enforcement related to the maintenance of law and order and public security; Foreign policy, related to relations with foreign states.

Formation of the state apparatus takes placethrough the formation of government bodies, whose activities include the implementation of public functions. The most common methods are elections and appointments. The state body is an independent structural unit of state power, vested with power.

Signs of the state body:

  • a complex internal structure, since it consists of units and necessarily includes civil servants;
  • financing is made from the state budget;
  • performs public functions, including coordination, regulatory and other forms of management activities in accordance with the competence;
  • accountability to the state authority by its founder.

The state apparatus includescivil servants, that is, persons who are on civil service, whose activities are aimed at ensuring the powers of state bodies. Officials, who are members of their membership, act on behalf of the state and within their competence, take decisions that are binding on other participants in legal relations. A special place is occupied by persons occupying the highest state positions. This is the president, ministers, chairmen of the houses of parliament, prime minister and others who hold office by election.

The replacement of posts in state bodies is carried outmainly by designation. The state apparatus may also include some state institutions that distribute their activities to other institutions or persons who do not directly obey them. State-owned enterprises are not part of the structure, since although their administrations have the right to make managerial decisions, but only internal, to manage their own activities.


The state apparatus functions on the basis ofgeneral principles enshrined in the constitution. In democratic societies, they include: democratism, legality, professionalism, separation of powers, centralism and a number of others.

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