/ / Levels of organization of wildlife

Levels of organization of wildlife

Life on Earth was born for a long timetime. It arose under the influence of various complex factors that over time led not only to the emergence of life, but also its manifestation in various forms. So, the complexity of the conditions of formation has led to the fact that the living nature is made up of different systems, which, combining and subordinating one another, form a multi-level integrated structure that is inconceivable without one of the links.

Basic levels of wildlife organization

To properly understand this system, you needTo assimilate that the proposed structures are hierarchically subordinate. Each of them can be considered as a separate system or subsystem, but a holistic perception of living standards from a biological point of view is very important in mastering this material.

Levels of organization of living nature of their characteristics

Before proceeding to the description, we note that there is no universal list of biosystems, and the proposed one is the most common: 8 levels of organization are represented here.

  • Levels of organization of living nature: molecular and cellular

Molecular. This is an archaic level, which is the boundary between living and non-living nature. Elementary units here are chemical substances: proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids, etc. It is here that the transfer of genetic information occurs, biosynthesis and energy conversion occurs. The encoding of information is the main task of the molecular level, which, in turn, has two components: molecules of organic and inorganic compounds, as well as complexes of chemical compounds.

Cellular. Here the elements are cellular associations - organelles. He is responsible for the reproductive function, participates in the regulation of chemical reactions, and also there is the consumption of energy. It consists of one component - a complex of molecules of chemical compounds. At this level, there is biosynthesis, cell division and photosynthesis.

  • Levels of organization of living nature: tissue and organ

Tissue. It is represented by tissues that unite different cells having an identical structure. In multicellular organisms, tissues are created during ontogenesis due to the division of cells into different groups. In animals and plants, they differ, which is due to the specialization of cells.

Organic. In this system, the organs of organisms are elements. In a number of cases, one can observe whole systems of organs (in more perfect organisms), while in the simplest movements, breathing, digestion, etc., is carried out at the expense of individual organelles.

  • Levels of organization of living nature: the organism and population-species

Organism. This level of organization of life is characteristic of unicellular and multicellular. Here, various feeding methods are possible, different structures are found (animals, birds, fungi, bacteria). It also reveals the connection of the organism with the habitat, which also participates in the formation of structural features. The main component is the cell.

Population-species. It is represented by a related relationship that forms populations, and them, in turn, into species. The main functions of this level are fertility and mortality, numbers, density. It establishes a strong relationship of the species with the habitat.

  • Levels of organization of wildlife: biogeocenotic and biospheric

Biogeocenotic. This level is also referred to as the "ecosystem" level. Here we see the organization of life from the point of view of the population: it is a wide coverage of similar (similar) creatures. The ecosystem level has many properties: the structure of the population, the types of biotic bonds, the quantitative and species composition of the population. The main components are: the characteristics of the environment and food systems.

Biosphere. This is the highest form of organization of ecosystems. The main elements are: ecosystems and their environment, which is understood as soil, atmosphere, hydrosphere and other global parameters. Here, the interaction of the living and non-living, as well as the cycle of substances.

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