/ / Mathematical statistics for specialists in various fields

Mathematical statistics for specialists in various fields

Mathematical statistics is one of thethe main sections of science such as mathematics, and is an industry that studies methods and rules for processing certain data. In other words, she explores ways to uncover patterns that are characteristic of large sets of identical objects, based on their sample survey.

The task of this section is to buildmethods for assessing the probability or making a definite decision about the nature of developing events, relying on the results obtained. To describe the data, tables, diagrams, and correlation fields are used. Probabilistic models are rarely used.

Mathematical statistics are used invarious fields of science. For example, for the economy it is important to process information about homogeneous sets of phenomena and objects. They can be products manufactured by industry, personnel, data on profits, etc. Depending on the mathematical nature of the results of observations, one can select statistics of numbers, analysis of functions and time series, objects of non-numerical nature, multivariate analysis. In addition, they consider general and particular (related to the restoration of dependencies, the use of classifications, selective studies) tasks.

The authors of some textbooks believe that the theorymathematical statistics is only a section of the theory of probability, others - that it is an independent science that has its own goals, tasks and methods. However, in any case, its use is very extensive.

So, the most clearly mathematical statisticsis applicable in psychology. Its use will allow the expert to correctly substantiate the plans of the experiment, to find the relationship between the data, to generalize them, to avoid many logical errors and much more. It should be noted that it is often impossible to measure a particular psychological phenomenon or personality property without computational procedures. This suggests that the basics of this science are necessary. In other words, it can be called the source and basis of probability theory.

The method of research, which relies onthe consideration of statistical data is also used in other areas. However, it should immediately be noted that its features in applying to objects of different origin are always unique. Therefore, it is pointless to combine physical or socio-economic statistics into one science. The general features of this method are the calculation of a certain number of objects that belong to a particular group, as well as the study of the distribution of quantitative characteristics and the application of probability theory to obtain certain conclusions.

Elements of mathematical statistics are used insuch areas as physics, astronomy, etc. Here we can consider the values ​​of characteristics and parameters, the hypotheses of the coincidence of any characteristics in two samples, the symmetry of distribution, and much more.

An important role is played by mathematical statistics inconducting sample surveys. Their goal is usually to build adequate assessment methods and test hypotheses. At present, computer technology is of great importance in this science. They make it possible not only to significantly simplify the calculation process, but also to create simulation simulations for multiplication of samples or when studying the suitability of the results obtained in practice.

In the general case, the methods of mathematical statisticshelp to draw two conclusions: either to accept the desired judgment about the nature or properties of the data under study and their interrelations, or to prove that the results obtained are insufficient to draw conclusions.

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