/ / How do you spell "not" with adjectives? Spelling "not" with adjectives

How do you spell "not" with adjectives? Spelling "not" with adjectives

The question of how to spell "not" with adjectives,is complex, because the choice of the right variant will depend on many factors, except for the exceptions. In the article we will present systematized data that will allow you to better understand the spelling rules and apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Consider when it is merged, and when "not" with adjectives is spelled separately. Examples will also be presented.

Writing options

"Not" with adjectives is merged together in the following cases:

1. When a word without a given morpheme is not used at all. For example, careless, unattractive (there is no after all the words "breve", "sickly").

2. If the adjective can be replaced by any synonym that does not contain "not". For example, sad (sad); unmarried (single). It should be borne in mind that a synonym without "not" is not always possible to pick up, in this case it is possible to explain the adjective with some similar expression. For example, non-military power (that is, similar to the male); not childish thought (that is, such as in adults).

as it is written not with adjectives

Option of separate writing

"Not" with adjectives is separately written, if:

1. There is an opposition. So, in sentences where one part of the speech is opposed to the other with the help of the union "a", the adjective with "not" will be written separately. This rule applies to both full and short forms. For example, it is not interesting, but boring; not sincere, but feigned.

This prescription also applies when there is noexplicit opposition, but it is implied. Here is an example. We observe not the usual weather (that is, not ordinary, but exceptional). In this case, note that it is possible to interpret the meaning in such sentences in different ways. Compare the two options:

  • This is not a difficult question (... but simple, that is, you do not think that the question is complicated).
  • This is a simple question (that is easy).

An exception

Many people think about how to spell "not" withadjectives in sentences where there is an opposition, but not with the union "a", but with the "but" union. Doubt is not in vain, indeed, such a case is an exception, and the adjective in this situation will be written with "not" merged. The fact is that the "but" union performs a different function in the sentence: we also see two signs, but the second one exists simultaneously with the first one, and as if in spite of it. Let's give some examples:

  • The question is not simple, but complex.
  • The question is not simple, but solvable (yes, it is not simple, but it can still be solved).

not with adjectives separately

2. There is a denial of some quality or property. So, they write with "not" separately relative adjectives, characterizing the permanent property of the object. Also, the selection of oppositions is possible. For example, spoons are not steel (... and silver); honey is not lime (... but floral).

As for how it is written "not" withadjectives, characterizing the quality of the subject, then there are their nuances. Separately, one should write "not" with qualitative parts of speech that denote color. In conjunction with this particle, such adjectives express insufficient or lack of quality. For example, the shade is not blue; the paint is not yellow.

3. There is an emphatic statement. If in an interrogative or simply colored emotional sentence the adjective expresses an emphatic statement, then with "not" it will be written separately. Such a sentence can be mentally supplemented with an answer. Let us give some examples.

  • Who does not know this movie! - Yes, he is known to everyone.
  • Is this clear and without explanation? - Yes it is clear.

Spelling "not" with adjectives in the presence of explanatory words

1. If as explanatory words are used such as "far", "at all", "far", the adjective with "not" is written separately. The same applies to cases where adverbs beginning with "no" (for example, whit) are used, and some negative pronouns (for example, none). For example, not a dependent woman at all; far from being a close path; not a bit of a sad movie.

The same rule applies to adjectives ending in "-my". For example, not comparable to anyone; by no means dependent.

not with adjectives

An exception

If by function negative pronoun is greaterresembles a noun, that is, does not depend on the adjective, but on the contrary, is explained to them, then "not" with the word is written together. For example, I have not committed anything illegal.

2. If there are other explanatory words, except those listed in the first paragraph, "not" with the adjective is also written together. Let us give some examples.

  • You made an inappropriate remark in this situation (that is, a remark is not appropriate - a negative sign is stated).
  • These words are incomprehensible to us (that is, we do not understand words).
  • This is not suitable for games (that is, the place is not suitable for games).

The rule is applicable to adjectives that end in the "-th", such as waterproof, independent, incorrigible, fireproof, indestructible, etc., including for their short forms. Let us give some examples.

  • He set a record unthinkable before.
  • Our state is economically independent.

3. When next to the adjective is the adverbial degrees or measures (for example, extremely, almost, very, very, very, etc.), with "no" it will be written together. For example: a very unfortunate day; very ugly behavior.

not with adjectives examples

In case if as explanatory wordsused adverbs "at all", "absolutely", there are two possible options for writing an adjective with "not." It will be fused if the explanatory word is given in the sense of "absolutely", "very", "absolutely", and separately - if in the meaning "by no means", "not at all," etc. Compare the examples:

  • It was quite an uninteresting play (statement: yes, not at all interesting).
  • This was by no means a kind view (negation: no, not at all kind).


If you met a combination of a particle of "not" andthe adjective having a comparative degree, pay attention to what sense the utterance has - this will depend on the writing. For clarity, we give examples:

  • This picture is not more beautiful than the one (that is, it is not more beautiful than the other).
  • This picture is uglier than that (that is, less beautiful than the other).

And further…

Adjectives of the type larger, smaller, better, worst are written with "not" separately. Examples:

  • He continued to work with no less persistence.
  • The check revealed not the best results.

spelling not with adjectives


Now you know how to spell "not" withadjectives. And, as for certain they had time to notice, there are a lot of nuances in this matter. To choose the right option, sometimes it's not enough just to remember the rule, you still need to be able to reason logically and correctly determine the meaning of the statement.

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