/ / Interesting proverbs: metaphors that reflect life

Interesting proverbs: metaphors that reflect life

Proverbs is an inexhaustible sourcecenturies-old wisdom of the Russian people. Unlike sayings, they always have a special thought, an instructive meaning. There are so many of them in Russian folk art that they can even be contradictory in meaning, which, however, does not cancel their edifying function. And interesting proverbs, and the most common ones were collected for a long time by various researchers. The most complete collection was written by V.I. Dahlem.

interesting proverbs

Folklore metaphors

Sometimes even instructive proverbs can with humorreflect the life experience of the Russian people. For example, "I had a husband Ivan, do not bring God to you." How even more concisely can you express the essence of ordinary life of a simple Russian woman? Especially if she goes with her husband, of whom you can say only one thing - "do not bring God."

Interesting Russian proverbs in different spheres of life

In proverbs, people's experience is gathered in the form ofamazing metaphors. And today these images remain relevant, because the human essence has remained unchanged, and the foundations of life are basically similar to those of our ancestors. For example, all members of the fair sex know that women's initiative in relationships is not the best way to achieve the goal. This wisdom reflects many interesting proverbs. For example, this: "The women's mansions do not last long."

the most interesting proverbs

Indeed, can it be long andreliable marriage, built solely on a women's initiative? And also this proverb in many respects can be applied even to such a sphere remote from time and space from our ancestors, as a field of management. Despite the fact that many leadership positions are currently engaged in women, yet the vast majority of top managers of large corporations and other powers in business and politics are men. Paying tribute to the achievements of emancipation, it is still necessary to say: it is the man who should be the one who "builds a house" - in a direct and figurative sense.

What does folk art say about work?

But the most interesting proverbs, perhaps, you canfind on the topic of work and leisure, or rather laziness. Because it is laziness that is so often condemned by the people's spirit. Some scientists believe that a person is lazy by nature - that is, he is striving for a state in which he will not expend unnecessary energy. But the more lazy the Russian is - after all, in the climatic conditions of Russia, he historically had to work hard at one time of the year and practically constantly laze in another.

Folk wisdom warns: "A dream is a dream for a fool - a smart road work." Those who do not like to work, doom themselves to disaster. After all, all the same for laziness and idleness there will always come an hour of reckoning. An intelligent person understands this. Moreover, he cherishes the opportunity to work, enjoys the intensified and active activity. Interesting proverbs from Russian folklore in this respect, perhaps, are the best motivators.

interesting Russian proverbs

Insight of the Russian people

It is amazing that the popular teaching that peoplepassed each other word-of-mouth (because literacy at that time was quite rare), with such accuracy can describe modern life. Interesting proverbs about work, mind, study, family - this is a well where everyone will find themselves. "Az and beeches will be saved from flour?" - says the people's wisdom. Not always education, no matter how forced the parents of their children to receive it, guarantees a secure life. An example of this is the huge number of university graduates in our time, who are forced to work not in their specialty, but sometimes in those jobs where higher education has never been required.

The Russian people are not in vain famous for their wisdom. Interesting proverbs are the part of knowledge that is applicable to life both past and present.

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