/ / The most beautiful castles in Russia (photo)

The most beautiful castles in Russia (photo)

The castle is a fortress of the feudal lord. The terms "castle" and "feudal" are more appropriate for Western Europe. In Russia, the words "kremlin" and "landlord" are more suitable for their designation. Even the large landowners of Russia had no locks. There were estates.

castles of russia

In our country there are about 100 objects,falling under the definition of "castle", "kreml", "fort", "fortress". And how many specifically the first? Because all the same the lock is not absolutely a fort, and absolutely not the Kremlin.

Locks are not only in the West

The medieval castles of Russia are located in the westcountries. Now they are architectural and historical monuments, because they were built mainly in the Middle Ages. But in the XIX century in Russia there were several buildings, stylized as European medieval fortress palaces. And, looking at them, you realize that this is the castle, such as described in fairy tales, it was in this structure that the princesses lived. And so it's a pity that almost all of them are now abandoned.

castles of russia

The Swedish fortress

The surviving ancient castles of Russia are representedsuch a pearl as the Vyborg Castle, which refers to a small number of historical monuments, preserved almost completely. The facility located in the Leningrad Region is an excellent example of Western European medieval military architecture.

beautiful castles of russia
It was built very long - from 1293 to 1894. He was raised by the Swedes when they set out on the third crusade to Karelia, an ally of Veliky Novgorod. Having destroyed the completely fortified point of the Karelians, formerly located on the Castle Island, the Swedes erected a fortress castle there, the thickness of the walls was 2 meters, it reached a towering tower of four meters.

Not so impregnable

For centuries, a powerful castle several timeswas reconstructed and strengthened, turning into an impregnable fortress. However, Peter I in 1710 after a 2-month siege took the castle. It was completely restored, and it housed the Russian garrison. After a very violent fire, which occurred in 1856, the fortress was damaged, but by the end of the XIX century it was completely restored, in accordance with the original outlines. During the Second World War the castle was not damaged. Now it is the museum of the same name.

Prison and ruined knight castles

The list of "Castles of Russia" can continue moreButyr Castle is a young castle, which also survives to the present day. True, this is a prison fortress. It was originally built by decree of Catherine II as a prison. The author of the project was the famous architect Matvey Kazakov. Four round towers are located at the corners of the castle. In the center was a temple destroyed by the Bolsheviks.

ancient castles of russia
And now Butyrka is used for its intended purpose: it is Moscow's largest investigative isolator.

The list of "Old Castles of Russia" includesInsterburg, located in the Kaliningrad region. This bastion was erected by Master Dietrich von Altenburg in 1336. The castle was badly damaged during the Great Patriotic War. But there is a hope that it will be restored, although the restoration work is very slow. This object is known for annual chivalric tournaments.

Pearl of the Black Sea coast

The most beautiful castles in Russia can beare represented by the "Swallow's Nest". And although from a historical point of view it is a new building, it is so beautiful, romantic and so reminiscent of the ancient castles of Europe that it is simply impossible to get around his attention.

the most beautiful castles of Russia
It was built by architect Leonid Sherwood, fatherwho was the author of the project of the Historical Museum on Red Square. The Historical Museum itself also reminds both the castle and the ancient Russian tower at the same time. He built the "Swallow's Nest" in 1911, bored by his native Germany, Baron von Steingel. In Russia, he was engaged in the development of Baku oil. The pearl of the Black Sea coast is located on the Aurora rock, at an altitude of 40 meters above sea level, near the village of Gaspra at Cape Ai-Todor.

The Castle of the Northern Capital

Mikhailovsky, or the Engineer's, the castle inSt. Petersburg if not the most beautiful, then the largest monument of architecture, which completes the history of the architecture of the Northern Capital of the XVIII century. Pavel I ordered it. This castle on the water became the place of his death. The author of the project - Vincenzo Brenna, the years of construction - 1797-1801. The name of the building is due to the church of Michael the Archangel (patron of the Romanovs' house), who was in the building of the imperial palace. The castle itself was ordered to be called by Paul I himself, because he was delirious to all European, and besides he took the title of the great master of the Order of Malta, who can not live in teremas or palaces.

Castles of the Kaliningrad region

Separate words deserve the castles of Russia,located on the territory of the Kaliningrad region. Many of them are in a deplorable state. In addition to the above Insterburg, there is the only surviving tower of the Teutonic Castle, the construction of which belongs to the XIII century (the village of Kurortnoye). Castle Waldu (the village of Nizovye), founded in 1264, is one of the three remaining castles in the Kaliningrad region.

The next two are Georgenburg, which isChernyakhovsk, and the castle Tapiau, which is in Gvardeysk. All of them were founded by the Knights of the Teutonic Order. Tapiau after the Second World War was turned into a prison, and only in 2013 the prisoners were transferred from there, and the castle was handed over to the city authorities for restoration. There is in the territory of the region and partially destroyed the ancient (the first mention dates back to 1257) Schaaken Castle.

Speaking about the Kaliningrad region, you can not get aroundattention 4-star hotel-castle Nesselbek, stylized antique. There is this handsome man in the village of Orlovka. Reconstructed according to old drawings, it is equipped with everything necessary for the most demanding tourists.

Locks of the Moscow region

Beautiful castles of Russia are available and far away oneast of the western border. Certainly, built primarily in the XIX century, they were created under the impression of European structures, which admired the Russian money-bags, who wanted to have a piece of medieval Europe in their homeland. It is in the suburbs, there are several estates, styled for ancient castles or Gothic palaces. But we have to state that the Russian buildings are mostly in decline.

Forgotten Beauty

The abandoned castles of Russia, storing traces of the formerbeauty and greatness, for some reason they are not being restored. And how good they would be restored, you can judge by the estate Podushkino. The castle of Baroness Mayendorf, stylized as a knightly building of the Middle Ages, is private property, and only the church is open to visitors. The castle is very good, but it is an exception. He was lucky because he is on the territory of Barvikha, and local residents will not insult their eyes with ruins. Abandoned castles of Russia (photo attached), such as the estate of Muromtsevo, located between Vladimir and Murom, Uspensky and Vasilievskaya estates, once the most beautiful structures, in no way inferior to licked Western prototypes, cause sadness. A two-story church, located not far from Bykovo airport, is this not the castle of the princess? Authorship is attributed to the great Bazhenov.

abandoned castles of Russia

I want to believe that these unique objects will not disappear from the face of the earth.

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