/ / Composition on the theme of art. Composition-reasoning on the topic: "What is real art?"

Composition on the theme of art. Composition-reasoning on the topic: "What is real art?"

Works at school are compulsory assignments thatevery student did. But in order to learn how to correctly write compositions, you should definitely know a number of theoretical rules that will help you cope with the task.

essay on the theme of art

But if you put your thoughts on the usual topics"How I spent the summer" or on school works is not so difficult, then to think more serious already becomes more difficult. One of these themes is the theme of art. Such reasoning requires a deep reflection from the student and some historical knowledge. Let's try to write an essay on the theme of art.

What do we need?

First of all, it is necessary to concretize the topic. After all, the concept of art is very broad, and talking about it in a general sense will not be so simple. If the theme of creativity affects a certain period of time, people, kind, then you will need to carefully study the necessary information.

But since we only need to learn how to express our thoughts, we will consider a general work on art. Prepare a draft and begin.

essay on the theme of art


What is the best way to start your work? We can go several ways:

  1. The first of these is to define the concept"art". What is it? Example: "Art - this is what causes strong emotions and makes a person brighter and stronger feel the world around them." Do not use complex definitions in the work, which may simply be incomprehensible. First independently think about what is true for you, then make sketches on the draft.
  2. The opposite is to start with what isart. Example: "Today the concept of art is very wide. It includes architecture, art, music, dance and much more. The list can be continued indefinitely. But why? "When setting the intrigue in the introduction, you prepare the ground for the main part, in which you will express all your reasoning, answering the question" What is art? "
  3. The problem is one of the bestoptions to start with. Example: "Nowadays the boundaries of the concept of art are beginning to fade. And this is a real problem, because sometimes bad taste borders on the work of creativity. Is this really so? "In this topic, you will need to write an essay on" What is real art? "

Limit the scope of your entry. It should not be large, but should simply include the main idea of ​​your reasoning.

Main part

To write a good literary essay onthe theme "Real art", it is necessary that the main part be properly structured. This means that you need to spread out your thoughts, arguments and examples on the shelves. The main part should start with your reasoning and smoothly reveal the topic. How can this be done?

essay on the theme of real art


If the student is a creative person orjust engaged in any creative section, he can consider the theme of art on a personal example (in addition, this version of the development of the topic is suitable for any option of entry).

For example: "It is possible to argue about art forever, rejecting one and stating otherwise, but, unquestionably, everyone will agree that music is a real bulwark of creation. My life is closely connected with this kind of art. " Then you can continue to guide the reasoning in the right direction and bring personal examples from life.

essay on art

History of art

If the student is not an adherent of creativity, he can write an essay on "Art", referring to history.

Compare the art of past centuries and modernityextremely difficult. For example, if a few centuries ago the true admiration was caused by paintings, music, architecture in a realistic or classical style, today, visiting any art gallery, you will see that it has undergone significant metamorphosis. "

Human psychology

To write an essay-reasoning on "Whatis a real art? ", a student can study it from a psychological point of view, or more accurately, describe the influence and role of art in human life." It has been scientifically proven that creativity helps to improve a person's mental state, because everything created by the hands of a person, then the degree can be considered art, and the creation of the beautiful can express emotions, both positive and negative. "

Use any current theme that is closeyou. An essay on "Art" can express any of your thoughts and views on the direction you have set, so the student should not be afraid to reflect and express his opinion.

In terms of volume, the main part should be the largest and occupy not less than half of the total size of the work.

essay on what is real art


Sometimes it happens that finishcomposition-reasoning on "Art" is much more complicated than on simpler topics. This is due to the fact that the very concept of art is rather blurred, and it is difficult to give it an exact definition. Therefore, the conclusion is not so easy as it seems. But also from this position it is possible to come out the winner:

  • Since the conclusion should be the totala few sentences, an essay on the subject of art can end with a personal opinion of the student about the topic. "I believe that art will always be present in a person's life and will never disappear from it, transforming and going through a lot of metamorphosis, adapting to the change of personality."
  • Also you can leave the subject not to the endclosed. "It would seem that we have figured out what can be considered art. However, will this reasoning be actual in 10 or 20 years? This we can not know yet. "
  • Finishing an essay on the theme of art onpositive note, the student can draw a conclusion in the form of an appeal. "Notice the beauty around. Morning singing of birds. Slowly falling snowflakes or rays of bright sun in puddles. All this is creativity of nature, which we sometimes do not notice. "

As you can see, to talk about such a difficult sphereit was not so difficult. The composition on the topic "The real art" can include any of your thoughts, the main thing is to correctly state them, and then your reasoning will be interesting and competent.

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