/ / Murmansk Technical State University: faculties

Murmansk State Technical University: faculties

In the Murmansk region the largest higher educationThe institution is the Murmansk Technical State University (MSTU). It exists more than 60 years. During this time the university has passed a huge path in development. He brought up a lot of qualified specialists, helped them develop a sense of freedom and a desire for professional heights. Throughout the whole period of its existence, the university changed, adjusted to the requirements of the time, improved its organizational structure. Let's see what the university has achieved and what departments there are now in the educational organization.

About higher education institution

The present MurmanskTechnical State University was founded in 1950. It was created in the form of a nautical school, because the region needed specialists for the fishing industry, which began to develop due to the convenient geographical location and climate.

The first years for the school were complicated. Much had to be created from scratch. However, the institution coped with all the difficulties. Quite a rapid development allowed him to get the status of the Academy of Fishing Fleet in 1992. In 4 years the university expanded the offered specialties, became a university and received a modern name.

Murmansk State Technical University

Educational activity

Murmansk Technical Statethe university can be proud of the training of specialists. Education in the university is conducted on several topical areas of bachelor's degree, specialty and magistracy. Upon completion of training, graduates receive a diploma of higher education and are assigned a specific degree, qualification.

In addition to the bachelor's, specialist andMaster's programs in the university offer programs of secondary vocational education. For their implementation, there are 2 structural units - the college and the technical school. Thanks to the ACT programs, students have the opportunity to become:

  • mechanic technicians;
  • accountants;
  • navigational technicians;
  • operational logisticians;
  • technicians-ship mechanics;
  • lawyers;
  • technicians-electromechanics;
  • specialists in tourism;
  • technicians-technologists;
  • technicians-programmers;
  • technicians-fish farmers.

Murmansk State Technical University

Scientific and international activities

An important priority of MurmanskTechnical University is the development of scientific research. The Academic Council of the university has identified several areas in which the work is carried out. Since the university specializes in training specialists for the fishing fleet, important areas for research are:

  • industrial fishing, navigation, fleet operation;
  • aquaculture and aquatic biological resources;
  • environment, ecology.

In the scientific research of the MurmanskState Technical University "still touches upon the problems of education. The attention of specialists of the educational institution attracts information and computer technologies in science, economics, and technical systems.

Educational and scientific activities areNot the only goals of the technical university in Murmansk. The university is still engaged in the development of international activities. He takes an active part in cooperation with foreign universities in order to improve the quality and relevance of educational programs, conduct joint research and implement important projects. MSTU's partners are in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Germany, Holland, Italy, Slovenia.

mrtu Murmansk State Technical University

Organizational structure

Murmansk Technical StateThe university consists of several basic structural units. Some of them are institutions. All of them grew out of the faculties, arose as a result of the enlargement of the structural divisions. Here is a list of functioning institutions:

  1. Natural and technological. He conducts training on "Chemistry", "Technology of food products", "Technologies of fish products and fish", "Food engineering of small enterprises", etc.
  2. Nautical. The structural subdivision offers a unique direction of training related to shipbuilding, ocean engineering, system engineering of marine infrastructure facilities. Also offered are "Radio Engineering", "Applied Informatics", etc.
  3. Scientific research, technology and innovation. This structural unit is responsible for the planning, organization and analysis of research activities, carries out the training of highly qualified personnel.
  4. Additional professional education. The task of this institute is to train and retrain specialists.
  5. Distance learning. This institute offers incoming modern way of higher education, the essence of which is self-learning and individual work with the teacher when using computer technology.

In addition to institutions in the organizational structurehas Murmansk Technical State University faculties. One of them is connected with arctic technologies, and the other with management and social technologies. Consider these structural units in more detail.

fbbo vpo Murmansk State Technical University

Faculty of Arctic Technologies

This structural unit appeared in 2014year, but its history began much earlier. The origins of this faculty refer to the period when there were natural-technical and polytechnical faculties in the educational institution. In 2013 they were merged into the Polytechnic Institute, and in 1 year this structural unit was transformed into the Faculty of Arctic Technologies.

At the present time, MSTU (MurmanskState Technical University) at this faculty prepares cadres for the life support area of ​​Murmansk and the Murmansk region. The entrants are offered directions related to heat and power engineering, heat engineering, power supply, construction, technospheric security, oil and gas business, automobiles and automobile facilities.

Faculty of Management and Social Technologies

In 1990, the organizational structure of the trainingthe Faculty of Management and Economics appeared. It existed until 2003. Then he was united with the financial faculty. As a result, the Economics Department appeared. Further changes in the organizational structure were carried out in 2012. From the economic faculty and the faculty of international relations and the world economy, an institute was formed. In 2016, the Faculty of Management and Social Technologies was founded on its base.

At the baccalaureate level, there is currently onlyone direction is "Social Work". At the magistracy the faculty implements 2 programs. Their names are "Industrial fishing" and "Water transport management and hydrographic support of navigation".

Murmansk State Technical University faculties

In conclusion, it should be noted that MurmanskState Technical University is one of the best universities in the region. His graduates are in demand on the labor market. Many of them work on ships of the fishing industry fleet, in fishing ports, educational institutions, research institutions. People who have received economic specialties at the university build their careers in banking structures, tax authorities, private enterprises.

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