/ / Chain of food in the steppe zone

Chain of food in the steppe zone

In nature, everything is interconnected. Animals and plants that live in one natural zone constitute a certain food chain. It represents the absorption by plants of sunlight, water, some elements of inanimate nature and their transformation into organic substances. Then these substances and the plants themselves become food for the representatives of the animal world. Smaller and herbivorous animals are eaten by predators. Next followed by scavengers, eating the products of decay. All this sequence is the food chain or food chain.

For each zone of the earth, a certainfood chain. It depends on the representatives of the flora and fauna that are represented in this area. The food chain also includes microorganisms. Usually the food chain begins with smaller representatives of the zone. For example, in water it originates from algae or small unicellular organisms. Then come the herbivores: crabs, crabs, mussels, oysters. Plankton in water plays a huge role, as it is the main source of the food chain.

For sushi, the primary source of the food chainare plants. Then follows herbivorous animals and insects: ungulates, rodents, birds, reptiles. Herbivores eat predators and animals that eat carrion.

Steppe is a territory located on the plain,in the subtropical and temperate zones of both hemispheres. The steppe is characterized by herbaceous, low-creeping vegetation, and a small number of trees.

The chain of food in the steppe is conditioned by the availabilitycharacteristic for her representatives of flora and fauna. Among the plants, feather grass, wormwood and other steppe grasses prevail. They tolerate drought well, do not require a lot of water. Their vegetative system is arranged in such a way that the main peak of their development falls on the spring period. It is at this time that the most favorable conditions are created. Animal world of steppe is represented by ungulates, rodents, reptiles and insects. Very often there are gophers, jerboas, marmots. The family of birds is represented by steppe eagles, bustards, larks, etc.

The steppe zone power circuit may look likeas follows: blackberry - lemming - Arctic fox. This is a small, three-link power circuit. The longer one can be represented as follows: snake - spider - mantis - grasshopper - grasshopper. In the steppe, there are many food chains. They involve all animals and plants that live in this zone. It is a bond that can not be broken or torn. Destruction of at least one link will lead to the disappearance or extinction of other animals.

Recently, the situation with exterminationthe animal and plant world has become catastrophic. People with special cruelty are straightened with innocent inhabitants of not only the steppes, but also other natural zones of the planet. Poaching is suppressed by law, but continues to flourish. Nature defenders of all countries are sounding the alarm. Unfortunately, it is already impossible to return some species of animals and plants. They are irretrievably lost. To prevent the disappearance of some endangered species, urgent measures must be taken.

Man is one of the links in the food chain. He became the main predator. Therefore, destroying animals and plants, mankind endangers, first of all, its existence. Violating the ecological balance in nature, we put our future in jeopardy. Nature is capable of self-regulation through natural selection. But if a person intervenes in this process, then he can not recover without his help. Protect the environment! This is the irreplaceable wealth of the earth.

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