/ / Elena Luljakova - finalist of the tenth season "Battles of psychics". Biography

Elena Lyulyakova - finalist of the tenth season of "Battle of psychics". Biography

Elena Lyulyakova was born on December 26, 1988 in the city of Tambov. She is the finalist of the tenth season of the popular show "The Battle of Psychics," the clairvoyant and healer.

Elena Lyulyakova

A gift of inheritance

Elena was born into a gypsy family. Ljuljakova piously honors traditions, therefore she devoted all her childhood to studying the customs of her people. Before her death, the grandmother on her mother's side gave her little gift of clairvoyance to the little Lena, then Lyulyakova was only 9 years old. As the clairvoyant herself says, often the deceased relatives came to her and transmitted any messages for the living. At first, the little girl was frightened by such guests, and there was not one nearby who could explain what was happening. After the death my grandmother came to Elena. It was she who taught her how to use her gift properly.

Development of abilities

When Lyulyakova was 12 years old, her grandmotherPapa's side began to teach her healing. From the words of the clairvoyant herself, she immediately senses why a person refers to her and lets all his senses through him. It is easier to identify diseases and treat them. Elena, as well as many representatives of her people, knows how to guess on the cards, on the hand and on the coffee grounds.

elena lyulyakova psychic

He began his practice at the age of 13: removed the spoiling, predicted the future and treated people. Helen healed with the help of wax balls, which were connected by a string. This is the original device she uses now. In addition, Elena has the ability to see in the dark, they showed up in one of the trials of "Battle of psychics". Ljuljakova says that as a child she could easily find any desired object in the dark. It was then that she realized that she could look for living and nonliving objects, passing through their energetics. Elena was often approached to help find something, and it always succeeded. Ljuljakova was born in a large family, as the Gypsies do. She has 2 brothers and 4 sisters.

The magical marriage of the psychic

Elena married very early. She met her husband during a session of magic. The clairvoyant herself remembers that a man came to her, who wanted to know what to do and how to act in life. Lyulyakova immediately realized that he would be her husband. At one of the sessions the clairvoyant told him that soon he would fall in love, after which he confessed to her in love. And after 3 months young people already lived together.

gypsy girl Elena Lyulyakova

Participation in the "Battle of Psychics"

Elena's mom has always been an ardent fan of the show"The fight of extrasensories". It was she who sent Elena to fight for her cherished hand. Thinking, Lyulyakova decided to take part in the program to show everyone that the Gypsy people honors their traditions. And gypsies who possess the gift of clairvoyance are able to use it only for the good of helping other people. As the gypsy girl Elena Ljuljakova speaks, she has taken advantage of an opportunity to break the developed stereotypes about the people. The girl wanted to prove that her people were endowed with a gift from above for the sake of good purposes, and not for the sake of gain. On the tests of observers, it was most surprising and amazing how accurately and in what smallest detail described all the events of Elena Lyulyakova. The feedback of those people who took part in the TV show shows that she managed to help them, to direct them in the right direction. Clairvoyant in the trials surprised even the skeptics, which they themselves have repeatedly stated. Elena was able to find a person hidden in the trunk, on a test in the forest, she found not only edible mushrooms (this was the task), but she also found ammunition left after the Great Patriotic War. For the most clairvoyant the test was hard, in which it was necessary to distinguish the dummy from living people. But she proudly passed it and burned a straw dummy. In addition, Elena described each stuntman who was present on the assignment. Elena Lyulyakova is a psychic whose photograph was repeatedly in a white envelope. She went through a lot and eventually reached the finals.

elena lyulyakova reviews

Unfortunately, Elena could not win andtake the prize-hand. The audience preferred to give the most votes to Mohsen Noruzi, and Lulyakova got an honorable second place, she was able to get ahead of Tatyana Karakhanov. As the clairvoyant herself says, the "Battle" helped her to reveal her abilities and gain confidence and strength. At the same time, she admits that she appreciated all her weaknesses and misses at the show.

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