/ / The most beautiful female figures in the world of all times

The most beautiful female figures in the world of all times

Standards of the female figure never stood onplace. The canons for judging the beauty of the female body changed along with the time and fashionable trends. Sometimes, in order to look sexy and attractive to men, the fair sex had to take tough measures and change their body beyond recognition.

Ambiguity of standards

The proportions of the female figure changed completelydifferent directions. Depending on the new trends, the girls had to starve themselves, then on the contrary to gain additional kilograms. Even in the distant 1900s, the waist was pulled tight with a corset so that its girth reached 40 centimeters. From this girl often fainted.

The 60s are characterized by the appearance of Twiggy(Leslie Hornby), who became a popular model due to her leanness. Her example was followed by girls from all over the world, torturing her body with hunger to achieve exquisite parameters. The most beautiful female figures in the world have never been a template for all time.

Even though men alwaysliked a kind of "golden mean" in women's bodies (they wanted to see them moderately well-fed, but not full or lean), women now and then were blindly led to the tricks of the style dictated by time. Thus, the most beautiful female figures in the world of the 21st century are tanned and pumped up bodies. Now the fashion dictates that you should eat right and exercise regularly. Perhaps, this is the most useful and successful fashion trend for the last several centuries. He was immediately followed by celebrities from all over the world.

Let's take a closer look at the most beautifulfemale figures in the world. Do not forget that in order to look great, you need to work hard on yourself, as world-famous models, singers, actresses, TV hosts and other celebrities do.

The most beautiful female figures in the world: the top 10

No matter how cruel it may sound, but on the figuressimple girls and no one has ever leveled. Examples and models for imitation have always become stars, and they were the legislators of forms. Looking at the TV screens, reading magazines or newspapers, the gazes of the girls were riveted to star personalities. So, they did everything to look like their idols, including copying and parameters of the figure.

1. Betty Brossmer

40th and 50th years have opened a magnificent figure of BettyBrosmer. She was a model whose career began when she was 13 years old. At one time she became one of the most famous models, starred for hundreds of covers and calendars, one by one took beauty contests. And it's all thanks to her figure, which captivated admiring glances of both men and women.

It became a sex symbol because of its magnificentbreast, elegant thighs and a phenomenally thin waist. Many girls of our time are unsuccessfully trying to achieve the same parameters. Sometimes it seems impossible without removing the ribs. This procedure was held by several world celebrities, so that the waist was aspen.

the most beautiful female figures in the world

And Betty was the owner of such a figure fromnature, which has earned its popularity. It is believed that she became the prototype of the Barbie Doll, promoted to the screens of Arnold Schwarzenegger and introduced the fashion to fitness classes. Betty Brosmer became a kind of prototype for the appearance on the world stage of Merlin Monroe and Jane Mansfield.

the most beautiful female figures in the world top 10

2. Merlin Monroe

When it comes to femininity and superbsense of style, the name of the magnificent Merlin Monroe immediately comes to mind. The most beautiful female figures of all time could not compare with the charming body of this beauty. And this is despite the fact that according to the classic model measures the type of her figure was completely far from ideal.

At some times, she gained weight to 66 kg andwas quite pleased with them. The legend of Hollywood even struggled with excessive leanness and believed that thin girls are by no means sexual. So this elegant woman spoke about thinness, dictated by time. And she was absolutely right. Thousands of men admired the curves of Merlin's body, her lush breasts, wide hips and small tummy. They believed that the most beautiful female figures in the world of all times and nations should look like this. This opinion exists to this day.

the most beautiful female figures in the world photo

3. Jane Mansfield

It's hard to believe, but in the 50's nobody consideredJane Mansfield has an excellent figure. It was a very ordinary girl, a full-blown brunette, which no one paid attention to. But she had the most important thing - a firm dream to become an actress. Kino-tests did not give a positive result. Once she heard from the producer that she has the potential, but her figure and hairstyle is no good. He advised the girl to lose weight and do something with the hair.

When the same producer saw the beginning actressNext time, he would be amazed: it was a chic blonde with perfect styling and teeth, with lush breasts and adorable shapes. Her full lips and sexy body could not go unnoticed. So began her turbulent career.

She tried herself in the role of both an actress andmodel, where she succeeded with interest. Her idol was Merlin Monroe, and she followed her example, to which the external similarity of the girls indicates. Nevertheless, at one time she faced an avalanche of criticism that fell on her. The behavior of Jane was considered inappropriate because of the fact that she starred in the covers of frank magazines, did not hesitate to erotic scenes in the movies and flaunted in open swimsuits, which was unacceptable by the standards of that time.

the most beautiful female figures in the world photo

This is how the most beautiful female figures in the world looked. You can see Jane's photo below.

the most beautiful female figures in the world of all times and peoples

We told you about the sex symbols of the 50's, but what about the present?

4. Dita Von Teese

Dita Von Teese herself does not believe that she was bornbeauty. She is convinced that her femininity, sexuality and attractiveness are given to her not by nature. This is exclusively her merit and the fruits of many years of work on herself. Like celebrities, which we mentioned earlier, it also has a narrow waist, slender legs and a lush bust. All this complements the porcelain skin without flaws, as well as black shiny hair. This makes the girl a sex symbol of our time.

the most beautiful female figures in the world of the 21st century

She is an ardent opponent of harmful food and notuses fast food. Regular yoga and ballet classes help her to keep fit. The actress in many of her interviews claims she loves to eat deliciously, but she has to show herself in this for the sake of an excellent appearance. Dita Von Teese states that she spoils herself only while visiting restaurants, and that is very rare.

the most beautiful female figures in the world of all times and peoples

The most beautiful female figures in the world

In the rating "the most beautiful female figures in the world"can be attributed hundreds of world celebrities. The remaining 6 steps we give to the stars of Hollywood: Monica Bellucci, Demi Moore, Naomi Campbell, Jennifer Aniston, Irina Sheik and Rihanna. This list can be continued for a very long time. We hope you follow the example of the stars, and your body will also become an imitation.

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