/ / Elena Chaykovskaya. Trainer Chaikovskaya Elena Anatolyevna: biography

Elena Chaykovskaya. Trainer Chaikovskaya Elena Anatolyevna: biography

Elena Chaykovskaya is the legendary coach forfigure skating. The world community knows her as a deserved trainer of the USSR and Russia, a master of sports and an outstanding professor at GITIS. In addition, she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. She is a famous figure skater, who won the title of USSR champion in singles skating, and an actress.

The family of EA Chaikovskaya

In 1939, in the family of the theater-goers of the Osipovsthere was a daughter Elena. The father of the newborn girl was called Anatoly Sergeevich Osipov. He was a member of the troupe at the Mossovet Theater. My mother, Tatyana Mikhailovna, who bore the surname Holman, had German roots. She worked as an actress in the same theater as Elena Anatolyevna's father.

Elena Chaykovskaya

From an early age began to learn the actingskill Elena Chaykovskaya. The life of theater children often goes behind the scenes. Little Lena, the parents-actors were often taken to rehearsals. She knew by heart the roles of some artists.

After the war, AS Osipov was offered to take pictures with his daughter in the film "Machine 22-12". This was the first significant step of the girl to the career of the artist. But fate decreed otherwise.

The way to sport

The second important occupation of Lena Osipova was sports. True, he, unlike the theater, which had become part of the life of the actor's child naturally, was originally a forced measure. During the war, the German origin of Elena's mother did not go unnoticed by the Soviet authorities. Together with her daughter, after the outbreak of hostilities, as well as many Russified Germans, they were deported from the capital.

Throughout the war, Tatyana Mikhailovna and Elena lived indeaf Kazakh village. Severe life severely undermined Lena's health. On her return to Moscow she was shown to doctors who, at the examination, showed a serious lung disease. It was this disease that caused Elena Chaikovskaya to start figure skating.

Doctors recommended Lena to be morefresh air, especially in winter. Anatoly Sergeyevich took his daughter to the skating rink at the Stadium of Young Pioneers. From there began the ascent of an outstanding figure skating star and a terrific coach.

The life of the schoolgirl was locked in an uncomplicatedtriangle: school classes - theatrical backstage - ice rink. Over time, his top climbed figure skating, which led Elena to an incredible success. The young figure skater more than once became the winner of the championships of Russia in single skating. In 1957, Tchaikovsky Elena Anatolyevna beat all rivals in the USSR Championship.

Chaykovskaya Elena Anatolievna

Student life of Elena Tchaikovsky

Higher education girl received in GITIS,studying at the choreography department together with famous dancers. Rostislav Zakharov, the legendary artist of the Soviet Union, having talked with the girl, decided on an experiment - the preparation of the first choreographer who is able to create performances on ice.

Training in GITIS took from Elena all the time,so she left the big sport. Thanks to the perseverance and full dedication of the student, the results of the experiment turned out to be brilliant. Subsequently, the GITIS will create a faculty to train ice choreographers engaged in training athletes in skater schools. This faculty to this day is run by professor and brilliant trainer Elena Chaykovskaya.


Over 50 skaters brought up by ElenaAnatolyevna, became outstanding masters of sports of international class. Her first students, Tatyana Tarasova and Georgy Proskurin, stopped a step away from the championship titles. Tatyana Anatolyevna, after receiving a serious injury, could no longer go out on the ice. After parting with great sport, she went to coaching. TA Tarasova has grown a lot of great figure skaters.

coach Elena Chaykovskaya

The first titled sportsmen,who were brought up by Elena Anatolyevna, were Lyudmila Pakhomova and Alexander Gorshkov. Together with the coach, they managed to create a unique Russian style of ice dancing. In 1976, the pair climbed to the highest step of the pedestal, winning the title of "Olympic champions."

To the next Olympiad Tchaikovskaya ElenaAnatolyevna prepared one more champions, Natalia Linichuk and Gennady Karponosov. They conquered the jury with a completely new style and handwriting on ice. In addition, Tchaikovsky was able to raise outstanding masters of solo skating. Her pupil Vladimir Kovalev managed to win the title of European and World Champion, to receive a silver medal at the 1976 Olympics.

Vladimir Kotin four times became silverprize-winner of Europe. He performed at the World Championships and the Olympic Games. His vivid performances to this day imitate a lot of singles. Now the outstanding figure skater works at the school, which was created by Elena Tchaikovsky, he is her close assistant.

She took under her wing Maria Butyrskaya,a single-figure skater with a "loser" label. After working a year with the great coach, the athlete took first place at the European Championships. And then she was lucky at the World Cup. Mary won gold.

Moscow school "The Tchaikovsky's Horse"

The great figure skater Chaykovskaya Elena, biographywhich - a great role model, has created an amazing school where the stunning champions grow up. Two bright stars of figure skating were released from her walls: Julia Soldatova and Kristina Oblasova.

Tchaikovsky Elena biography

In the walls of the school, ice skating is not taughtonly Russian athletes. Here come Polish, Lithuanian and Italian figure skaters. Its doors are open to CIS athletes. Bronze medalists of European and world championships were Margarita Drobiazko and Povilas Vanagas, who are in favor of Lithuania.

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