/ / Powers of the President of the Russian Federation

Powers of the President of the Russian Federation

The President of the Russian Federation is the head of the country. Formation, organization of executive power, legislation, diplomatic and military activities - this is what the powers of the President of the Russian Federation are.

Powers of the President of the Russian Federation
Powers of the President of the Russian Federation as headstates are that it represents the guarantor of the Constitution, which protects all the rights and freedoms that it defines for a person and a citizen. On his shoulders lies the adoption of measures related to the preservation of the sovereignty and integrity of the country. In the sphere of his responsibility is to ensure the coordinated functioning of government bodies. The president is the representative of the country inside and outside of it.

Powers of the President of the Russian Federation in the role of the headthe executive branch is the need to determine the leading policy directions both within the country and in international relations, appoint the chairman of the government and the entire government.

powers of the president of the Russian Federation
Powers of the President of the Russian Federation, as activelegislator, are concluded and expressed in the fact that he has the right to submit draft laws to the Duma, sign federal laws and promulgate them, issue decrees and orders.

The powers of the President of the Russian Federation, as the chief diplomat, consist in the appointment of diplomatic representatives, the reception of ambassadors of foreign states, the signing of international treaties.

The President of the Russian Federation, in the role of supreme commander-in-chief, must approve the military doctrine, appoint the Air Force command, and introduce martial law.

The President is elected for a term ofsix years. They can become only a permanent resident of Russia, who has lived in the country for at least 10 years. Age of the President is not younger than 35 years. More than two consecutive terms in power can not be the same person.

President of the RF
Despite the fact that the political systemIn the Russian Federation there is a democracy, often the powers of the President expand and go beyond the limits described in the Constitution. This is largely due to the development trends in Russia, as well as the historical peculiarities of the country and its peoples. The political system is still in a state of becoming, therefore the powers of the President or other active participants in the political system can significantly change.

The President is the supreme authority of all headsfederal subjects. Although the very principle of federalism adopted in our country limits the supremacy of the federal government and delimits functions vertically, dividing power into two floors. The president here occupies the top floor, and the lower belongs to the local government. But at the same time the principle of federalism recognizes the supremacy of the authorities.

The president holds the first place in the divisionauthorities. The Constitution realizes this principle in the classical version. The second most important bearer of power is the Federal Assembly. Then - the Executive and the Judiciary. The structure of the system is closer to the political system of France, and the functional content - to the political system of the United States.

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